ethereum-funding / blockrewardsfunding

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Technical steering committee #22

Open lrettig opened 5 years ago

lrettig commented 5 years ago

There should be no one person with stewardship over funds or unilateral decision making authority. While working towards a DAO, I propose we start with a group of trusted people.

GregTheGreek commented 5 years ago

Seven or nine members, nominated from among trusted community members

Agreed must be odd number

Representatives of broad constituencies such as core devs and researchers, community leaders & project managers, miners, important ecosystem infrastructure, etc.

I think it will be increasingly valuable to have at least one individual in all the different realms of the ecosystem. Also, be cognizant of their existing roles within the ecosystem and even participation within existing grants programs, avoid any potential COI's...

Should probably be unpaid and relatively low burden, I'm thinking one call every 2-4 weeks

I would say it has to be unpaid. Only situation I can think of where it could be paid would be during grant review processes where there may be >100 applications to sift through. Something like $x per application reviewed, IFFF some "form" is filled out explaining the decision to either approve or decline the application (i.e providing proof of the work completed).

owocki commented 5 years ago

how does the community elect members of the group? how does the group interface with each other and must it be transparent? is nomination for life or do people rotate out after X months?

what type of consensus must be formed in order to fund an individual grant application? where is the consensus tracked? does the group act upon grant applications in chronological order or can certain applications be higher priority?

I would say it has to be unpaid.

I think we will need to combat spam. I like what MolochDAO has done in which you have to stake ETH to complete an application.

lrettig commented 5 years ago

how does the community elect members of the group? how does the group interface with each other and must it be transparent? is nomination for life or do people rotate out after X months?

what type of consensus must be formed in order to fund an individual grant application? where is the consensus tracked? does the group act upon grant applications in chronological order or can certain applications be higher priority?

These are all excellent questions, but again, I think answering them and getting it right will take some time. My gut tells me that, in the short term, the answers have to be of the form: "We nominate people the community trusts. The group functions via rough consensus and efficient flow of funds to deserving projects. Everything is transparent. This is all a stopgap measure and we will work hard on improving and DAO-ifying and lay out a credible roadmap."

I think we will need to combat spam. I like what MolochDAO has done in which you have to stake ETH to complete an application.

An application for funding? Sure. I don't think there is any application to join the steering committee--it's invite-only for now.