ethereum-funding / blockrewardsfunding

Project Management is happening in this repo, see the Issues! This is a fork of ethereum/eips.
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listening campaign #17

Open owocki opened 5 years ago

owocki commented 5 years ago

we should figure out a half a dozen people who are respected in the ecosystem, engage them directly on this idea, and then take notes on their feedback / objections

lrettig commented 5 years ago

A few that come to mind:

GregTheGreek commented 5 years ago

Wouldn't be a terrible idea to also have some folks from RadxChange weigh in

owocki commented 5 years ago

@vs77bb and i will be at RadXChange next weekend and can do some listening there

lrettig commented 5 years ago

@owocki @vs77bb did y'all get the chance to listen to some of the smart economists at rxc? Any takeaways?

owocki commented 5 years ago

we did succeed in recruiting one or two who are interested in working with us on some of the economic models

owocki commented 5 years ago

some interesting / thoughtful feedback on why one oft he community members opposes block reward funding