ethereum-oasis-op / baseline-grants

The Baseline Protocol has a yearly grant program for funding various R&D initiatives, implementation developments, and other community projects. This repo is used to track grant applications, bounty ideas, and payment requests for grant work.
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BL Grant Proposal RFP #3 -- Reference Implementation Test Harness #83

Open Therecanbeonlyone1969 opened 1 year ago

Therecanbeonlyone1969 commented 1 year ago


As part of proving conformance of a Baseline Protocol Implementation (BPI) with the Baseline Protocol Specification (currently in draft release v 0.1), the entity trying to prove conformance to the Baseline Protocol specification -- all three sections -- must have a systematic way to prove conformance to each requirement. This is most easily achieved through an automated test harness which is the focus of this RFP.


In order to make it easier for implementers to prove conformance, the goal of this RFP is to create an automated test suite or test harness for implementers to prove the conformance of their implementation with the Baseline Protocol Specification. Note, that it is NOT the goal of this RFP to create a full end-to-end integration test suite since those are implementation-specific.

RFP Done Criteria:

Minimal Done Criteria:

Requirments marked as D or conditional requirements may be included in the test harness with the same Done Criteria as for the R requirements.

Note, that implementers might make implementation choices such as for specific zero-knowledge prover schemes that are not covered by the test harness. In that case, it is incumbent to the implementer to add those unit tests to the test harness to ensure that the test harness stays up to date and allows more and more integration with different implementation choices.

Budget: $100,000

ognjenkurtic commented 1 year ago

@GoldenBit0 Since this goes hand in hand with the work core devs are doing on the SRI, we might be good candidates to take on this task as well. Can we talk about this during our next SRI meeting?

GoldenBit0 commented 1 year ago

@ognjenkurtic let's discuss this week!

GoldenBit0 commented 1 year ago

Beneficial Skill Set:


kthomas commented 1 year ago

FYI this PR should be taken into consideration at the next TSC call:

JamieXML commented 1 year ago

Hi, this is Jamie, spoeaking for OASIS. Let me mention a few process and license considerations for the TSC and PGB to discuss. Thank you to Sonal, who gave me a great understanding of what's desired here. Because this is a competitive process, and analogous to a hiring, there are a few steps we advise you to take, so that the outcome is generally accepted as open and fair by all participants.

  1. Baseline project's output itself is under CC0, but FYI, the testbed code is not required to be the same in order to work with the C) material.
  2. You'd be better protected if you specify what license you want from the contractor. We recommend choosing an open source license with patent claim protection. (E.g., Apache) Bluntly, that way, your code contractor doesn't get to sue you or other users later. There are other options as well if you wish to discuss.
  3. The short contract also should provide (and this is an OASIS rule, for your protection) that the right to use the name "Baseline" to officially designate anything, including an official testbed harness, remains with the Project. It should be clearly stated that engaging a contractor does not entitle them to rev and fork Baseline the spec, or give your endorsement to stuff.