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Foundation Mission Request: Proof of Attendance Testnet Faucet #115

Open bdresser opened 7 months ago

bdresser commented 7 months ago

Foundation Mission Request – Proof of attendance testnet faucet

To take on this project, submit a proposal to this thread by December 8. Read more about Missions here.

How will this Foundation Mission (RFP) will help accomplish the above Intent?

Superchain Faucet is a developer tool that allows developers to get free testnet ETH to test and build apps on testnet OP Chains like Base Sepolia, OP Sepolia, PGN Sepolia, Zora Sepolia, and other OP Chains in the Superchain.

Developers who have an Optimist NFT, Gitcoin Passport attestation, or WorldID are able to get larger drips from the faucet.

A common pain point for hackathon participants is not having credentials yet for larger drips. This RFP aims to expand access to larger testnet fund drips to participants at in person hackathons and reduce developer friction when building on OP Chains.

As such, this mission will contribute to a more resilient developer ecosystem for the Superchain.

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

Completing this RFP requires building an open source frontend that allows users to claim a proof of attendance attestation, mint an Optimist NFT, and get larger testnet fund drips. The interface should be fully open-source and should allow for future iterations of the functionality. This RFP requires both designs and implementation. , For this RFP, the Optimism Foundation will accept one submission.

The target grant reward for the submission will be 30K OP. Teams should discuss the solution criteria below with the Foundation, and may arrive at a different mutually agreeable grant amount dependent on the scope of their work.

Solution Criteria:

Core functionality of the claim experience includes both a flow for event maintainers and an end user flow.

Proposed maintainer flow To set up the claim experience, the event maintainer should require minimal setup.

Proposed end user flow To claim the proof of attendance attestation the flow should be sybil-resistant, gasless, and allows the user to specify their preferred address.

Ethereum attestation service (EAS) and Optimist NFT EAS is an open-source public good that is included as a predeploy in the OP Stack. The proof of attendance attestations should use the EAS contracts on OP Mainnet and requires a new schema for the proof of attendance attestations to be created.

The Optimist NFT is a fully customizable digital avatar that allows you to showcase your personality and build your onchain identity.

Proposed implementation of proof of attestation / auto-minting the Optimist NFT:

How should the Foundation measure progress towards this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

Progress can be measured based upon the completion of the following milestones:

These milestones mark the completion of the proposal.

How should RetroPGF badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

Application instructions

To apply for this RFP, please complete the form in the expandable section below and leave your response as a comment on this issue thread below. Submissions will be open until June 28, at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select up to three individuals/teams to complete the work defined here.

Submission form _Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary._ ## Foundation Mission (RFP) Application **Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier](** * **Alliance Lead:** Please specify the best point of contact for your team * **Contact info:** * **L2 recipient address:** * **Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:** Read more about Alliances [here]( --- **What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?** - [...] - [...] **Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):** - [...] - [...] **Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:** - [...] - [...] **Please define the [critical milestone(s)]( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:** - [...] - [...] **Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):** - [...] - [...] **Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant:** _(Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)_ - [...] Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program: - [ ] I understand my grant for completing this RFP will be locked for one year from the date of proposal acceptance. - [ ] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant - [ ] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the [Operating Manual]( - [ ] I confirm that I have read and understand the [grant policies]( - [ ] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined [here]( -- end of application -- ---
0xyNaMu commented 7 months ago

It’s so exciting to see this happening!

I’ve used attestations for some in person OP events and it was a really cool experience for participants, plus it opens it up to become an attribute for Citizenship eligibility in the DAO.

I'd like to suggest changes to the second measurement of impact though.

Number of contracts deployed on OP Chain testnets by addresses that have attestations from this interface

I would expect participants to select their main wallets as the holders for the attestation and the Optimism NFT, thinking this is the wallet that I'd want to build an identity on top of. However, as a hackathon participant, for security reasons, you never want to use your main wallet to deploy a smart contract to tesnet or even to connect it to anything you're building at a hackathon. It is common practice for hackathon participants to use a different test wallet for every project developed in a hackathon, or at least one for all hackathons (but I've seen the first one being more common).

