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Foundation Mission Request: Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network #110

Closed oplavande closed 2 months ago

oplavande commented 9 months ago

Foundation Mission Request – Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network

Mission Request

How will this Foundation Mission Request (RFP) help accomplish the above Intent?:

This Mission Request will increase the accessibility of Optimism governance grant programs (including RetroPGF) by creating an ecosystem investment network that connects builders with additional access to upfront capital.

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission Request (RFP)?

Optimism attracts builders from many different backgrounds and development stages – from indie hackers to seasoned entrepreneurs. While grants from Optimism Governance are effective in aligning builders with Optimism’s long-term success, builders sometimes need capital in order to cover up-front development and growth costs.

To complete this Mission, the Collective is looking for someone to establish an Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network that connects builders and investors. This project should:

This Mission does not include the following:

Additional Context

Venture investment plays an important role in the long-term vision for Optimism. Today, Optimism runs regular rounds of Retroactive Public Goods Funding to builders contributing to the public good of the Optimism Collective. Eventually, venture investment can be an important part of this funding mechanism: RetroPGF can create a market of investable projects by providing an "exit" in the form of funding from RPGF rounds. This allows venture investors to invest in exchange for equity or for future funding from RPGF, if received by the team. This helps make seed capital from venture investors more accessible to builders who need access to funding in order to start building. For more on this topic, read Vitalik’s guest post on the Optimism blog.

This is not required for this Mission Request or for the Ecosystem Investment Network. It is included here as context to help influence how this project could evolve over time.

What milestones will help the Collective track progress towards completion of this Foundation Mission Request (RFP)?

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

A successful Mission may be measured on:

Badgeholders may also identify more rigorous or quantitative metrics of success at their discretion as part of the retroPGF evaluation process.

Application instructions

To apply for this RFP, please complete the form in the expandable section below and leave your response as a comment on this issue thread. Submissions will be open until October 3rd, at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select one individual/team to complete the work defined here.

Submission form _Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary._ ## Foundation Mission (RFP) Application **Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier](** * **Alliance Lead:** Please specify the best point of contact for your team * **Contact info:** * **L2 recipient address:** * **Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:**
_What's an Alliance?_ Alliances are groups of contributors that *temporarily* work together to accomplish a Mission start-to-finish. This can be an established protocol or project or a group of contributors working together for the first time. Name your group, now you’re an Alliance :)
--- **What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?** - [...] - [...] **Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):** - [...] - [...] **Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:** - [...] - [...] **Please define the [critical milestone(s)]( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:** - [...] - [...] **Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):** - [...] - [...] --- Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program: - [ ] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the [Operating Manual]( - [ ] I confirm that I have read and understand the [grant policies]( - [ ] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant - [ ] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined [here]( -- end of application --
jommi9 commented 9 months ago

Is this specifically about equity investment or can we also utilize and suggest other forms of investment such as convertible token notes, or loans?

vwtao commented 9 months ago

Hi jommi9! Since the mandate of this individual is to establish the network between projects and capital, it's not limited in scope to the form of investment. That being said, we believe that the most common form required by projects is equity but if there is a case to be made for other forms, then it would achieve the impact this RFP has set out to make.

Abuchtela commented 9 months ago

Foundation Mission Request (RFP) – Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network

  • Foundation Mission Request: Establish the Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network
  • S4 Intent: Intent 4
  • Proposal Tier: Ember
  • Baseline grant amount: 25k OP for establishment of network (Potential for future engagement will be assessed upon completion of this mission)
  • Should this Foundation Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple Alliances: One
  • Optimism Foundation point-of-contact: @vwtao
  • Submit by: October 3rd at 19:00 GMT
  • Selection by: October 24th at 19:00 GMT

Mission Request

How will this Foundation Mission Request (RFP) help accomplish the above Intent?:

This Mission Request will increase the accessibility of Optimism governance grant programs (including RetroPGF) by creating an ecosystem investment network that connects builders with additional access to upfront capital.

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission Request (RFP)?

