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Simple Mechanism for Managing Meta-Dao Group size #43

Open glauseWilde opened 5 years ago

glauseWilde commented 5 years ago

After reading through @jpitts comments on Dunbar Limits and consensus/coordination issues among large groups ( #42 ) I feel limiting the size of the meta-dao will be important if it is required to decide anything for the system operate. In this case indecision would halt progress, which is not ideal.

There are a few classic options to this that require setting multiple requirements but, today as I thought on this I wondered “What would be the simplest ruleset that achieved the desired affects?”

So far I have come up with this:

Require 6 votes for ratification of a proposal

From this there are a few emergent properties that follow:

Requires minimum of 6 members at inception

This is because you need at least six people to have six votes to make any decision. This also corresponds well to the ideal of 7 in a group as mentioned in jpitts post.

Encourages a small size without putting a hard limit

Each additional member dilutes the decision making power of existing members. So, each time there is a vote to add someone new each member needs to weigh “Will adding this member add more value then is removed by the dilution”

It removes the “What percentage is most ideal” discussion entirely

I am considering a hard limit of group size as well, but would like to see how far the one rule could take us first before committing to it. I am sure I am missing things and look forward to you all poking holes.


pet3r-pan commented 5 years ago

My gut says we theres little need to think off far ahead on this yet. And that when it is time, we will then need to roughly shape some sort of meta-DAO governance structure but that will happen amongst the meta-DAO working work members themselves.

glauseWilde commented 5 years ago

I get it, be patient. :) I am just trying to move things along rather then wait for someone else to figure things out. Sooner we get a full fledged proposal the sooner we can get community feedback. 90% of feedback I have heard so far is "I like the idea, but with no plan on how to distribute funds shrug ". I am not suggesting mine be the only proposal, just I would like to see a proposal finished. And by finished I mean technically sound and implementable from the spec alone.