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Foundation Mission Request: Collective Archive Maintenance #1

Closed bdresser closed 4 months ago

bdresser commented 1 year ago

Foundation Mission Request – Collective Archive Maintenance

How will this Foundation Mission (RFP) help accomplish the above Intent?: The Collective Archives were open sourced as a public good to advance the development of DAOs in the ecosystem. However, the Collective Archives are currently hard to navigate and there is no scalable framework for contributors to update, maintain, and/or expand these resources. Making the Archives easier to use, understand, and update these resources will allow more people to learn, and share their own learnings, improving the accessibility of our governance research and advancing our collective governance intelligence.

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

How should the Foundation measure progress towards this Foundation Mission (RFP):

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

Application instructions

To apply for this RFP, please complete the form in the expandable section below and leave your response as a comment on this issue thread. Submissions will be open until [June 27], at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select one individual/team to complete the work defined here.

Submission form _Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary._ ## Foundation Mission (RFP) Application **Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier](** * **Alliance Lead:** Please specify the best point of contact for your team * **Contact info:** * **L2 recipient address:** * **Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:**
_What's an Alliance?_ Alliances are groups of contributors that *temporarily* work together to accomplish a Mission start-to-finish. This can be an established protocol or project or a group of contributors working together for the first time. Name your group, now you’re an Alliance :)
--- **What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?** - [...] - [...] **Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):** - [...] - [...] **Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:** - [...] - [...] **Please define the [critical milestone(s)]( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:** - [...] - [...] **Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):** - [...] - [...] **Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant:** _(Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)_ - [...] --- Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program: - [ ] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the [Operating Manual]( - [ ] I confirm that I have read and understand the [grant policies]( - [ ] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant - [ ] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined [here]( -- end of application --
sbvegan commented 1 year ago

Hello! I want to express my interest in pursuing this RFP and ask some clarifying questions:

You can reach me here or:

Kind regards, soyboy

amy-jung commented 1 year ago

Hi! Can I get clarification on two points:

  1. This link in the application is private - is there a separate Tier verification process we should be following?

    Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier(

  2. Is the link referencing an example discussion to set expectations for clarity of milestones?

    Please define the [critical milestone(s)]( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Thank you!

oplavande commented 1 year ago

Indicating that we have been in touch with @sbvegan to clarify the above questions

@amy-jung links have been updated, thanks for flagging!

zer0jean commented 1 year ago

Hello ! Is there any updates on this topic ? Otherwise i think i can quickly build an alternative with better experience (using no code) while waiting for a development

oplavande commented 1 year ago

Hi @JeanGuillemont! Thanks for your interest in this Foundation Mission. Applicants have until June 28th to submit their applications. I believe there are some contributors that have made some progress on this, but tagging in @sbvegan and @amy-jung to provide updates if they have any.

The Foundation will make a selection by July 13th (end of Voting Cycle #13.)

I'll update the text above to make sure this is clear, thanks for raising!

sbvegan commented 1 year ago

Hey @JeanGuillemont, for some context, @amy-jung has been working hard to iteratively improve the Collective Archives. The bulk of the proposal has been completed and I believe she's getting ready for submission. You should reach out to her directly and see if she can use any additional help!

zer0jean commented 1 year ago

Hi ! Thanks for the update ! I'll let @amy-jung ping me if she needs any help

amy-jung commented 1 year ago

Hey @JeanGuillemont! Do you have telegram (Mine is @rawhaus)? If not, shoot me your email. We can talk there :)

amy-jung commented 1 year ago

Hello! Very excited to officially submit this application with my friend @carletex

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier] (Ember):

Yes, Ember

Alliance Lead: Amy Jung

Contact info: 


L2 recipient address:

oeth: 0xEb31303Be09e9279F2046e6019502901AB2B6437

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Our team’s experiences and skillsets in open source projects provide a strong foundation for bringing this Collective DAO Archives Catalog to life. Between our team, we cover the range from design to engineering. Additionally, our team's contributions to relevant open source projects demonstrate our commitment to open collaboration and public goods:

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

The Collective DAO Archives Catalog aims to create the most user-friendly, open-source platform that captures, indexes, and archives a comprehensive list of events and challenges from existing DAOs. This site will enable anyone to navigate and contribute to a knowledge base that leverages the power of collective intelligence. By collecting and sharing information about DAOs, the Catalog will allow new and existing DAOs to learn from each other's experiences and identify patterns that can inform their development.

