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[2024 Q4 Audit] builders/chain-operators/tutorials/create-l2-rollup.mdx #917

Open sbvegan opened 6 days ago

sbvegan commented 6 days ago

Description of the updates required

This tutorial has been pinned at the Bedrock version of the OP Stack for a very long time and I've been kicking the can down the road because the underlying tooling has been in flux for quite sometime. However, we're lucky enough to get this one mostly for free, because along with op-deployer, @mslipper wrote this PR to bring our docs up to date along with the tooling. This tutorial is evolving to be focused on spinning up a devnet and more production focused testnet deployments should be get details in the /builders/chain-operators/deploy/ section of the docs.

Github issue label criteria

Choose the appropriate github issue labels for each page.

Priority - `p-on-hold`: (Defer) Tasks that are currently not actionable due to various reasons like waiting for external inputs, dependencies, or resource constraints. These are reviewed periodically to decide if they can be moved to a more active status. - `p-low`: (Nice to do) Tasks that have minimal impact on core operations and no immediate deadlines. These tasks are often more about quality of life improvements rather than essential needs. - `p-medium`: (Could do) Tasks that need to be done but are less critical than high-priority tasks. These often improve processes or efficiency but can be postponed if necessary without immediate severe repercussions. - `p-high`: (Should do) Important tasks that contribute significantly to long-term goals but may not have an immediate deadline. Delaying these tasks could have considerable negative effects but are not as immediate as critical tasks. - `p-critical`: Tasks that have immediate deadlines or significant consequences if not completed on time. These are non-negotiable and often linked to core business functions or legal requirements.
T-shirt size - `s-XS`: (< 1 day) Very simple tasks that require minimal time and effort. - `s-S`: (few days) Tasks that are straightforward but require a bit more time to complete. - `s-M`: (1-2 weeks) Tasks that involve a moderate level of complexity and collaboration. - `s-L`: (several weeks) Complex tasks that require significant time investment and coordination across multiple teams. - `s-XL`: (> 1 month) Very large and complex projects that involve extensive planning, execution, and testing.
Content evaluation - `a-delete`: don't need this page - `a-duplicate`: some content lives elsewhere - `a-minor`: needs small revisions - `a-moderate`: needs moderate revisions - `a-critical`: needs a lot of work

MDX Metadata format

We will be adding better metadata to the header of each page. If I was actively searching for this page on google and this description was the search result, would I know it's the correct page? Parse the component and feature tags to add.

tags: ["devnets", "eng-platforms"]

title: "Your Title Here"
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]
description: "A short description of the content."
Component tags ``` op-node op-geth op-reth op-erigon op-nethermind batcher standard-bridge sequencer l1-contracts l2-contracts precompiles predeploys preinstalls op-proposer op-challenger op-gov-token op-supervisor op-conductor fp-contracts cannon op-program asterisc kona superchain-registry supersim dev-console opsm mcp mcp-l2 deputy-guardian liveness-guard dispute-mon op-beat op-signer monitorism blockspace-charters op-workbench kubernetes-infrastructure devops-tooling artifacts-packaging sequencer-in-a-box devnets op-supervisor performance-tooling peer-management-service proxyd zdd-service snapman security-tools superchain-ops op-deployer ```
Engineering tags ``` eng-platforms eng-growth eng-devx eng-protocol eng-proofs eng-evm eng-security ```