Following this logic, the wallet that receives the Attestation and the holds the NFT (and therefore received the testnet funds), will most often be different than the wallet deploying a smart contract to testnet. I believe using this as a metric to measure the impact of this Mission wouldn't provide good insights into the conversion rate of attestation receivers --> testnet funds receivers --> # of smart contracts deployed (which I believe is what might be what you want to measure).

A bit more complex, but in this case it might be best to measure number of contracts deployed into OP Chain testnets by addresses that were funded by addresses that have attestations from this interface.

No longer in the scope for this project but this would also enable the identification of 1) serial OP hackathon builders and/or 2) OP advocates that support other builders in successfully deploying.

Hope this is useful :D and if this is not what you're trying to measure happy to tinker more on it.

zainbacchus commented 7 months ago

Love that feedback @0xyNaMu

want to use your main wallet to deploy a smart contract to tesnet or even to connect it to anything you're building at a hackathon

This is actually why we didn't specify mainnet deployments as we don't expect the hackathon participant to use the same keypair across mainnet and testnet deployments.

Interesting call out on testnet - rather than replacing the specified measurement what do you think about adding a third measurement:

Number of contracts deployed on OP Chain testnets by addresses that were funded from addresses that have attestations from this interface

That way we can learn which is a better proxy towards our goal of getting more developers building on Optimism blockspace.

cdpiano commented 7 months ago

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

Alliance Lead: Yuchen Jiang

Contact info:

L2 recipient address: 0x56EA5d2d923a44E5d7F974FDa9CAB06A6Ae40eC4

Team members: Yuchen Jiang, Charlie Chen, Kevin Yin

Past work:

We’re the team behind Jomo. We aim to empower on-chain experience with off-chain data.

A few other things we built:

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

We're the team behind Jomo, a project aimed at enhancing on-chain experiences with off-chain data. Supporting developers in the Optimism hackathon by helping them mint attestations and claim larger faucet drips aligns closely with our vision.

Our prior work at Jomo involves building attestations for off-chain data, such as minting an attestation to prove the receipt of an email from a community. This domain expertise gives us an advantage in implementing this RFP.

We have actively participated in hackathons, winning finalists at the ETHNewYork hackathon (link). Implementing this RFP addresses our own needs, which further gets us excited!

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Organizer admin tool

Please note, we anticipate that the organizer will print the QR codes on flyers and distribute them at the hackathon. The design and printing of these flyers are not within the scope of this RFP.

Mint attestation page

EAS and Optimist NFT

Appendix: End user flow during hackathon

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

  1. Design the UI and UX for both the organizer and user flow.
  2. Implement the organizer admin tool:
    • Input hackathon metadata
    • Generate unique QR codes
    • Create flyers ready for printing
  3. Implement the mint attestation frontend:
    • Secure permissioned URLs
    • Develop frontend UI before mint
    • Develop frontend UI after mint
  4. Create attestation and Optimist NFT:
    • Interact with EAS to create an attestation
    • Update the smart contract to include the auto mint feature
  5. Testing & QA:
    • Collaborate with the Optimism team for testing
    • Launch live during an Optimism hackathon at the end of February
Milestone Done by
Design 2024-1-15
organizer admin tool 2024-1-25
Mint attestation frontend 2024-2-5
Create attestation and NFT 2024-2-15
Testing & QA 2024-2-29

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

We will complete the product design by January 15.

We will finish all engineering work by February 15.

We will have the product in production and conduct live tests with OP by February 29.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Conduct ad-hoc check-ins for demos and to get feedback.

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.) We do not need upfront capital to do this.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

[x] I understand my grant for completing this RFP will be locked for one year from the date of proposal acceptance.

[x] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant

[x] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the Operating Manual

[x] I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies

[x] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here

-- end of application --

mendesfabio commented 6 months ago

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

Alliance Members

Previous Work

bleu collaborates with companies and DAOs as a technology and user experience partner. Our goal is to help bridge the UX gap that exists for Web3 users. We've worked on several Balancer Grants and recently started contributing to the CoW Protocol.

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Frontend (Admin & Minting)

As requested, we're creating 2 separate pages/tools for Admin and Participants.