Optimism attracts builders from many different backgrounds and development stages – from indie hackers to seasoned entrepreneurs. While grants from Optimism Governance are effective in aligning builders with Optimism’s long-term success, builders sometimes need capital in order to cover up-front development and growth costs.

To complete this Mission, the Collective is looking for someone to establish an Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network that connects builders and investors. This project should:

  • Aggregate a cohort of investors interested in connecting with builders on OP Mainnet and understand their investment thesis
  • Establish a scalable process for aggregating and collating the flow: process to source leads from all relevant avenues, clear application instructions for projects, simple yet informative application template, and reliable pattern to share project details with investor groups
  • Facilitate introductions between builders and investors where and when appropriate
  • Gather feedback from investors and builders on the process and identify ways to improve the program

This Mission does not include the following:

  • Advice or participation in structuring deal terms between investors and builders.
  • Making investment recommendations or providing financial advice.

Additional Context

Venture investment plays an important role in the long-term vision for Optimism. Today, Optimism runs regular rounds of Retroactive Public Goods Funding to builders contributing to the public good of the Optimism Collective. Eventually, venture investment can be an important part of this funding mechanism: RetroPGF can create a market of investable projects by providing an "exit" in the form of funding from RPGF rounds. This allows venture investors to invest in exchange for equity or for future funding from RPGF, if received by the team. This helps make seed capital from venture investors more accessible to builders who need access to funding in order to start building. For more on this topic, read Vitalik’s guest post on the Optimism blog.

This is not required for this Mission Request or for the Ecosystem Investment Network. It is included here as context to help influence how this project could evolve over time.

What milestones will help the Collective track progress towards completion of this Foundation Mission Request (RFP)?

  • Clear project plan with milestones and projected dates for completion of each milestone.
  • Published process to source leads throughout the ecosystem
  • Published process for projects to participate in the network
  • Go-live date and launch for the first iteration of the program

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

A successful Mission may be measured on:

  • number of projects and investment groups participating in the network
  • number of introductions of projects and investors

Badgeholders may also identify more rigorous or quantitative metrics of success at their discretion as part of the retroPGF evaluation process.

Application instructions

To apply for this RFP, please complete the form in the expandable section below and leave your response as a comment on this issue thread. Submissions will be open until October 3rd, at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select one individual/team to complete the work defined here.

Submission form Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary.

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier

  • Alliance Lead: Please specify the best point of contact for your team
  • Contact info:
  • L2 recipient address:
  • Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

What's an Alliance? What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

  • [...]
  • [...]

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

  • [...]
  • [...]

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

  • [...]
  • [...]

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

  • [...]
  • [...]

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

  • [...]
  • [...]

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

  • [ ] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the Operating Manual
  • [ ] I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies
  • [ ] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant
  • [ ] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here

-- end of application --

Alliance Lead: Amber Contact info: L2 recipient address: 0x0B58857708a6f84e7EE04BEAEF069a7E6D1D4A0b

To establish the Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network, we propose the following approach:

1.  Aggregating Investors:
•   We will actively engage with potential investors within the Optimism ecosystem, identifying those interested in connecting with builders on OP Mainnet.
•   We will understand their investment theses, ensuring alignment with the goals of the network.
2.  Scalable Process for Aggregating and Collating:
•   We will implement a scalable process for sourcing leads from various relevant avenues, including community forums, partnerships, and social media.
•   We will provide clear and user-friendly application instructions for projects, ensuring a straightforward onboarding process.
•   An informative yet concise application template will be created to capture essential project details.
•   We will establish a reliable pattern to share project details with investor groups securely.
3.  Facilitating Introductions:
•   Our platform will facilitate introductions between builders and investors when mutual interest is expressed.
•   The platform will operate in real-time, allowing for timely connections between parties.
4.  Gathering Feedback:
•   We will actively seek feedback from both investors and builders participating in the network.
•   Feedback will be collected through surveys, feedback forms, and direct communication.
•   Insights gathered will be analyzed to identify areas for improvement in the program.

We are committed to creating an efficient and transparent Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network that benefits all participants. Our approach ensures a seamless experience for builders and investors while fostering collaboration and growth within the Optimism ecosystem.