The Catalog will be designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with clear categorization and search functions that enable easy navigation. In addition, the platform will be built with flexibility in mind, allowing for the addition of new features as the DAO ecosystem evolves.

User Type

  1. DAO Builders: The Catalog is intended for contributors or leaders of DAOs who are looking for insights into commonly used practices and roadmaps for building DAOs/orgs.
  2. DAO Tooling/Service Providers: The Catalog can also be used by tooling and service providers who need to contextualize the challenges across many DAOs and shed light on unmet needs and opportunities for improvement.

Contributor Type

  1. Technical Maintainers and Contributor: The Technical Maintainer(s) is a key role for the longterm success of this project. Their roles would be the technical maintenance and hosting as well as the qualitative assessment for PRs being merged. Additionally, contributors who would like to extend the functionality and features of the platform can submit PRs.
  2. Content Creators: The Catalog will engage content creators who are interested in contributing to or expanding on topics related to DAOs, helping to build a comprehensive knowledge base.

Desired Outcomes

  1. User Friendly: The Collective DAO Archives Catalog will prioritize easy navigation, search, and discovery to ensure accessibility to a wide range of users.
  2. Encourages Contribution: The Catalog will actively promote community participation through clear contribution guidelines, marketing, and outreach.
  3. Minimum Viable Foundation: The Catalog will provide a flexible and adaptable framework for organizing information and extending platform features.

The MVP will contain:

  1. A more accessible, user-friendly web interface with:
    • Advanced search and filtering, allowing users to filter by time range and other metadata for easier navigation and discovery of content in the Catalog.
    • Records page view, allowing users to view short details and source links to each DAO event.
    • Collections, allowing users to save and publish search results into one collection.
  2. The site will be built with:
  3. Recategorizing the content and establishing a standardized structure to make it easier for users to find what they are looking for and/or contribute. Feedback and insights will be gathered through user interviews.
  4. Detailed contribution guidelines and processes to encourage contributions from the community. The contribution process will include review and approval by moderators to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content.

This is a video walk through (slightly out of date version) that visualizes what we’d like to build.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:


Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please note, all milestones dates are dependent on proposal acceptance.

Milestone 1: Site Scaffolding

Milestone 2: Front-End Pages

Milestone 3: Search and Collections Functionality

Milestone 4: Outreach and Launch

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)


7. Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

amy-jung commented 1 year ago


Carlos and I wanted to give an update since our submission.

In the past weeks, we chatted with a few collaborators who reached out. These discussions prompted some interesting conversations, including one with Rafa who is interested in building an AI chatbot with the Collective Archives. (We have a shared channel with the OP team to test and better understand the boundaries of a conversational bot. Timing wise, we’ve discussed collaboration / integration towards the end of our V1 build. 🥳)

TL;DR: Through these discussions, we saw a lot more ways to grow the Collective Archives. We will continue to build a user friendly interface to improve the readability and contribution to the Collective Archives. However, instead of focusing on a static site to read data, we will lean into how contributors can actively integrate and build ways to engage with the data.

Our Expanded Vision:

The core mission of the Collective DAO Archives Catalog still aims to create the most user-friendly, open-source platform that captures, indexes, and archives a comprehensive list of events and challenges from existing DAOs.

📌 For short, we reference these DAO events and challenges as “DAO Events”, which is any relevant occurrence in a DAO or DAO-adjacent org’s lifecycle, currently indicated by a public document on any platform like Discourse or Twitter.

An example is a post of Uniswap introducing V4, Launching a Grants Program, or a Temperature Check Proposal to create the Uniswap Foundation.

We believe there’s invaluable insight in how people access off-chain DAO Events and their discussions. Our big vision is to expand the existing Collective Archives by building the largest, most reliable database for querying across all these DAO Events. This bridges qualitative information across all DAOs into one searchable, source of truth. This enables anyone to contribute, integrate, and extend ways to engage with that data. For example, a chatbot is a conversational way for users to ask, read and understand the data. Or could provide the link to on-chain data results of discussions.

How It Affects Our Build:

We will still ship a simple user friendly interface where people can contribute to the archiving of DAO Events (i.e. posts), as well as have the ability to search, read, save, and share their searches (“Collections”). All the milestones remain the same. However, with the expanded vision in mind, it became clear we needed a more scalable option. Therefore instead of a markdown / static site generator approach, we’ve started to take a database approach.

