ethereum-mining / ethminer

Ethereum miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support
GNU General Public License v3.0
5.96k stars 2.28k forks source link

Thank you. Faster speeds and Exit func #1442

Closed holyr00d closed 6 years ago

holyr00d commented 6 years ago

thank you for your work in this latest version of ethminer.

faster speeds. just shy of 1mhs boost here and ethminer is now exiting once lost connection with a pool that deauthorizes users connection. a few more accepted solutions per hour too.

wonderful work, really.



ianusy2k2 commented 6 years ago

what version are you using and OS

holyr00d commented 6 years ago

16 dev3. win 7 pro 64bit

ianusy2k2 commented 6 years ago

Any chance we can share our working start.bat file on specific versions....

holyr00d commented 6 years ago


ethminer -U -P stratum2+tcp:// -P exit --farm-retries 1 --farm-recheck 100

here are my oc/afterburner settings gtx 1060 6gb in P0 State: core 0 mem 490 pwr 70% fan 80%

AndreaLanfranchi commented 6 years ago

With -P Stratum... The additional argument farm-recheck is not needed. It only works for http mode (getwork) which is highly inefficient.

Sent from mobile. Apologies for brevity and typos.

In data 18 agosto 2018 11:03:01 R00dNet ha scritto:

sure: ethminer -U -P stratum2+tcp:// -P exit --farm-retries 1 --farm-recheck 100 here are my oc/afterburner settings gtx 1060 6gb: core 0 mem 490 pwr 70% fan 80%— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

lesjokolat commented 6 years ago

ethminer -U -P stratum+tcp:// exit --farm-retries 1 -v

tweaked the start up also may not have had right port.( based on their settings help page) -v helps troubleshoot but eventualy can be removed

holyr00d commented 6 years ago

@AndreaLanfranchi cool. thanks for tip.

@lesjokolat ports correct > scroll to bottom

lesjokolat commented 6 years ago

multi algo ok, once you put port back in can you paste log output that shows errors?

ianusy2k2 commented 6 years ago

from 0.15.0... i tried the latest release on one of my rigs... 0.16.0 dev3 GPU 10 x 1070 NVIDIA INSPECTOR for OC

i tried using the watchdog from github also commandline is same from 0.15.0 it had some issues will try running without the watchdog.... but it recorded some data doewn there

rem Skip RunEthMinerCommand section at start
goto PreStart

rem ========== Run EthMiner Command ==========


rem ==================== Your Code Starts Here ====================
rem ==================== Your Code Starts Here ====================
rem ==================== Your Code Starts Here ====================

ethminer.exe --HWMON 1 --report-hashrate --display-interval 5 --exit --api-port -3333 -U -P stratum1+tcp:// -P stratum1+tcp://  
--minername BJPJ --accesstoken 10e5e726ed4f5a7856a8d001b1af1fe2 --version --verbosity 8 --farm-retries 3 --work-timeout 180 --response-timeout 2 --syslog --list-devices --noeval --dag-load-mode 2 --dag-single-dev 0  
--benchmark-warmup 15 --benchmark-trial 3 --benchmark-trials 5 --benchmark  6132223 --simulation 6132226 --tstop 80 --tstart 40

rem ==================== Your Code Ends Here ====================
rem ==================== Your Code Ends Here ====================
rem ==================== Your Code Ends Here ====================

exit /b

rem ========== PreStart ==========


rem Don't echo to standard output
@echo off
rem Set EthMiner Variables
rem set NO_COLOR=Yes
rem Make script variables local
rem Set version info
set V=1.9.6
rem Switch to the batch file's directory
cd /d %~dp0
rem Set codepage
chcp 437 >nul
rem Set title
title ETHminer WatchDog Version %V% by DeadManWalking

rem ========== Start ==========

echo ###############################################################################
echo   ETHminerWatchDogDmW Version %V%
echo   AUTHOR: DeadManWalking  (DeadManWalkingTO-GitHub)
echo ###############################################################################
echo ETHminerWatchDogDmW
echo 1. Run ethminer.
echo 2. Restart ethminer up to 10 times.
echo 3. Reboot the system.
echo Additional:
echo - AutoFix #385 issue of Ethminer
echo - AutoFix #189 issue of Ethminer
echo - Log file RunTimes.log
echo - Auto Turn off the Error Dialog

rem ========== Initializing ==========

rem set loop to zero
set /A loopnum=0
set FileOut=RunTimes.log
echo ETHminerWatchDogDmW Version %V% >> %FileOut%
reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v "DontShowUI" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f > nul 2>&1

rem ========== Run Program ==========


rem ========== Calc ==========

rem Increment loop by one
set /A loopnum=loopnum+1

rem Calculate Date & Time
rem Check if WMIC is available
WMIC.EXE Alias /? >nul 2>&1 || goto wmicError
rem Use WMIC to retrieve date and time
for /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%G in ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') do (
   if "%%~L"=="" goto wmicDone
      set _yyyy=%%L
      set _mm=00%%J
      set _dd=00%%G
      set _hour=00%%H
      set _minute=00%%I

rem Pad digits with leading zeros
      set _mm=%_mm:~-2%
      set _dd=%_dd:~-2%
      set _hour=%_hour:~-2%
      set _minute=%_minute:~-2%

rem Date/time in ISO 8601 format:
set pISOdate=%_yyyy%-%_mm%-%_dd% %_hour%:%_minute%

goto DateTimeOK

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set pdate=%%c-%%a-%%b)
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a in ('time /t') do (set ptime=%%a:%%b)
set pISOdate=%pdate% %ptime%


rem ========== Output ==========

rem ========== Screen Output ==========

echo ===============================================================================
echo %pISOdate%
echo ETHminerWatchDogDmW has run %loopnum% times.
echo ===============================================================================

rem ========== File Output ==========

echo %pISOdate% ETHminerWatchDogDmW has run %loopnum% times.>>%FileOut%

rem ========== Execution Code ==========

call :RunEthMinerCommand

rem Wait 5s
timeout /T 5 /NOBREAK>NUL

rem Check 10 loops
if %loopnum% gtr 9 goto ErrorHandling

rem Loop
goto runProgram

rem ========== Error Handling ==========


rem ========== Error Screen Output ==========

echo ===============================================================================
echo %pISOdate%
echo ETHminerWatchDogDmW has run %loopnum% times.
echo System restart required.
echo Rebooting now (%pISOdate%).
echo ###############################################################################

rem ========== Error File Output ==========

echo %pISOdate% ETHminerWatchDogDmW has run %loopnum% times.>>%FileOut%
echo System restart required. Rebooting now (%pISOdate%).>>%FileOut%
echo. >>%FileOut%
echo. >>%FileOut%

rem ========== System Reboot ==========

shutdown -r -f -t 0

rem ========== End ==========


rem ========== EoF ==========
holyr00d commented 6 years ago

@lesjokolat i have no errors. this is a thank you post. if you have any errors or problems you should post a thread.

@ianusy2k2 i think you should create your own thread for all of that ;)

lesjokolat commented 6 years ago

ahh ok no im good glad all is well!