We will establish clear milestones to track our progress, and the success of the mission will be measured by the number of participating projects and investors, successful introductions, and participant satisfaction.

Thank you for considering our proposal to complete this mission.

Lordwadsworth commented 9 months ago

Alliance Lead: Lordwadsworth Contact info: lordwadsworth on discord on telegram L2 recipient address: 0xadB802A87832129dE40052805f3bc9D56689e136 Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:,, our groups twitter page

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission? Homeless Ventures has several accolades under our belt as a group, one of them being that we are currently co-sponsoring a similar program, a hackathon with Ankr. We are supporting prominent judges from Microsoft, Zksync, and Google. We have an intricate network of investors and DAOs to facilitate introductions for builders on day one. Our alliance comprises several DeFi-native individuals, all with several years of experience. Our group includes project developers, researchers, writers, advisors, business development representatives, marketers, founders, and representatives from several other niches. Currently, we've facilitated introductions to SAFE, pre-seed, seed, and series A raises for a variety of different companies. We have experience in running a rigorous due diligence process to ensure the safety, security, and reliability of the projects we work with. Out of these projects, we've carefully handpicked 10% due to our highly selective criteria.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

With the focus of this mission being on establishing an Optimism ecosystem investment network, we will immediately connect builders with our existing network of investors, funds, and DAOs. We will also closely communicate with the builders and investors to ensure the program runs smoothly and be open to constructive criticism for potential improvements. We will continuously network to bring in new investors to increase the success rate of projects in achieving successful raises. We will work closely with the projects and builders to ensure their investment thesis is not only understood but can also be clearly communicated to potential investors.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work: Homeless Ventures will first create a subdomain design with a custom Optimism UI to facilitate the information, inbound requests, and types of projects. Homeless Ventures will work directly with the Optimism Foundation for the most up-to-date initiatives. Homeless Ventures will also collaborate directly with the Optimism Foundation to assist builders and projects with investment and network support. We would also suggest that Optimism assists with co-marketing to ensure a successful program launch, which would also include a potential intake form that we would fully manage. Subsequently, we will set up a multisig wallet, ideally with a member of the Optimism Foundation, to transparently ensure grant funds are held safely and spent in accordance with the program as outlined. Our initial use of the funds will be to create the front-end design, potential KYC/KYB as applicable, and any ongoing labor required to maintain this network.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal: Milestone 1: Prior to commencing milestone 20% of tokens will be released contingent on approval of the program outline. This would kick off Homeless Ventures to complete the website, landing page, and deck. Milestone 2: 20% tokens will be released upon the completion of the website, landing page, deck, and a joint AMA to highlight the details with Optimism, thereby launching the Optimism investment network. Milestone 3: 60% tokens will be released upon the successful completion of one investment round, which also includes ongoing advisory assistance, marketing, and business development from Homeless Ventures. We have designed milestone 3 with flexibility in mind, understanding that every company we invest in may have different requests, and we are happy to accommodate requests tailored to our conversations with them.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.): Introductions to builders and projects, inclusion in Optimism builder chats, marketing support that highlights our relationship, and an intake form that we would manage to attract investors to the Optimism investor network from both the Optimism Foundation website and the Homeless Ventures website.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the Operating Manual I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here

Update 2/2/24: Tremendous business development progress has been made talking with VCs/Daos/Angel investors to join the incubation deal flow program. Next steps for this to go live is website approval from the Optimism team.

xdaluca commented 9 months ago

Alliance Lead: Thiago Catarino Contact info: L2 recipient address: 0x20d7C195eC8C6B33e4c3e569f465E7F7bE1b00E7

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

Thiago Catarino

Hailing from Brazil, I've been deeply involved in the crypto space since 2017, fueled by a fervor for catalyzing change. I've worn many hats along the way, including my role as a country manager at SingularDTV, where I pioneered innovative entertainment avenues on the Ethereum blockchain. My journey continued with diverse roles: steering growth marketing strategies at OKX, fostering community for UGC and Games platforms at Contentos, and delving into an ID Tool as growth and governance researcher within FreeFlow, backed by ThreeFold. This year, alongside partners, led the ETHSamba hackathon, an endeavor aimed at nurturing adoption. Moreover, I co-founded Arandu, a venture builder dedicated to RWA in Brazil and have been contributing with Starknet growth. Please see my Linkedin for further info.