Updates on Our Build:

While it’s still early, you can follow our current development in our Github Repo: What we’ve been working on thus far:

Our V2/ Near Future goals: We’re looking into simplifying the contribution UX by auto-populating content with just a submission link (similar to, and reducing platform dependability by archiving posts using Arweave or IPFS. We’d also like to launch an API for people to integrate and build ways to engage with that data.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions! 🙂

maxlomu commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone! Super excited to submit our plan to successfully execute this mission, and help the Collective Archive to thrive!

Alliance Lead: Max Lomuscio Contact info: Github, Twitter, Telegram: @maxlomu L2 recipient address: 0xd333bc5c9670c9ceb18f9a2cf02c6e86807a8227

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Max's extensive knowledge in DAO & online organizations, and Preetham's proficiency in user-centric design and AI technology leadership form the backbone of our project, making us uniquely qualified to execute this mission. Our blend of technical expertise and solution-oriented vision enables us to dream big and execute fast.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

In the era of AI and advanced chatbot technologies, user expectations around information discovery have fundamentally shifted. Rather than having to sift through potentially dense and jargon-laden resources (or intricated directories), users now expect immediate, concise, and accessible answers that draw on best practices.

The Archives should embrace this paradigm shift to drastically improve accessibility and understanding of DAO-related resources.

Our plan is to create a chat-and-dashboard interface, utilizing OpenAI's technology to deliver organized, cohesive answers based on the collective knowledge derived from DAOs. The objective is to significantly improve the navigation, exploration, and understanding of the Collective Archives, transforming the way users interact with DAO-related resources.

The platform will analyze all the forum posts, proposals, and entries currently in the Collective Archives and create a structured, indexed database. Our tailored AI solution, built on top of OpenAI, will reconstruct answers in a user-centric format based on specific queries, with the capacity to continuously learn and improve from user feedback.

Users can ask questions like "How do I structure a new DAO?", "How should contributors be rewarded?", or "Best practices for liquidity mining programs". The system then provides the best possible synthesized answer, referencing the breadth of collective wisdom within the DAO community.

To ensure the ongoing accuracy and relevance of the resources, the platform will also facilitate community contributions. Users can add new resources by submitting a link through a webpage. A whitelist system will be in place to prevent spam and maintain the quality of submissions. This approach ensures that the platform remains an up-to-date, dynamic repository of DAO knowledge.

Duke of Content (1)


For the initial launch, the team will focus on delivering a highly functional, user-friendly system. The MVP will contain the following key features:

AI-Driven Interface: Users can interact directly with an AI model trained on the Collective Archives. This AI will be capable of parsing user inquiries and providing relevant, comprehensive responses based on the knowledge extracted from the archives.

Database of Indexed Resources: The system will have a comprehensive, structured database created from existing Collective Archives resources. This database will be regularly updated and maintained for the AI to draw upon.

Community Contribution System: An easy-to-use web interface for the community to submit new resources. These submissions will undergo a review process before being added to the structured database.

Whitelist System: To maintain the quality of the resource database and prevent spam submissions, the MVP will include a whitelist system. This will permit only approved users to contribute new resources to the platform.

User Feedback Mechanism: A system to collect and process user feedback on AI responses. This will serve as a critical input for the ongoing training and improvement of the AI model.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

The team will periodically share data on the progress of the project:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

While the initial grant is anticipated to cover the setup, training, and first year of maintenance, we acknowledge that the project’s innovative nature presents a different cost structure compared to a traditional static directory. After 1 year, we propose that the Optimism Collective evaluates the project's impact and potential for a recurring grant to ensure its continued operation.

To reiterate on previous answers, this is more than a chatbot, this is much more than a directory. It's a great mix tailored to the needs of DAO members and builders. By adopting a cutting-edge AI solution to navigate the Collective Archives, we believe we can make DAO-related resources more accessible, contributing to the growth and development of the broader DAO ecosystem.

  1. Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

YES I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the Operating Manual YES I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies YES I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant YES I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here

Thank you for reading, and looking forward to your feedback!

bdresser commented 1 year ago

Submissions for this RFP are now closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal!

Someone from the Optimism Foundation will reach out on or shortly after July 13 to communicate which proposal(s) have been accepted and schedule a kickoff. We may also reach out individually using the contact info you've provided if we want to discuss your proposal in more detail.

In the meantime, feel free to tag me here or reach out directly ( with any questions.

oplavande commented 11 months ago

Thank you all for your submissions! We are very excited to move forward with Amy Jung's submission to convert the Archives into an extensible database and open source contribution framework.