Our tech stack is chosen for reliability, documentation quality, developer experience, and community support. It includes:

EAS & NFT Integration

We're following the proposed solution for the proof of attestation / auto-minting NFT. An EAS Resolver will be created for tracking everyone who has the attestation. multicall3 will be used for creating attestation and minting the NFT in a single transaction.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

  1. Specifications (1 week)
    • User flows and UI designs;
    • Project setup.
  2. Admin/Maintainer Portal (2 weeks)
    • Event creation and management tools:
      • Create an event;
      • Manage the current events;
      • Generate unique URLs and QR Codes;
      • Export QR Code - to be added to flyers.
  3. Mint Attestation & NFT Frontend (2 weeks)
    • User interface development for attestation and NFT minting:
      • Initial/Challenge page (where user inputs code);
      • Minting Attestation & NFT UI implementation;
      • Minting Success/Failure UI implementation.
  4. EAS & NFT Integration (2 weeks)
    • Integrating EAS resolver and auto-mint functionality:
      • Create EAS resolver;
      • Update OptimistAllowlist;
      • Auto-mint with multicall3.
  5. Testing & QA (1 week)
    • Extensive testing and final deployment preparations:
      • Extensive testing and bug fixes;
      • Deployment to production.
Milestone Deadline
Specifications December 28, 2023
Admin/Maintainer Portal January 12, 2024
Mint Attestation & NFT Frontend January 26, 2024
EAS & NFT Integration February 9, 2024
Testing & QA February 16, 2024

* Assumes a starting date of Dec 18th 2023 and considers expected OOOs for EOY holidays.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

justmert commented 6 months ago


We verify that we meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier

Read more about Alliances here

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Our alliance, is best-suited to execute this RFP with our extensive experience and proven track record in the wide range of protocols. Together, we co-founded YK Labs, specializing in developing applications within the different protocols. We showcase our diverse expertise and successful handling of multiple ecosystems with grantee of following projects,

YK Labs Website:

any many more. These projects demonstrate our comprehensive experience and expertise in working with a variety of well-known protocols such as Aave, Compound, Filecoin, Flow, Lens Protocol, Dfinity Foundation, Web3 Foundation (Polkadot), Solana, and Sia. These protocols gave us the opportunity and funding/grant to work with them.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Application Flow Diagram


Application Flow

  1. Organizer opens new event registration form in the organizer portal.
  2. Organizer fills event registration form with details which consists of name, date, location, logo, poap etc.
  3. Selects the type of event (in-person or online)

    1. If the event is online, we can assume that the organizer has e-mail addresses of the participants. Platform requires e-mail addresses of the participants to send them magical link (which is a unique link for each participant) before the event starts.

      • Organizer bulk uploads e-mail addresses of the participants to the platform (csv, line by line etc.) or enters them one by one with an UI component.
      • Platform sends magical link to each participant's e-mail address before the event starts automatically (or manuel confirmation by the organizer).
      • Since each participant has a unique link with one-time use only, will prevent sybil attacks. One-time use only link only will expire if the participant uses it (by entering their wallet address or ENS name in next sections) or after the event ends.
      • Participants clicks the magical link to be redirected to the platform.
    2. If the event is in-person, there are two type of registration methods with different flows and advantages. If the event is pre-registered (thus, organizer has e-mail addresses of the participants) or not pre-registered (thus, organizer does not have e-mail addresses of the participants), or in both cases, organizer can select the type of registration below methods,

      1. If the event is pre-registered, we can assume that the organizer has e-mail addresses of the participants.

        • Platform requires e-mail addresses of the participants to send them magical link (which is a unique link for each participant) before the event starts.
        • Organizer then, bulk uploads e-mail addresses of the participants and magical link will be sent to each participant's e-mail address before the event starts just like the online event.
        • Participants clicks the magical link to be redirected to the platform.
      2. If the event is not pre-registered, organizer can use QR code method. Platform generates QR codes as well as a unique codes for each participant with the count of the participants that organizer enters. Each card has a unique code and same QR code (which directs attendees to the platform).

        • In the event, organizer or any responsible person gives the cards to the participants.
        • Participants scans the QR code and they will be redirected to the platform.
        • Participants enters their unique code to be validated by the platform. If it is valid, flow continues.