Luca Cosivi

I’ve worked in many roles across the onchain landscape, from event organizer, community developer, product manager I am deeply passionate about Ethereum and what it proposes to the world. I’ve been lucky to meet a large number of individuals and companies along the way and build strong connections with people in the onchain world as well as helping those that are considering venturing into it. Some of my projects have been, co-founding ETHSamba, building (now deprecated) as Product Lead at Winding Tree ( one of the first onchain hotel booking marketplaces), and a long list of smaller projects like, You can find all my relevant socials at

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

1. Aggregating and Collating the Flow Tool: Implement a Customer (i.e. Investors and Projects) Relationship Management (CRM) system to efficiently manage investor and builder data. Ideally at the start we would recommend using a tool that integrates with the existing stack behind used in the Optimism Collective, and is something we would align with during the set-up phase with the Foundation team. Playbook: Develop a lead generation playbook that feeds the CRM with both interested investors and promising entrepreneurs in the Optimism ecosystem. Mental Model: "Sales Funnel" model to track and analyze the flow of potential investors and projects through the aggregation process.

2. Facilitating Introductions Tool: We propose to facilitate both async and sync introductions.

3. Gathering Feedback and Continuous Improvement Tool: Set up feedback forms or surveys to collect input from both investors and builders at specific intervals. Playbook: Create a playbook for conducting regular feedback sessions and analyzing the data for insights. Framework: "Plan-Do-Check-Act" (PDCA) framework to iteratively improve the program based on feedback.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

Please note that some of these milestones would ideally happen in conjunction with other key dates in the Optimism Collective roadmap. We would highly recommend iterating and reviewing the timelines with the Optimism team before starting anything. We will also remain in constant communication at every milestone step to re-evaluate and check if the priorities should change.

Post-delivery (dependent on renewal of the RFP and alliance)

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

  1. "Platform" Launch KPI: Successful launch of the CRM and processes associated with it.

  2. User Acquisition KPI: Number of registered investors and projects on the platform.

  3. Successful Matches KPI: Percentage of matched investors and entrepreneurs who progress to due diligence.

  4. Investment Closing Rate KPI: Percentage of due diligence processes that result in successful investment closures.

  5. Platform Growth KPI: Month-over-month user growth rate.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

We understand that many grants in the collective are paid with a 1-year lock, but in order to complete this RFP successfully and dedicate the appropriate amount of time we would need it to be paid on a monthly schedule, according to the agreed milestones. The first payment would be at the end of week 4. The following installments would be paid every 3-weeks for another 3-weeks.

Additionally, all expenses related to software tools, event organization and the set-up of the platform are not being considered as part of the assigned budget of this RFP. We would need guidance to understand how to expense this to the Optimism Collective or Foundation.

Below are some constraints that we believe should be taken into account. These can be mitigated with proper support from the Optimism Foundation and other relevant alliances in the collective.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

equanimism commented 9 months ago

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):


  1. Project: for fundraising or collaboration, they would often need to reach out to investors via cold email but conversion rate is on average less than 1%.

  2. Investor

    1. Investors want to create a reliable, proprietary source of deal flow but the source is not scalable outside of the personal network that they have.
    2. While they can certainly access publicly available information (project list, TG group chat, etc.), investors, having to review a few dozen projects at any given time, usually prefer looking at qualified projects only from a trustworthy source. This explains the low conversion rate of cold emails to investors.
  3. Optimism: partnership/BD personnel try to connect projects on Optimism with investors, but the effort is not so scalable because it is dependent on the personal networks of the personnel and cannot be executed on a regular basis.