Once this foundational infrastructure is built, we may decide to open additional RFP(s) to layer on add AI or other capabilities.

@amy-jung, Anton, from our Finance team, will be in touch with you shortly to process your grant!

amy-jung commented 11 months ago

July Update

Hello! We're so excited to be recipients of this grant :) Big thank you to the OP team!

Moving forward, we'll be giving updates at the end of each month here in this Github Issue.

You can follow our updates in real time in our Github Repo:


Our Goal: Build the largest, most reliable database for querying across all DAOs to bring qualitative information of DAO Events into one searchable, source of truth.

As we mentioned in our previous update, we've switched from building just a static front-end to a database model with a particular focus on openness of the data and people integrating their app/models with our data.

What We’ve Been Working On

  1. We’ve added Damu to our team for extra support when Carlos’ baby arrives 🐣
  2. As part of our updated database goals, we redesigned the architecture (backend + database + front-end):
    • Split the original NextJS/full-stack APP solution into a back-end (NodeJS/ExpressJS) and front-end (NextJS) to avoid bottlenecks with NextJS API routes when scaling the API.
    • Switched to a monorepo structure.
    • We have a backend with a basic API:
    • We have a live, working front-end (that uses the backend API as data source):
    • Updated the README with dev instructions to run locally.
    • Added docker-compose file to spin a Postgres database locally.
  3. UX & UI:
    • Simplified contribution flow. People interested in contributing DAO Events can just submit one or multiple URLs (where we will auto-populate content) instead of Github/ Manual Form. 🥳
    • We've been working on auto-populating content from a URL in the back-end. We will now have content from the original source to be available on our site. It will also open up the option for us to future proof / archive the content.
    • We've included 2 new fields for each record: author and original post date.
  4. Changes:
    • We will be backlogging "Collections" feature for now.
    • For now, we are only including information that is publicly available (ie. no token gated posts).
  5. In Paris, we caught up with Dennis from Tally to discuss using their API for linking on-chain data.

🔮 Next Up

We’ll be focusing on implementing search and turning the Figma UI prototypes into reality.

Til next time! 🚀 Amy, Carlos, and Damu

amy-jung commented 10 months ago

August Update

Hello! It’s been a slow month for us. Amy has been splitting time with another project and Carlos shipped his biggest PR yet! 👶 He’s on paternity leave 🥳

🛠 What We’ve Been Working On:

  1. Content: We did a huge clean up, updating all of the content (broken links, correcting titles, etc). Part of this process is cleaning and stylizing the raw html content to be available on our site.
  2. Search: Damu got the starting points of search set up. PR is awaiting review for when Carlos is back
  3. UX & UI: Amy’s been working on developing the brand and UI components. This will introduce a new logo and brand style guide.

🔮 Next Up:

We’ll continue to build out the front-end pages, as well as test and improve search.

Til next time! 🚀 Amy, Carlos, and Damu

oplavande commented 8 months ago

Hi @amy-jung! Checking in to see if you have another progress update to share with the community?

amy-jung commented 7 months ago

Sept/Oct Update

Hello! Apologies for missing the last update. We had a brief hiatus but great news, Carlos is back from paternity leave ☺️

We’ve been slowly pushing updates. The staging site has technically been up for awhile, but we’ve been polishing and improving UI + functionality before pushing live.

🛠 What We’ve Been Working On:

  1. Search is live 🥳 Check it out. (Try searching topics like ”governance framework” or “grants.”) We’ll have a more formal user testing session coming soon, but if you find any initial errors or bugs, please ping us or leave a Github issue.
  2. Design / UI:
    1. UI improvements on the long-form records: For most records, we’ve managed to pull the original content then clean and reformat the html to display on our UI. However, we’ve been discussing the best way to stylize given the content is varied and inconsistent. We knew it was a difficult challenge to approach, but we’re determined to ship something crisp 🍂
    2. Created a logo and brand style guide.
  3. Improved documentation (especially the prisma/data) for project contributors.
  4. Updated Database: We’ve been updating the database as we go to ensure it’s synced with the Collective Archives when it’s live.

🔮 Next Up:

  1. Design: We still have small UI updates and improvements, including finalizing long-form content style for the Records page.
  2. Contributions Page: We added an additional feature for contributors to submit multiple URLs through a CSV file. Once we finalize the contribution flows, we’ll update the Github repo’s contribution wiki.
  3. Add About / Footer.
  4. Add Advance Search: Search by categories.
  5. User Testing Sessions

Til next time! 🚀

Amy, Carlos, and Damu

amy-jung commented 7 months ago

November Update

Hello! It’s only been two weeks, but we have some updates 🚀

🛠 What We’ve Been Working On:

  1. Fixed a few bugs
  2. Pages:
    1. Home Page: Added logo and updated with brand style guide.
    2. Records Page: Improved and finalized long-form content style so text looks much cleaner 🥳 (example)
    3. Added About Page and Footer.
    4. Designed No Results Page.
  3. Contribution Flow: We mapped out content/URL contributions flow from user to backend.
  4. Started outreach for User Testing Sessions.

🔮 Next Up:

  1. User Testing Sessions: We’ll be organizing sessions with an initial set of users to better understand contribution and search behaviors as well as get user test/get feedback our current staging site.
  2. Contributions Flow: We’ll build out a single URL and textarea logic for now and finalize CSV via user testing.
  3. Search:
    1. Improve search experience
    2. Build “Advanced Search” filters and explore categories
  4. Adding small UI updates (page loader, styling tweaks, etc)
  5. Updates to database: We’ve been updating the database as we go to ensure it’s synced with the Collective Archives when it’s live. We’ll do another sweep.

We’re aiming for a soft launch by end of the year for folks to test and play around during the holidays. Then we’ll have official marketing push for January ❄️

Til next time! 🚀

Amy, Carlos, and Damu

amy-jung commented 6 months ago

December Update

Hello! Here’s our final update of the year before we break for the holidays ❄️

🛠 What We’ve Been Working On:

  1. Pages:
  2. UI Updates:
  3. User Testing Sessions: We've reached out to 10 users, conducted 3 sessions so far, and have one more scheduled in the new year. The feedback on the site concept has been great! Here are some initial insights:
    • "Past Events vs. Most Recent Events": As we've focused on older, archived content, we've discovered that DAO researchers play a more significant role as core users and contributors. Our initial assumption that "Operators" were the power users shifted when we learned that Operators search to "retrieve what we already know happened" (Past events) but struggle to find "what we don't know" (patterns). It'll be intriguing to see how the Catalog can help unearth insights about "what we don't know."
    • Users are unaware that the records are manually curated, and not all forum results are in our Catalog. We should manage expectations regarding the database (explaining why certain posts aren't included or why a specific version of something might not be available) to foster trust and enhance the user experience.
    • It would be ideal to display the outcome and/or version of each event.
    • Social aspects (popularity/engagement on source posts, popular searches) are considered "nice-to-haves" but not an immediate priority. (This aligns with our initial assumption, so it's great to have it validated).
  4. We've initiated a Launch Marketing Plan and finalized the V1 feature checklist.

🔮 Next Up:

January is all about completing Milestone 3 and progressing to Milestone 4: Outreach and Launch.

Finalize V1 features for completeness:

  1. Implement UI of advanced search (filters, etc)
  2. Implement a No Results Page
  3. Finalize site analytics for measuring metrics
  4. Database update: We'll perform a final database update via our Contribution page when it goes live!
  5. Update documentation & create template for submitting Github issues
  6. Minor improvements:
    1. Ensure UI consistency
    2. Improve search experience

Milestone 4: Outreach & Launch

  1. User Interviews: User interviews have not only been invaluable for testing but have also helped raise awareness about the Catalog! We'll continue conducting these as part of our marketing efforts.

While we take a holiday break, we're eagerly anticipating the final stretch in the new year 🥳

Til next time! 🚀

Amy, Carlos, and Damu

amy-jung commented 4 months ago

Final Update

Hello! Here’s our final update 🥳

🛠 What We’ve Been Working On:

We implemented advanced search, no results page, polished UI, cleaned up mobile view, privacy-enabled site analytics, completed more user interviews and final updates to our database, and updated our contribution documentations!

Completion of Milestone 4: Outreach and Launch

Help us spread the word! Twitter: Mirror:

🔮 Next Up:

We’ve added V2 Features in our Github as well as created a template for submitting Github issues.

We really appreciate the patience and encouragement as we shipped this. Thank you all for your support! 🚀

Amy, Carlos, and Damu

oplavande commented 4 months ago

Amazing to see this launch! I've put a request into our marketing team to amplify your launch tweet and we will also link to the DAO Catalogue in the Collective DAO Archives (which are getting an update at ethDenver!)