  1. Organizer Portal: Development of a frontend interface for organizers.

    • Event Management Capabilities:

      • Create New Events: Organizers can input details to create new events, such as name, date, location, logo, and proof of attendance (POAP).
      • Edit Existing Events: Allows for modifications to details of already created events.
      • Delete Events: Option to remove events.
      • Event Listings: Display a list of all events with their respective details.
    • Event Registration Process:

      • For Online Events:

        • Email Upload: Capability for organizers to upload participant email addresses in bulk (csv, line-by-line) or individually through a user interface.
        • Magical Link Distribution: Automatic sending of unique, one-time use links to each participant's email address before the event starts. The link expires after one use (means that participant has entered their wallet address) or post-event, ensuring sybil resistance.
      • For In-Person Events:

        • Pre-Registered Events Option: Similar to online events, requiring participant email addresses for magical link distribution.
        • Non-Pre-Registered Events Option: The platform generates QR codes and unique codes for each participant based on the organizer's input for the number of participants. Organizers either print these cards and distribute them to participants or share unique codes with participants through other ways.
    • Analytics: For each event,

      • Display of number of participants, number of attestations, and number of Optimist NFTs minted.
      • Display number of contracts deployed on OP Chain testnets by each participant with attestations.
      • Display count of new attendees (i.e., participants who have not previously attended an event) and returning attendees (i.e., participants who have previously attended an event). Based on this, also display event attendee retention rate.
  2. Participant Interaction: Development of a frontend interface for participants/attendees.

    • Wallet Address or ENS Name Submission: Participants enter their wallet address or ENS name after following the magical link or scanning the QR code.
    • Proof of Attendance Attestation and NFT Minting: The platform mints the Proof of Attendance attestation and Optimist NFT to the participant’s specified address through a gasless transaction.
    • Faucet and NFT Customization Prompt: Participants are encouraged to use the faucet for larger drips and offered customization options for their Optimist NFT.
  3. Infrastructure

    • Create an EAS Resolver:
      • Use OP Mainnet EAS contracts as a base and register a new schema for the proof of attendance attestations to be created.
      • Develop a custom resolver smart contract for the EAS.
      • This resolver should have the functionality to only allow specific addresses to create attestations. This can be implemented using a modifier that checks whether the caller's address is in a list of authorized addresses.
    • Maintain an Address Mapping:
      • Inside the custom resolver contract, include a mapping structure (e.g., mapping(address => bool)) to track addresses that currently have the proof of attendance attestation.
      • Implement onAttest and onRevoke hooks within the resolver. These hooks will update the mapping whenever an attestation is created or revoked, respectively.
    • Update OptimistAllowlist.sol:
      • Modify the OptimistAllowlist.sol contract to interact with custom resolver.
      • Add a function to check whether a user is eligible for the Optimist NFT based on their attestation status in the resolver contract.
    • Implement Auto-Minting:
      • Use Multicall3 to combine multiple operations in a single transaction.
      • The transaction would first create the attestation and then call the mint(address _recipient) function on the Optimist NFT contract.
    • Deploy and Test:
      • Deploy the resolver.
      • Thoroughly test the entire flow, including attestation creation, address mapping updates, eligibility checks, and the auto-minting process.
    • Integrate with Frontend/UI:
      • Update frontend application to interact with these contracts.
      • Ensure that users can easily view their attestation status and receive their Optimist NFT if eligible.
  4. Testing Frameworks: Development of unit and integration tests for each module to ensure reliability.

Note: We have added new features to the RFP such as event analytics and online event support as well as multiple methods for in-person events so that the Optimism Foundation can use this application in any hackathon or event!

Technical Specifications



Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

# Milestone Deliverables Estimated Date of Completion
1. Implementation of Organizer Portal 1.Organizer Portal January 17, 2024
2. Implementation of Infrastructure 3.Infrastructure February 2, 2024
3. Implementation of Participant Interaction and Testing 2.Participant Interaction, 4.Testing Frameworks February 28, 2024

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.) We do not need upfront capital to do this.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

ryan-foamspace commented 6 months ago

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier

FOAM is building a Proof of Location protocol for onchain location proofs. We have shared work on our MVP of smart contracts and frontend being built on the OP Stack. We have many years of experience building frontend and backend systems, as well as writing firmware and integrating hardware into Ethereum smart contracts and user flows.