  1. Outbound channel for projects to reach out to investors

    1. Investor list (“Optimistic Investors”): the list will be accessible to the projects containing the information relevant to the projects for fundraising, such as typical check size, valuation range, and investment thesis.
    2. Project list (“Optimistic projects”): this list will be accessible and shared with the investor/VCs participating in the program on a regular basis. The list will be on an approval basis from one of the Alliance committee members, ensuring the quality of the list (i.e., screening out potential scam projects).
    3. Quarterly virtual demo day (“Optimists Day”): this will be a venue for projects on Optimism/OP Stack to show case their projects to top crypto investors/VCs around the world on a regular basis.
  2. Inbound source of deal flow for investors

    1. Monthly update (“Optimistic Update”): the email will contain a summary of qualified new projects on Optimism/OP Stack. It will only be distributed to investors who signed up on the program, along with the project list (see Solution 1.b).
  3. Feedback loop for improvement

    1. Create a survey to collect NPS and comments: a “send feedback” button (Example) will be added to the aforementioned sign-up pages and monthly update emails.
    2. Post-demo day exit interview: with at least 2 investors/projects to gain in-depth understanding.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Timeline | M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | M5 | M6 | M7 | M8 | M9 | M10 | M11 | M12 -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- Investor sign-up page set up | 10% |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   Project sign-up page set up | 10% |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   Investor/project list set up |   |   | 10% |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   Monthly investor updates |   |   | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 10% Demo day held |   |   | 10% |   |   | 10% |   |   | 10% |   |   | 10%

1. Investor list (“Optimistic Investors”): by end of month 1

2. Project list (“Optimistic projects”): by end of month 1

3. Monthly update (“Optimistic Update”): by end of month 3 and every month

4. Quarterly virtual demo day (“Optimists Day”): by every quarter

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

  1. Milestones have been set to represent the leading indicators to generate meetings between projects and investor/VCs: 1. Generating leads

    • Investor application page set-up
    • Project page set-up
    • number of Investor sign-ups
    • number of Project sign-ups

    2. Qualifying leads

    • number of email updates
    • number of demo days held

    3. Maintaining feedback loop

    • Survey form set-up
  2. These leading indicators will lead to eventual conversion, which is actual meetings between VCs and investors for fundraising or collaboration.

Below is the suggested allocation for each milestone achieved. Details can be found here:

Type | Allo% -- | -- Landing pages set up (project, investor, roster) | 21% Monthly investor updates | 14% Demo days held | 20% Cumulative # of project sign-ups | 15% Cumulative # of investor sign-ups | 15% Cumulative # of meetings between projects and investors | 15% Total | 100%

From this solution, we expect to arrange at least 100 meetings (~9 meetings per month) between investors and projects by the end of the first term of this project. The detailed calculation can be found here.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

  1. Infrastructure

    1. Access to the CRM tool the team is using
      1. This will be used to collect and store investor/project leads. The reason we’d prefer using the CRM used by OP Labs is to enable access to the dataset by the team in the long run, in case this project is put to a halt.
      2. If the team deems that this doesn’t matter so much, I’m planning to use Airtable (via Typeform).
  2. Management

    1. Asking investors in Optimism to join the investor list (a16z, Paradigm, IDEO Collab, Nascent, Wintermute).
  3. Devrel and Marketing

    1. Initial meeting to brainstorm ideas on how to reach out to prospective projects more effectively.
    2. Helping to make ecosystem-wide announcements on Discord, X, and other relevant channels on the program’s launch, monthly email updates for investors, and quarterly demo days.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

vwtao commented 9 months ago

Thank you to all that have made submissions thus far!

We've extended the submission deadline to allow for more applicants and interested parties.

xdaluca commented 9 months ago

Thank you to all that have made submissions thus far!

We've extended the submission deadline to allow for more applicants and interested parties.

@vwtao thanks for the update, might be worth also updating the date in the season 4 roundup post:

Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 11 11 23 AM

mattyboomboom commented 8 months ago

RFP #110 Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network

Foundation Mission Application | Move78

Alliance Lead: Matt Law Contact info: / @mattyboomboom (Twitter/Telegram) L2 recipient address: 0x2a880558F3e15b1F2A15a83aC4c3f15a500e12D4

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

Our Alliance: Move78

Move78 is a growth studio to build and deliver go-to-market strategies for emerging tech brands. We are a collective of design, media and growth experts, together we have experience working with over 100 startups. Our experience is through working at accelerators, VC funds, and innovation studios, and we would love to apply these skills to grow the Optimism ecosystem by better connecting builders with investors.

We work with founders and innovaters to explore, create and grow products. We make complex propositions simple and compelling for your users, and build growth machines that scale. You can see some of our case studies here:

As a team we have worked with a number of projects across the crypto and web3 space, including:

Matt Law

Matt will be the alliance lead for the project. He is former COO (and previously CMO) at Outlier Ventures, and led the advisory service line of the web3 incubator and accelerator in London. He also designed and launched the successful Base Camp Accelerator program, and in that time, worked with over 40 Web3 startups to grow + raise. During this time he led the team to develop the investor network, and deliver showcase “demo days” for cohort graduates.

Twitter: Linkedin:

Rick Williams

Rick has over 20yrs of industry experience, most recently having spent the last 6 years at R/GA London as Director of R/GA’s Venture Studio in Europe, where he oversaw creative capital deliverables across the portfolio. In this time Rick worked with over 30 founders on their proposition and investor relations strategies. Rick has a wealth of hands-on Web3 experience, including layer1 wallet design, UX, GTM strategies and community design. Rick’s role in the team will be on Founder/Builder relationships, and developing a great network of talent to feed into the investor network.

Twitter: Linkedin:

JC Oliver

JC is a former head of innovation for Microsoft and AOL, setting up their skunkworks teams to deliver award winning work from the likes of Hyundai and Virgin. He is also a successful entrepreneur having co-founded 2 companies in Recast and Unlocked. He is currently advising several Web3 startups on branding and business development, including a16z-backed Co:Create. JC will lead on business and ecosystem development in the project

Twitter: Linkedin:

Tim Parsons

Tim worked as a strategist at several leading creative agencies including Ogilvy, AnalogFolk, and R/GA, before moving into early stage startups. Since then he has led growth and fundraising initiatives across a variety of projects including clean energy startup Squeaky, alongside several Web3 clients during his tenure at Move78. Tim will lead the development of the launch campaign and structure of the CRM system for the network.


Yasin Kheradmand

Yasin has designed and executed a number of successful investor outreach programs during his tenure. In previous roles he worked on marketing campaigns for the Swiss Stadler, and helped a London startup raise £750k and grow their product to 15k users through growth hacks and guerilla marketing. Yasin will deliver the growth activities across outbound and inbound to ensure the successful launch of the network.


What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Our studio works with and advises a number of Web3-based projects, including Boson Protocol, Co:Create, Fetch AI and SubQuery. Our founders have a deep understanding of Web3 ecosystems and investor/ builder incentives.

Matt Law is the former COO (previously CMO) at Outlier Ventures, while Rick WIlliams spent 6 years as Director of R/GA’s Venture Studio in Europe.

As a collective we’ve raised over £250m across 100+ projects, and possess extensive experience around pitch refinement, investor outreach, and deal flow.

We have extensive experience as a team connecting innovators and builders with capital, a core feature of our team is network development for early stage projects and teams, across messaging, investment and business development.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Creating an effective Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network

In our proposal below we outline a plan to develop the Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network, connecting builders and investors to enable growth in the Optimism ecosystem. We will achieve this by building out talent and investor pools, then deploying a program of synchronous and asynchronous showcases, taking the form of email and event-led activations to connect builders and investors.

Project overview

To commence, we will validate the thesis and direction with Optimism core team members and the wider community through an initial consultation process.

During the setup phase, we will conduct a marketplace audit to understand the current investment network, and the most promising builders in the Optimism community. This will prime us for Outbound activities to make stakeholders aware of the Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network. In conjunction with this we will develop and deploy an Inbound pipeline where Founders and Builders can propose their initiatives, projects and companies to appear in upcoming Optimism Showcases.

Showcases will take the form of a community connections email (monthly), a Showcase event (quarterly) and curated connections and intros as requested by community members. This proposal covers the setup and first round of the program, comprising the launch. Ongoing management would fall under a separate scope of work.

Project deliverables table


Core Deliverables

The proposed network will be live for applications in December 2023, and the first showcase will take place in February 2024. The project will also set the foundation for an ongoing self-reinforcing cycle of value creation through management of relationships and connections, with a rolling pattern of activities that can be repeated quarterly to showcase, connect and enable the Optimism Network to grow through new capital infusion to the best and brightest builders supporting the network.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

Stage 0: Onboarding and initiation

Agree principles + approach The contents of this proposal will be validated by convening stakeholders in the Optimism core team and community network. We will prepare a project plan and vision document for discussion, and through a series of online workshops with the team we will agree project goals and outcomes.

Validate proposition The second part of onboarding will involve approaching representative samples of our two key stakeholder groups for feedback: existing investors and founders/builders already active in the Optimism network. We will outline our programme (targeting, value proposition, messaging) and adjust where necessary, according to feedback.

Our vision is that the Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network will become a reliable stream of capital for the most promising projects building on Optimism, attracting a range of participants on the supply and demand side via word of mouth and referral, minimizing the need for ongoing investment in outbound.

Stage 0: onboarding deliverables + outcomes

Stage 1: marketplace audit

Investor Directory development

Founders and builders

Stage 1: marketplace audit deliverables + outcomes

Stage 2: develop network

Outbound process Investors: We will activate the prospect list by announcing the launch of the investment platform. We will contact them using automated email, and social outreach services, sending them to a landing page, where they can sign up to learn about new opportunities.

This drive will be supported by investors already active on the Optimism network, who we will recruit to extend the invitation to their wider networks.

Builders: We will activate the talent list by emailing Founders & Builders, alerting them to the funding opportunities, and encouraging them to apply (see below). We will approach the tier 1 list more directly, setting up an introductory meeting where we explain their elevated role in the launch.

Messaging should outline the value of the Optimism network as a whole, the exciting potential of projects being built on the network, and the wealth of opportunities for investment. The landing page will build these out, supported by a wealth of investor content outlining the various value claims and proof points.

Both builders and investors that sign up will be added to an Airtable CRM, which will also act as an exclusion list to the prospecting campaign as contacts are added.

Inbound process Applications will be made via a Typeform, collecting key project information. Key information to collect will contain:

Submissions will be logged and reviewed in an AirTable CRM (see below).

CRM We will maintain a database of prospective stakeholders in AirTable:

Using AirTable will allow us to manage communications with both sets of stakeholders via email automations, selecting individual contacts or segments for manual outreach, and to assess the suitability of projects for investment via categorisation and star ratings.

Stage 2: network development deliverables + outcomes

Stage 3: showcase

Connections roundup We will deliver targeted introductions in two formats:

Scheduled A monthly roundup email, outlining the most promising opportunities on the network, linking to any supporting resources (ie. website, whitepaper)

Curated We will also send personalized comms to individual investors, where our CRM indicates a particularly strong alignment between investment thesis and project aims, mediated by quality ratings. We will deploy dynamic emails using webhooks, to make this programme as scalable and automated as possible. That said, full automation is a medium term goal. We will want a manual layer built into the process after launch to validate the efficacy of our approach.

In both cases the CTA will be to request an introduction to founders. These requests will be logged in our CRM, capturing both parties as “prospective deals”. Comms will be actioned manually by the deployment of webhook-based email templates, containing the link to book a meeting.

We will send a follow up email to both the founders and investors, asking for feedback, following up manually where appropriate. Closed deals will be denoted in CRM, and the value added to a tracker, which will serve as a basis analyzing the programme's overall efficacy.

Showcase day Founders and builders who are actively raising will be selectively invited to participate in the Optimism Builder Showcase. This will comprise a 3 hour online event with Optimism Network overviews, panel discussions from core team members, and project briefings with Q&As for approx 12 projects.

Marketing campaign will be delivered to recruit attendees to the Showcase event. As per the above, these introductions will be captured in CRM, with a field denoting the introduction was made via an event.

There is the potential to extend this to IRL events at 2024 conferences and events as part of the Optimism overall community marketing strategy as part of the follow on / extend strategy.

Stage 3: showcase deliverables + outcomes

Stage 4: maintain

Our approach to maintenance will be one of iterative improvement, ensuring we regularly content both groups of stakeholders for feedback via surveys and one-to-one sessions. This is likely to be especially pressing on the investors side, as we look to refine our criteria for the kind of projects we showcase, and improve our matching programme.

We will support this via a programme of experimentation, that extracts hypotheses from feedback, and tests program changes on subsets of the community.

Ongoing inbound management While the programme is structured to decrease the reliance on outbound through word of mouth and referral, the inbound programme will still need to be managed:

Rolling quarterly - showcase day There will also be event planning and management resource associated with the showcase program, both for the online and speculative IRL versions.

Stage 4: maintain phase deliverables + outcomes

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

The project encompasses project initiation, and four key delivery milestones. Project initiation and onboarding will involve us working closely with key stakeholders to define our direction of travel. We will then undertake a marketplace audit, seeking to build high potential pools of talent and investors, alongside a methodology for mapping propositions to investment thesis.

This stage will take around two weeks to complete. Stage two will be about activating this network via a series of automations that will allow us to quickly scale the program. This will be in place by early January.

With the foundation in place, we will deploy the investor newsletter and targeted outreach campaigns over the early weeks of 2024, culminating in our first investor event in early February. Lastly, Stage 4 will address the ongoing maintenance and optimisation of the program, defining the resources required, and key feedback loops with both the investor and talent pools.

Project initiation: November 13th

Stage 0: Onboarding

Key deliverables

Completion of onboarding: Wed 29th November

NB on completion of Stage 0, an initial release of 5000 OP will be made to the grantee

Stage 1: Marketplace audit

Key deliverables

Marketplace audit complete by Weds 13th December

Stage 2: develop network

Key deliverables

Network development phase complete by Wed 10th January

NB on completion of Stage 2, an second release of 10,000 OP will be made to the grantee

Stage 3: Showcase

Key deliverables

Showcase phase complete by Wed 14 February 2024

Stage 4: Maintain

Key deliverables

Maintain phase complete by Thu 29 February 2024

NB on completion of stage 4, a final release of 10,000 OP will be made to the grantee

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

The following elements are required for timely and successful completion of the proposal scope:

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

oplavande commented 8 months ago

Closing this issue as the deadline has passed, @vwtao will follow up with next steps for applicants shortly!

vwtao commented 8 months ago

Thank you all for taking the time and effort for these thoughtful proposals! I will be following up directly to schedule calls with the teams that I would like more information from.

jommi9 commented 8 months ago

How come this was reopened?

vwtao commented 7 months ago

Hi all - Thanks to everyone that submitted a proposal for your time and thoughtful ideas.

We're excited to share that we will be moving forward with the proposal from Homeless Ventures.

@Lordwadsworth we will be in touch directly to kick off the project and discuss expectations in more detail.

For all other teams here: we'd love to help you find the right way to contribute to the Optimism Collective. See the rest of the issues in the Ecosystem Contributions repo for ideas, suggestions, and other possible projects. And stay tuned for more RFPs posted in the next few months. Thank you again for your proposals.

kylm0ng3r commented 4 months ago

RFP: Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network

mgerhart-op commented 4 months ago

UPDATE: At the moment, the Optimism team is no longer pursuing the completion of this RFP for the Optimism Ecosystem Investment Network. In the meantime, the Grants Council and Retro Funding rounds continue to be a sustainable resource for teams to receive grant funding for their contributions to the Optimism Collective. This RFP will be reprioritized at a later date!

Again, we appreciate everyone's submissions and interest in this RFP! Please check out our other Mission Requests to see other ways your team can contribute to the Collective. Thank you, and stay optimistic!