Additional previous work that is relevant for this application is:

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

[ X] I understand my grant for completing this RFP will be locked for one year from the date of proposal acceptance. [ X] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant [X ] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the Operating Manual [ X] I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies [ X] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here

Cotabe commented 6 months ago

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

Alliance Lead: Yazdani Contact info: yazdaaniam (Telegram) L2 recipient address: 0x30158Fa32BE373347E77b5A8f079d617D407f83c

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

This project will be executed by the Unitap team alliance, an onboarding tool to networks and communities with a Sybil-resistant mainnet gas faucet, token distribution mechanism based on onchain & offchain activity and soon a learning platform.

Name and role of alliance member(s)

Our team additionally consists of:

We are also very proud of having amazing advisors.

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

All the previous reasons show that we have the technical capacity and the experience to create this “Proof of Attendance” mechanism.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Our solution takes into consideration 2 different scenarios:

  1. If the event admin has access to the email addresses of the participants: The admin can add a file with the emails & the platform will send hackers an email with a unique URL. Once they click on the link, hackers will get to a site where they will need to paste their address/ENS & be redirected to the Superchain faucet. Then they'll receive the Proof of Attendance attestation & Optimism NFT.

  2. If we don't have the email addresses of the participants: A screen (monitor/Laptop) will be needed to show a dynamic QR code that changes each time a person use it to go to the page to attest their Proof of Attendance & get their attestation & Optimism NFT.

The solution will follow the proposed implementation:

Proposed implementation of proof of attestation / auto-minting the Optimist NFT: Create an EAS resolver that restricts ability to create this attestation to specific addresses This resolver should maintain a mapping(address => bool) of everyone who currently has this attestation using the onAttest and onRevoke hooks Update OptimistAllowlist.sol to check the resolver contract to see if user is eligible Auto-mint feature: Automatically mint the Optimist NFT to users who have the proof of attendance attestation Option 1: The resolver should do the above, then directly mint the NFT Option 2: Use multicall3 to 1. Create the attestation, 2. Use function mint(address _recipient) function on OptimistNFT in a single transaction<

Bonus features:

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

  1. Agree on the final specifications with OP Labs or Optimism Foundation Sponsor: Zain.
  2. Design the admin, event & hackers page. I. Admin page: Site to create & edit events by the maintainer. II. Event page: Site that shows the Dynamic QRs. III. Hackers page: Site where hackers add their address/ENS to claim their Optimism NFT.
  3. Get feedback on these 3 pages from OP Labs or Optimism Foundation Sponsor: Zain.
  4. Start implementing the front-end and simultaneously work on the contract and back-end.
  5. Internal test phase.
  6. Launch the platform

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Milestone Source of truth Date
Design: Admin, hackers & event page Figma page January 10th, 2024
Functional admin page Vercel site January 19th, 2024
Functional hackers page Vercel site January 26th, 2024
Functional event page Vercel site February 2nd, 2024
EAS integration & NFT auto-minting Integrated on hackers vercel site February 9th, 2024
Launch the platform Fully functional platform February 23rd, 2024

Note: These dates assume starting the project by December 18th, 2023.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

We would like to be considered for a 2K grant after we deliver the final milestone. However, failing to get it wouldn’t be an impediment to deliver on the RFP.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

zainbacchus commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your submission!! We'll review and revert with next steps!

In the meantime, feel free to tag me here or reach out directly ( with any questions.

zainbacchus commented 6 months ago

Wow! There's some excellent proposals here!

We're excited to share that we will be moving forward with the proposals from Jomo given their domain expertise building offchain attestation related products.

@cdpiano we will be in touch directly to kick off the project and discuss expectations in more detail.

For all other teams here: we'd love to help you find the right way to contribute to the Optimism Collective. See the rest of the issues in the Ecosystem Contributions repo for ideas, suggestions, and other possible projects. One that might be interesting is #117

Thank you again for your proposals!

cc @mendesfabio , @justmert, @Cotabe , @ryan-foamspace

chcharcharlie commented 3 months ago

Status update (start - 20240320)

zainbacchus commented 1 month ago

Quick update - after syncing with the OpenLayer team (fka Jomo) we've aligned to remove the requirement to issue an Optimist NFT and use the Superchain Faucet schema as the authentication method for developers to get larger drips from the Superchain Faucet.

The product should issue attestations using this schema with the following info: