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Foundation Mission Request: Superchain Bridge #117

Open bdresser opened 7 months ago

bdresser commented 7 months ago

Foundation Mission Request – Superchain Bridge RFP

To take on this project, submit a proposal to this thread by December 15. Read more about Missions here.

How will this Foundation Mission (RFP) will help accomplish the above Intent?

This RFP introduces a Superchain Bridge interface which acts as the foundation for users to move tokens to / from any OP Chain in the Superchain using the canonical standard bridge in the OP Stack.

Optimism is leaning on its ecosystem to bootstrap access to the protocol. Not running our own frontend increases censorship resistance and decentralization, but also helps us bootstrap a distributed ecosystem.

As such, this mission will contribute to a more resilient bridging ecosystem for the Superchain.

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

The Superchain Bridge Interface allows users to bridge to / from any OP Chain in the Superchain from L1 Ethereum using the standard bridge. Once the MVP of low latency L2 to L2 message passing is live (est. mid 2024), the Superchain Bridge interface should also allow users to bridge between OP Chains.

Completing this RFP requires building an open source frontend that allows users to bridge to / from any OP Chain in the Superchain. The frontend should be fully open-source and should allow for future iterations of the functionality. This RFP requires both designs and implementation.

For this RFP, the Optimism Foundation will accept up to two submissions. Multiple frontends will maximize the likelihood of success and improve the resilience of the system.

The target grant reward for each submission will be 200k OP. Teams should discuss the solution criteria below with the Foundation, and may arrive at a different mutually agreeable grant amount dependent on the scope of their work.

Solution Criteria:

Core functionality of the Superchain Bridge interface:

Wallet connection

Token bridges

Token lists

3rd party bridges

Account history

Query parameters

Block explorer


Compliance The Superchain Bridge Interface should include an appropriate user legal agreement and risk disclosures, which will be subject to evaluation and confirmation by the Foundation. The Superchain Bridge Interface should also implement appropriate compliance measures to prevent it from being used in violation of applicable laws. The compliance measures implemented by a grantee will be subject to evaluation and confirmation by the Foundation. Prior agreed compliance costs incurred by the grantee will be reimbursed by the Foundation for at least one year following launch.

Superchain Registry The Superchain Bridge Interface should only include OP Chains in the Superchain and update to include new OP Chains as they come online.

The user interface must use the Superchain Registry and relevant CCTP bridges to determine the canonical bridges that are supported. Furthermore, the UI should provide instructions for how the user can verify using their wallet that they are interacting with the canonical bridge for the respective OP Chain.

Service level agreement The bridge interface should continue to support adding new OP Chains as they come online. To ensure this happen, the RFP proposer must agree to a service level agreement that governs the ongoing maintenance, support, and enhancement of the Bridge UI, including but not limited to the addition of new operation chains, bug fixes, updates, and improvements as outlined in the RFP. Past the 1 year service agreement, through Optimism’s Retroactive Public Goods Funding, we expect interface maintainers will be rewarded based on the reliability of the interface.

How should the Foundation measure progress towards this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

Progress can be measured based upon the completion of the following milestones:

These milestones mark the completion of the proposal.

How should RetroPGF badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

Application instructions

To apply for this RFP, please complete the form in the expandable section below and leave your response as a comment on this issue thread below. Submissions will be open until Dec 15, at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select up to three individuals/teams to complete the work defined here.

Submission form _Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary._ ## Foundation Mission (RFP) Application **Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier](** * **Alliance Lead:** Please specify the best point of contact for your team * **Contact info:** * **L2 recipient address:** * **Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:** Read more about Alliances [here]( --- **What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?** - [...] - [...] **Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):** - [...] - [...] **Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:** - [...] - [...] **Please define the [critical milestone(s)]( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:** - [...] - [...] **Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):** - [...] - [...] **Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant:** _(Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)_ - [...] Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program: - [ ] I understand my grant for completing this RFP will be locked for one year from the date of proposal acceptance. - [ ] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant - [ ] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the [Operating Manual]( - [ ] I confirm that I have read and understand the [grant policies]( - [ ] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined [here]( -- end of application -- ---
jessepollak commented 7 months ago

Great RFP! Two additional requirements that would be great to add:

These options would allow us this community built bridge to be a viable option for fully replacing the Base bridge. Thanks!

zainbacchus commented 7 months ago

Great RFP! Two additional requirements that would be great to add:

  • Ability for a user or app to create a link that points to a specific network on the bridge (e.g.
  • Ability for a user or app to create a link that points to a specific token on a specific network on the bridge (e.g.

These options would allow us this community built bridge to be a viable option for fully replacing the Base bridge. Thanks!

Great flag! Added this under query parameters!

lukasrosario commented 7 months ago

Excited to see this live! Plugging op-viem and op-wagmi, both will definitely help simplify implementation. We also have an example Superbridge app people can take a look at in the op-wagmi repo 👍

nuelvations commented 7 months ago

Alliance Lead: Please specify the best point of contact for your team Contact info: Mail - X - defiprince Telegram - fresto1 L2 recipient address: 0x6A26E2145d77ED0a565dE36376Fd583C0Ea519F5

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work: Members of my allaince ; X- easternface X- Trinity

Link to my previous works ; citizin Ficave wagmiclub thirdfund

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

[Experience in blockchain development “building L1&L2s solution products and Ux] [User centric designs - our alliance proficiency in creating user friendly interface and intuitive experince ]

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

[My proposed Superchain Bridge Interface aims to offer users a versatile and user-friendly platform for seamless asset transfers within the Superchain ecosystem. Supporting both browser-injected wallets like Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, and Rainbow Wallet, as well as mobile wallets through WalletConnect v2, the interface will facilitates connections with both EOAs and Smart Contract Wallets. Users can bridge tokens from L1 to L2 and vice versa for any OP Chain in the Superchain, specifying destination addresses and leveraging popular token lists, including the Superchain Tokenlist. The interface also integrates with 3rd party bridges for non-Ethereum/OP Chain blockchains, allows users to track their transaction history, and offers query parameters for customized link generation. Multi-language support, compliance measures, and utilization of the Superchain Registry ensure a globally accessible, legally compliant, and regularly updated solution.]

[My Superchain Bridge Interface prioritizes security, internationalization, and interoperability, providing users with a robust tool to interact with the Superchain. By incorporating legal agreements, risk disclosures, and compliance measures, the interface not only ensures user protection but also complies with applicable laws. Leveraging the Superchain Registry guarantees the inclusion of supported OP Chains and facilitates ongoing updates to accommodate new chains as they become part of the Superchain ecosystem. This proposed solution stands as a comprehensive, user-centric interface for cross-chain asset transfers, fostering a seamless and reliable experience within the Superchain.]

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

[Step 1: Research and Requirement Analysis (2 weeks): -Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the Superchain ecosystem, including OP Chains, existing bridges, and the Superchain Registry. -Engage with the Superchain community and the RFP foundation sponsors to gather more insights and refine requirements.

Step 2: Design and Prototyping (2 weeks): -Develop detailed intuitive UI/UX designs for the Superchain Bridge Interface, emphasizing user-friendliness and adherence to the specified solution criteria. -Create interactive prototypes for testing and feedback, incorporating design iterations based on community input.] [Step 3: Development and Testing (1month): -Begin the implementation(building frontend) of the Superchain Bridge Interface, prioritizing core functionalities like wallet connection, token bridges, token lists, and 3rd party bridge integrations. -Conduct thorough testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and community-driven beta testing to identify and address any bugs or usability issues.

Step 4: Compliance and Registry Integration (2 weeks): -Implement legal agreements, risk disclosures, and compliance measures within the interface -integrate the Superchain Registry to ensure the inclusion of supported OP Chains, and establish a process for ongoing updates as new chains join the Superchain. -Get feedback from the RFP foundation team and make possible iterations]

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

[User Interface Beta Testing (End of 2 months): -Initiate beta testing of the user interface, focusing on key functionalities such as wallet connection, token bridging, and token list utilization. By the end of 2 months, the completion of this milestone ensures that the Superchain Bridge Interface is not only functional but also user-friendly, gathering valuable feedback from the community.]

[By the end of 2months and 2week, our Superchain Bridge Interface aims to implement and finalize comprehensive compliance measures, encompassing legal agreements, risk disclosures, and regulatory requirements, ensuring adherence to legal standards and regulatory compliance. Subsequently, successful integration with the Superchain Registry will dynamically connect the interface to the evolving Superchain ecosystem, maintaining an accurate list of supported OP Chains. This combined milestone ensures the Superchain Bridge Interface is legally sound, regulatory compliant, and seamlessly connected to the latest information within the Superchain ecosystem for optimal user experience.]

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

[Technical support - we may in the process of development need some clarity on the superchain bridge,this is not a barrier but a necessity to ensure we build the required functionalities] [Legal Guidance: -Legal support for the review and confirmation of compliance measures, including assistance in crafting robust legal agreements and risk disclosures. Ongoing legal advice to navigate any changes in regulations and ensure the continued compliance of the Superchain Bridge Interface.

Financial support - we are not entitled but would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant to help our alliance cover some expenses during the development period.]

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

[Access to upfront capital is not a barrier to completing my mission. Sure! i would like to be considered for a small upfront cash, This is to help me cover some expenses in my alliance like compensation for developers,workspace fee,internet bills]

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

marianoclaveria commented 7 months ago

Here at, where we work together with organizations to speed up the development and delivery of Web3 protocols, dApps, and network, we see a great fit for this proposal and are willing to contribute with a team with a Fledgling tier to better estimate effort, right budget, deadlines and allocate the necessary resources to build what is requested.

Here are our last contributions aligned with what is requested on this proposals:

Other participation on OP:

Besides we also contributed in the past:

Please, do not hesitate to reach us out.

AlexBHarley commented 6 months ago

Superchain Bridge Application

Team members

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

In addition to extensive experience building web3 products and infrastructure, we’ve recently been building the Superbridge as a user friendly interface over the native bridging contracts for OP Stack rollups.

Since launching the Superbridge in September, we’ve shipped some great features and accomplished a few key milestones that feel worth highlighting,

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria

Our solution is to rebuild and extend the Superbridge to ultimately deliver on the mission. In short, will become a bridge portal for the Superchain, accommodating all the necessary points to deliver on the mission while maintaining a delightful user experience.


For the purposes of this proposal we've pulled together some visual mockups that showcase how the Superbridge will evolve to handle the new requirements.

Click me for mockups A new settings modal will allow for expanded language support, default currency selection, custom token lists and more ![superbridge-settings]( Quick links like []( will enable sharing of dedicated token deposit or withdrawal links. ![superbridge-ui]( A fully white labelled solution, if desired, could be implemented for each chain. Here's how we imagine a white labelled bridge could look for Mode ![superbridge-whitelabel](

And to address each of specified the solution criteria in detail,

Wallet connection

The Superbridge currently supports EOA’s (incl. Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, Rainbow Wallet) and Smart Contracts (incl. Gnosis Safe), via their respective connection methods - either injected, Wallet Link or WalletConnect.

Token bridges

The Superbridge currently supports deposits and withdrawals for OP Mainnet, OP Goerli, Base, PGN and Zora. As part of the mission we will expand support to Mode and enable the relevant testnets for each chain.

Destination or recipient addresses are today configurable with the Superbridge, shipped as part of our requirements for supporting smart contract wallets.

Token lists

Today the Superbridge relies on the Superchain Tokenlist as well as a smattering of manually added or configured tokens, e.g. native USDC.

We'll be building functionality that enables users to search for popular token lists or add custom ones.

3rd party bridges

A deliverable for the mission will be maintaining a registry of 3rd party bridges and the chains/tokens they support to present to users as alternatives to the native bridge.

Account history

A key feature for us when building the Superbridge was detailed insights into the status of deposits and withdrawals. The Superbridge indexes each chain supported so users get their full bridge history (post-Bedrock) instantaneously and without their browser having to crawl millions of blocks to find the relevant transactions.

The two step withdrawal process has been made as transparent as possible. In addition to showing the duration of each step (~1 hour to prove and ~7 days to finalize), we allow users to complete each step from the Superbridge in one click, regardless of whether the withdrawal was initiated from the Superbridge or not.

Block Explorer

Currently the Superbridge defaults to all links opening in Etherscan if available, otherwise Blockscout. A deliverable for this mission will be to allow users to configure the block explorer they prefer to use in a settings page.


A deliverable for this mission will be adding i18n support for the specified languages.


We will work with OP Labs, the Foundation, any provided legal council and our own legal advisory to maintain appropriate user legal agreements, risk disclosures and compliance measures.

Superchain Registry

Currently, the Superbridge is a portal to many different rollups and rollup ecosystems. In addition to the Superchain rollups, other OP Stack rollups like Kroma and Rollux are supported as well as Arbitrum Nitro powered rollups like Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova.

A key deliverable for the mission will be repurposing the Superbridge website to only include Superchain rollups, with a separate testnet. prefixed website to access Superchain testnets.

Additionally, while CCTP support is already in the works we will add instructions to the flow that tell users how they can verify this is a CCTP transfer rather than a native transfer, ie calls to mint + burn on the Circle contracts rather than depositERC20 on the native bridge contracts.

Service level agreement

We will work with the Foundation to agree to an appropriate service level agreement.

We hope that our prior work to accelerate Superchain adoption and new developments we're working on such as native NFT bridging, NFT onboarding campaigns, white labelled deployments and more will excite the community for years to come.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Being a launch partner support for L2 <> L2 token bridging means we’ll need to run testnet or potentially even devnet support in the weeks/months leading up to mainnet. Close collaboration between ourselves and OP Labs would be desirable to accomplish this in case of any missing documentation.

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

To date, funding of the Superbridge has been bootstrapped by Alex and James. To that end an upfront cash grant could allow us to stop paying third party service providers (ie. Amazon Web Services, Vercel, GitHub, Localisation, etc) out of pocket.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

0xParticle commented 6 months ago

Wonderland Superchain Bridge Application


Ecosystem alignment 🔴 ✨

In our journey building on Optimism, we have firmly adhered to the values of the Optimism Collective from day one. In fact, up to date, we have collaborated directly with Optimism on various projects, including:

  1. Smock: The Solidity Mocking Library is a plugin for hardhat that creates mock Solidity contracts using JavaScript (or TypeScript!).
  2. Prophet: a versatile and fully adaptable Optimistic Oracle Solution

Additionally, we have worked with other teams to develop protocols and perform integrations on OP Mainnet, such as HAI and Sidechain Oracles.

Relevant expertise

We have experience in UI design and a deep understanding of bridge architectures. In this regard, we would like to highlight our previous work, which is relevant to this RFP but not limited to:

Best practices

At Wonderland, we prioritize meticulous planning and execution of all our work, ensuring we adhere to industry best practices. This includes implementing strong security measures to safeguard our projects and optimizing our processes to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. More information can be found on our Wonderland Best Practices notion page.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Our proposal outlines the creation of an interface that refines the functionalities of the Superchain Bridge while prioritizing a user-friendly experience. We present an approach that focuses on four key points, which are:

  1. Fully open-source.
  2. Innovative.
  3. Updatable.
  4. Ecosystem aligned.

DALL·E 2023-12-14 20 00 12 - Create an illustration of Alice from Alice in Wonderland crossing a bridge in a mystical and technological environment  The bridge is an old, ornate s

To accomplish this, we adjusted our proposed solution in the following manner:

Wallet Connection

We plan to support as many wallets as possible in the ecosystem. This includes providing support for Wallet Connect v2 from day one, as well as supporting smart contract wallets like Safe, Candide, and more.

Token bridge

The interface will list the supported OP Chains within the Superchain. This will enable to bridge tokens in any direction between OP Chains and Ethereum, including mainnet and Sepolia testnet environments.

Token lists

The interface will allow users to add token lists upon request and bridge tokens that adhere to the ERC20 standard.

3rd party bridges

Lists will be supported initially, providing a tooltip-style description of expected costs, and typical time. This ensures that the user can make informed decisions about the performance of the third-party bridges under normal conditions.

Account history

Users can view their transaction history for all the supported chains when connecting to the bridge.

Query parameters

The generator will preload all the data, including the chain and respective token. This provides a one-click solution for integrating into web3 products and protocols.

Block explorer

We will integrate with all available block explorers. The user will have one selected by default (to be determined), with the option to change to another if desired.


We will support all the listed languages and facilitate their integration by storing texts into a JSON. This will also facilitate the addition of new languages and accept contributions from the community.


We will comply with the current applicable compliance rules and risk disclosures.

Superchain Registry

The registry will be supported, including any additional relevant CCTP bridges. When selecting, users can distinguish the assets that depend on it (Canonical or any CCTP supported).

Service level agreement

We will ensure that we meet mission expectations and collaborate with the Foundation to create a service-level agreement that satisfies both parties.

DALL·E 2023-12-14 20 06 05 - Create an illustration of Alice from Alice in Wonderland designing the plan to build a bridge  In this scene, Alice, dressed in her iconic blue and wh

Additional features

On top of these, we aim to provide additional features and create a solution that stands out in terms of both functionality and quality. Some of these features include:

Forkable by design 👐

We will deliver a UI repository as a seed (or sample) that serves as a baseline to be easily forkable by anyone. This is particularly relevant because it is intended to enable:

Monitoring 🖥️

We want to leverage our recent ongoing security efforts to incorporate monitoring capabilities that can detect and notify us when services are compromised, such as in the case of DNS attacks. By doing so, we can significantly mitigate the impact on users in the event of service takeovers.

Checks, alerts and guidance 🚨

Provide information, alerts, and checks that ensure users make informed decisions. Examples of this include:

Expert mode 🧑‍🔬 🧠

Intended as a separate section for developers and expert users, we will explore the integration of more advanced TX inclusions. The features include:

Community feedback 🔴 ✨

Last but not least, our proposal is designed to be developed publicly and receive feedback from the community. We will keep its progress updated and welcome ideas for features to consider adding.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Understanding that some Superchain architecture specifications are yet to be determined, we will focus on the workload for launching Phase 1, which involves L1 <> L2 bridging. Once L2 to L2 bridging is released and available, we will prioritize efforts to integrate it into production as soon as possible and align with the launching phase 2 milestone.

  1. Repository setup. ~1 week
    1. Implement pre-commit hooks and security checks.
      1. Set up linting and code formatting tools.
      2. Configure build and deployment pipelines.
      3. Create wireframes and mockup components.
      4. Implement a fluid layout.
  2. Develop interface. ~2 weeks
    1. Define internal data structure and data management strategies.
      1. Implement data parsing and encoding.
      2. Develop core application functionality.
  3. SDK. ~1 week
  4. Implement design. ~2 week
    1. Create UI components.
      1. Implement design styles.
  5. Interface to Production Ready. ~2 weeks
    1. Integrate SDK and Implement business logic.
  6. Unit and e2e Tests. ~1 week
    1. Development of unit tests covering critical business logic.
      1. Final UX testing and bug fixing.
      2. Address any usability or accessibility issues.
  7. Release and deployment. ~1 day

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

  1. Repository setup ~1 week
  2. Develop interface ~2 weeks
  3. SDK ~1 week
  4. Implement design ~2 week
  5. Interface to Production Ready ~2 weeks
  6. Unit and e2e Tests ~1 week
  7. QA, Release and deployment. ~1 week

If the confirmation of the project start occurs on the selection date, we can estimate the following dates:

Milestone Delivery Date
Repository setup 1/12/2024
Develop interface 1/26/2024
SDK - Publish repository 2/2/2024
Implement design 2/16/2024
Interface to Production Ready 3/1/2024
Unit and e2e Tests 3/8/2024
QA, Release and deployment 3/15/2024
L2 <> L2 bridging integration* mid-2024

*Subject to L2 <> L2 message passing release.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Upfront capital is not a barrier to completing our mission.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

piotrswierzy commented 6 months ago

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission? Our team at BlockyDevs, a formally registered software house in Europe, comprises highly experienced blockchain developers. We have successfully built a cross-chain DAO for the Human protocol, showcasing our expertise in developing multichain applications. Currently, we actively contribute to the Solana Ledger app and maintain the Smart Beaver open-source projects, underscoring our proficiency in developing and sustaining open-source initiatives.

We are committed to investing the effort required to create an outstanding open-source project with a well-maintained repository. Our objective extends beyond hosting and maintaining a user-friendly interface for a Superchain Bridge; we aim to empower the community to easily deploy their own UIs. Additionally, we are open to conducting workshops during Optimism-related hackathons to demonstrate how the developer community can leverage our code base.

Our company consists of over 20 developers, along with a DevOps and design team, enabling us to easily scale the project team, ensure long-term project maintenance, and handle the entire project cycle in-house.

To summarize:

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Wallet connection We will support the mentioned wallets such as MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Rainbow Wallet, and Smart Contract Wallets like Gnosis Safe. This support will be provided by injecting them directly or through integration with WalletConnect V2. This integration will enable the UI to support multiple wallets and multiple chains.

Token bridges Our solution will provide comprehensive support for bridging between L1 and L2 Mainnets/Testnets for any OP Chain within the Superchain (e.g., OP, Base, PGN, Zora, Mode, etc.). Users will have the flexibility to choose both the source and destination chains, as well as the destination address. This is facilitated by the standard bridge, allowing us to set the following parameters:

Token lists Our solution will utilize the Superchain Token List, accessible at In addition, we will enable the bridging of any arbitrary ERC20 token. According to the documentation:

"The Standard Bridge employs bridged representations of tokens native to another blockchain. Before bridging a token native to one chain to another chain, a bridged representation of that token must be created on the receiving side.

A bridged representation of a token is an ERC-20 token that implements the IOptimismMintableERC20 interface. This interface includes functions used by the StandardBridge contracts to manage the bridging process. All bridged versions of tokens must implement this interface for use with the StandardBridge. Native tokens do not need to implement this interface.

A native token may have multiple bridged representations simultaneously. Users must specify the desired bridged token when using the bridge, and different bridged representations of the same native token are considered entirely independent tokens." (Reference:

Furthermore, our solution will empower the UI to fetch TokenLists from any GitHub repository adhering to a standardized design. This feature facilitates easy discovery of new tokens and the creation of custom Token Lists. A user will be able to add a new a new github source; a list of the sources will be stored locally on his computer. Importantly, our solution is designed to function without the need for backend services, making it more cost-effective for hosting the UI and enabling the community to effortlessly spin up additional UIs.

3rd party bridges A list of supported third-party bridges will be consistently updated and maintained in the open-source repository. Additionally ysers will have the ability to configure and create a custom list of third-party bridges using the same mechanism as for the custom token list.

Account history We are considering two potential approaches:

  1. Development of an Additional Account History Module: In this option, we plan to develop an additional Account History module along with a custom indexer to display the account history of a given user. This module will be designed as part of our open-source code, allowing the community to launch a UI based on it. Users can remove the module if they choose to launch their Bridge UI without the responsibility of maintaining and hosting an indexer.

  2. Utilization of an RPC Provider: Alternatively, we can leverage an RPC provider to read the bridge and smart contract events. This approach eliminates the need to run a dedicated indexer while still allowing us to display the account history.

In either case, users will have the capability to initiate a two-step withdrawal process for relevant withdrawals.

Query parameters The UI configuration, including network and token settings, will be stored in the URL. This functionality will enable users to easily share a link to a specific configuration.

Block explorer The repository will include a list of supported block explorers. The UI will read this list, allowing users to choose a specific block explorer directly from the UI.

i18n The supported languages will be fetched from the GitHub repository, enabling the community to easily contribute and support additional languages

Compliance We will collaborate with OP Labs, the Foundation, and our own legal advisory team to establish and maintain appropriate user legal agreements, risk disclosures, and compliance measures. Additionally, we will engage legal counsel to conduct a feasibility study to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the necessary measures that need to be taken.

Superchain Registry The UI will retrieve bridge information from the Superchain Registry and the repository-supported bridges list. This approach will enable us to easily add support for new OP Chains as they come online.

Service level agreement As a formally registered company, we are open to signing a service agreement and have the resources and manpower to fully maintain the open-source project.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.): To successfully and seamlessly execute this mission, we need to maintain a close feedback loop with all parties, including:

The inclusion of a technical communication/advisor partner would also be highly appreciated.

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

Chomtana commented 6 months ago

Upnode & Chomtana Superchain Bridge Application

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier

Alliance Lead: Chomtana Chanjaraswichai and Upnode (Company, Legal entity)

Contact info:

L2 recipient address: 0x147D29D72eEfc7F829ED1Ba94Fe7a87C5075FC17

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:


(And about 4 more from Upnode)

Please see our experience below

Modular Games Chain

Upnode is operating an OP stack rollup called Modular Games, acheived lowest fee in the history by leveraging Celestia technology and becoming an L3 on Base. Our chain focus on researching about acheiving low latency and cost to optimize on-chain gaming experience.

This make us the best candidate because we have skin in the game as a chain operator ourself.


Chomtana is a TechNerd who is actively answering technical questions about OP Stack. Moreover, I also help identify and improve our OP stack documentation by opening pull request for fixing typo and bugs.

This is a notable proof of expertise and commitment on the Optimism Collective.

Read more about TechNerd program at:


Chomtana, Poonpetch and China has teamed up to build RetroList, a platform aimed to simplify RetroPGF 3

RetroList is known in it's fast and reliable. Acheived much faster loading speed than Agora and West.

Live website:

Read more about RetroList:


Chomtana is maintaining simple-optimism-node, a project that aims to make it easy for anyone to run their own Optimism node.

Read more detail about my contribution at:


Upnode has developed opstack-compose, an open source docker compose script to streamline the OP stack deployment process. Currently, our script can deploy a permanent OP Stack chain (Not devnet) to any L1 chain with any configuration of your choice.

Similar to roll-op but we utilize docker compose instead of python script to streamline the OP stack deployment process.

Source code:


Upnode has developed roll-op-ansible which is an ansible script for deploying an OP stack chain using roll-op

Source code:

Upnode Deploy

We have developed a User Interface and offer open-source scripts for easy deployment of the OP Stack. Our interface can now deploy The graph, OP Stack, ETH and OP archive node.

Live application:

Read more: is advancing ENS technology by linking Web 3 domain with Web 2 social through attestation with a mission to connect superchains and Web 2 together.

Currently, we have 14219 attestations, 908 unique attestors and 583 unique domain holders. is developing a permissionless superchain registry system which enable small chains not yet registered to the official superchain registry or temporary development chain to use our superchain bridging UI.

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

UI Design



(Initial design subject to change)

Wallet Connectivity

We will implement supports of a variety of wallets by using RainbowKit, accommodating both Externally Owned Accounts (EOA) and Smart Contracts. This includes well-known wallets like Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, and Rainbow Wallet for EOAs, and tools like Gnosis Safe for smart contracts. Users can connect their wallets using methods such as direct injection, Wallet Link, or WalletConnect, offering versatility in access.

Token Bridges

Our tool enables bridging across "Superchain Registry" including but not limited to OP Mainnet, Base, PGN, Mode and Zora. User can deposit and withdraw ETH and ERC20 tokens between L1 (In this case, Ethereum Mainnet) <-> L2 OP Stack and L2 OP Stack <-> L2 OP Stack once interop has been implemented.

Although we have a great idea on how to expand beyond the superchain registry. We understand that under the compliance, we need to exclusively list only chains included in the superchain registry to prevent further legal issue.

On our UI, we will group mainnet and testnet chains together for ease of use.

We commit to supporting any new OP Stack chains as soon as they are added into the superchain registry.

Token Lists

We will initially source superchain token address from superchain tokenlist at

Protocol owner can add their token to our UI through pull request to our open source repository or permissionlessly connect a domain name to the token (But it won't be featured in our UI).

However, user can add any custom tokens that aren't on the list by doing the following:

User can deposit custom ERC-20 token by either entering domain name of that token or specifying both L1 and L2 token address.

User can withdraw custom ERC-20 token by either entering domain name of that token or specifying the L2 token address (L1 token address will be dervied from the L2 token contract)

URL Hotlink

Each chain and token included in the superchain registry are assigned a unique identifier in the URL


For other OP Stack chains outside of the superchain registry, we may recommend third-party bridges.

Third-Party Bridges Recommendation

We will source a list of well-known third-party bridges and dynamically suggest a list of supported one based on the selected chain and selected token.

Undiscovered bridges can request to be added to our UI through pull request to our open source repository.

Account History

User can view historical bridge transactions along with status and estimated time for each transaction with a link to the preferred blockchain explorer for each transaction.

Transaction history need indexer to index the blockchain data. Although it's a heavy stack, we provide free account history indexing to every chain in the superchain registry.

Withdrawal Process

The withdrawal process is designed for clarity and ease, allowing users to complete steps with a few click. The platform also clearly indicates the duration of each step, simplifying and demystifying the process for users.

Block Explorer Preferences

We will source a list of block explorer for each chain in the superchain registry. By default, the platform uses Etherscan for opening links, with Blockscout as a secondary option. We will have a feature that enable users to select their preferred block explorer via a settings page, enhancing personalization.

Undiscovered block explorers can be added through pull request to our open source repository.

CCTP Bridges

We will hardcode specific asset to use CCTP bridge as required instead of depositing through an usual superchain bridging flow.

If protocol owner want their token to use CCTP bridge instead of usual superchain bridge, they can submit a pull request.

We will notify user if we use CCTP bridge instead of superchain bridge for a particular token.

Internationalization (i18n)

To cater to a global audience, we will add the support for multiple languages, a crucial step in making the service accessible to a wider, international user base.


We will provide a dune dashboard to visualize and analyze volume of bridging transactions. This will help badgeholders in measuring the impact.

Compliance and Legalities

A legal entity linked with Upnode will manage any compliance and legalities related to this grant. Upnode have expertise in oversea crypto native legal. We have experience establishing companies in different countries including Isle of Man, Dubai and more. We will work with Optimism Foundation about Compliance and Legalities.

Service Level Agreement

We commit to the proposed service level agreement for the Bridge UI. This includes diligent ongoing maintenance, support, and enhancement, specifically integrating new OP Chains as they emerge, conducting regular bug fixes, updates, and improvements.

After completed the first version of superchain bridge, we expect to be able to support new chain within 1 week of it being added to the superchain registry.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

  1. Design UX/UI - 2 weeks - 15 Jan 2024
  2. Bridge UI Development - 8 weeks - 15 Mar 2024
    1. Specification for implementation, design approach, and architecture
    2. Frontend Development
    3. Indexer Development
  3. Implement i18n support for the specified languages - 2 weeks - 31 Mar 2024
  4. Implement compliance measure - 2 weeks - 15 Apr 2024
  5. Implement L2 <-> L2 interop support - 8 weeks from the launch of L2 <-> L2 interop
  6. Continuously adding new chains according to the SLA

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

We need to get in touch with OP Labs engineer especially for the development of L2 <-> L2 interop bridge.

Collaboration with OP foundation to support chains in the superchain registry.

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Upfront capital isn't required

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

mgarciap commented 6 months ago

BootNode + Lyra Finance: Superchain Bridge Application

Alliance Lead: Nick Forster Contact info: Backup: Manuel Garcia L2 recipient address: 0x6b10D7Fc3774431aDD486265a9049e4c9b7eFE5B

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:



Previous work:

More information about Bootnode: - -

What makes your Alliance best suited to execute this Mission?

Lyra is one of the most experienced projects in the Optimism ecosystem. It also serves as a frontier of OP Superchains. Lyra will play a crucial role in helping define the product vision and providing supervision and advice throughout the development process. Lyra's direct interest in the project's success stems from the positive impact on Lyra Chain's protocol adoption and utilization. In addition to defining the product, BootNode will also contribute development resources.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Our solution involves creating a new dApp, which will be prepared to be deployed to IPFS if needed and will utilize the OP Stack Client SDK. We will make our best effort to provide a solution with the least third-party dependencies as possible and fully focus on being configurable. The UX/UI will be pixel perfect and best industry practices will be followed.

To speed up development and guarantee maximum quality we will use our own starter kit that comes with out of the box features and battle tested code.

The code will be fully open-source (same License as other Optimism projects), enabling everyone to monitor progress and contribute to its future development, completely forkable friendly. Additionally, we will apply CI/CD best practices providing a testing environment to assess and ensure the quality of our solution before releasing new features and versions.

Wallet connection

Integrating standard web3 connection libraries, user interaction with the Bridge via EOAs and smart contract wallets will be supported out of the box. Moreover, the user experience will be familiar to any crypto user.

Token bridges

Users will be able to bridge across supported networks in the Optimism Superchain. This means from L1 to L2 and also L2 to L2. Additional features allowing destination address selection and any others that may be identified down the road will be added.

Indicative mockups are listed below.

Token lists

Ability for users to bridge not only Superchain Tokenlist tokens but also any arbitrary standard ERC-20. It will feature a dropdown with Super Chain Tokenlist tokens and inputs for any supported ERC20 token.

3rd party bridges

A section including a curated list of 3rd party bridges that users can refer to will be added and maintained. This dynamic list will adapt itself based on selected chains and tokens.

Indicative mockups are listed below.

Account history

Users’ will be able to access a clean and complete list of user transactions (any chain in the Superchain), and also be able to initiate any pending claim from the 2-steps withdrawal process. Filtering and sorting will be added as we see fit.

Note: Any bridging process initiated from any other Superchain bridge will be displayed here.

Query parameters

Dapp will follow a stateful/hot-links URL design. Including but not limited to:

Many block explorers (Blockscout, Etherscan, others) will be supported (based on network selection) and transactions’ links will redirect to the preferred one.

Indicative mockups are listed below.


Internationalization will be supported out of the box. This means that there will be a mechanism to easily support new languages and maintain current ones. Standard conventions here.

Indicative mockups are listed below.


Bootnode will work from the very beginning in conjunction with the Foundation, OP Labs, and our in-house legal advisory team to upkeep user legal agreements, comprehensive risk disclosures, and compliance measures. These tasks will be conducted in parallel with the phases described above, and through interactions with the needed stakeholders, we will incorporate the necessary changes and adjustments in the user interface. The solution will be fully compliance with the legal agreements included.

Superchain Registry

As stated above, The Superchain Bridge Interface will support the Superchain Registry and CCTP bridges, out of the box. The application will consume data from these registries, list every available chain, and route accordingly based on token selection.

Service level agreement

We will work closely with the Foundation to develop a comprehensive service-level agreement.

Indicative mockups


see more... ![image2]( ![image3]( ![image4]( ![image5]( ![image6]( ![image7]( ![image8]( ![image9](

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

The proposal execution will be divided into five consecutive milestones. We will give priority to the most valuable and complex functionalities (detailed in the roadmap), guaranteeing that they are fully usable and tested before moving on to other use cases, which we consider to be less risky and not part of the core flow; first, we will build those use cases associated to bridging.

We understand that the behavior associated with supporting bridging between OP Chains will go live around mid-2024. Therefore, we will address it in the final phase. However, we will ensure that it is taken into account during the initial design and decision-making processes.

A project manager will be responsible for ensuring that the team focuses on the correct tasks at the right time and that the project progresses smoothly. Our QA Engineers perform a detailed quality process on every coded use case.

For each phase, a deliverable will be created and deployed to a testing environment to demonstrate progress. Feedback will be gathered and incorporated into a future potential backlog. The following is a breakdown of each phase addressing all the use cases specified in the RFP, outlining the most important tasks and expected timeframes.


Milestone 0: Ignition

Milestone 1: Basic bridging complete workflow

Milestone 2: Extend previous features and add use cases referring to listing and account history

Milestone 3: User preferences, block explorer, and i18n configuration

Milestone 4: Production readiness

Milestone 5: Extend to bridge L2 to L2

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Notes: we are committed to sharing bi-weekly written updates and Looms videos showing the progress when applicable.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

There is no barrier. We are excited to expand our involvement in the Optimism Ecosystem and establish a long-term partnership with a vested interest.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

jordanmessina commented 6 months ago

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?
Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):
Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:
Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you've executed on this proposal:
Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):
Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)
Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:
aidai524 commented 6 months ago

DapDap Superchain Bridge Application

Alliance Lead: 0xSocractic Contact info: Email: X: @DapDapmeup Telegram: OxSocratic L2 recipient address: 0x27B00250884b66b5e1D664Bd7629cA27eBa66f6b

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:


Link to previous work:

Our team has already built some decentralized frontend for OP stack and non-OP stack bridges:

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Our solution will focus on creating a user-friendly, open-source interface that allows seamless asset movement within the Superchain ecosystem.

Listed Solution Criteria:

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

philippzentner commented 6 months ago

LI.FI Application

LI FI Wordmark Logo

Alliance Lead: Dominik Hell Contact info: L2 recipient address: 0x8932eb23BAD9bDdB5cF81426F78279A53c6c3b71

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work: Dominik Hell, Head of Ecosystem and Growth at LI.FI, Max Klenk, CTO at LI.FI, Eugene Chybisov, Lead Frontend Engineer at LI.FI,

Additionally the team would hire two more roles to manage the development.

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

The team at LI.FI runs one of the biggest bridge and DEX aggregators in the space and has built one of the most used cross-chain interfaces Jumper.Exchange.

The LI.FI team has been working with Optimism since close to the chain's inception and has facilitated hundreds of millions in- and outflows for the ecosystem. LI.FI is 100% focused on liquidity aggregation and positions itself as an enterprise-grade B2B partner. We have been pioneers in the interoperability space since 2021 and have built the following products:

With Jumper.Exchange, which has been used by more than 900.000 users and processed more than $2 Billion in transaction volume, we’ve gained a deep understanding and data on user’s needs and behavior regarding the bridging user experience.

LI.FI Widget and SDK are used by >150 B2B partners. Here again, we also gained a deep understanding of developers' needs and how to deal with a vast number of bridging APIs and SDKs.

LI.FI API: used by >150 partners, including MetaMask, Phantom, and Gnosis. Processed millions of transactions and billions of volume. LI.FI is currently being implemented by enterprise companies with over 60M end users and has spent 2023 to maximize its infrastructure capabilities on being able to handle those large amounts of users.

We leverage the latest technologies and infrastructure to build our products, also used by other industry leaders: AWS, TypeScript, Node.js, React.js, and their library ecosystem, Wagmi, Viem, i18next, and MUI.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Our solution will be to fork the already open-sourced and heavily used Jumper.Exchange interface and rebuild it as a new interface for the Optimism Superchain. All our learnings have been reflected in the latest refactoring of the frontend, which makes the interface super lightweight and fast.

We’ll add all the necessary points from the Solution Criteria while relying on the proven tech of the LI.FI Widget + SDK.

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 12 11 24 PM Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 12 11 38 PM Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 12 12 34 PM Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 12 12 55 PM

Solution Criteria

Wallet connection

Jumper.Exchange and LI.FI Widget have support for over 30 wallets, including smart contract wallets like Safe, and we will add support for other necessary popular wallets.

Token Bridges

The bridge will support all Superchain connected chains and support newly connected chains and their testnets in a fast fashion. LI.FI has in-depth experience in building the right architecture across the stack to add new bridges and chains in a reliable, debuggable, and monitorable fashion and a big team behind it to understand all related edge cases. As a company we gathered and will continue to gather all necessary domain and implementation specific knowledge.

The recipient address will be configurable by the user, as it is already possible today.

Token lists

The LI.FI team has built its dedicated token endpoint, fed by many third-party token lists. It can easily be extended and filtered and uses a proper caching mechanism to save costs and guarantee speed. That way, we can use it for highly customizable token lists.

3rd party bridges

The LI.FI core product allows for access to a wide variety of 3rd party bridges; these can be connected to the Optimism interface in any desired way. We can link to the bridge interfaces, or we can allow-list bridges that are trusted by Optimism on the interface directly. We can provide a lot of in-depth material to help facilitate the decision making process and build risk assessment frameworks with L2Beat & Consensys.

In case bridges should be unlocked on the interface directly at some point, the benefit of LI.FI’s system is that we have standardized all errors and edge cases across third-party bridges, allowing us to provide unified error handling and monitoring across all bridges, again providing the best user experience possible.

Account History

The interface will feature a tab for users to check their account history of all deposits and withdrawals inspired by the current implementation of the Optimism Gateway.

Block Explorer

We will extend Jumper.Exchange and LI.FI Widget functionality will include setting options to select preferred block explorers.

Query parameters

Jumper.Exchange already has support for URL parameters to select chains, tokens, amount, and destination address.


Jumper.Exchange and LI.FI Widget already support a wide variety of languages, with more being easily introduced. We manage translations leveraging the Crowdin platform and, with our Discord community of translators, translate our dApps to 13+ languages. This platform is the industry leader (also used by for making multi-language apps.


Our experienced legal team will work with OP Labs and the Foundation to find the best strategy to comply with all necessary legal requirements.

Superchain Registry

The underlying white-label infrastructure of LI.FI can freely add or block chains being visible in the frontend. We’ll be using the Superchain registry as well as the asked-for CCTP support, which we already deliver out of the box.

Service Level Agreement

Our operational and commercial departments are happy to engage with the OP Collective in setting up a service level agreement to ensure the continued maintenance and improvement of the developed frontend.



By leveraging the LI.FI SDK and Widget the interface will have the ability to be forked and customized by any member of the Superchain alliance to adapt to their own branding. All our CSS and customizability options are very well documented and easy to use.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Our main priority until the Optimism team has the final spec for the L2 to L2 fast bridges, will be to achieve feature completeness on all other items in the roadmap. We imagine the timeline to look like this:

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

zainbacchus commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your submission!! We'll review and revert with next steps!

In the meantime, feel free to tag me here or reach out directly ( with any questions.

zainbacchus commented 6 months ago

Thanks all for these proposals - excited to take the next step forward in decentralizing the bridge interface.

We're excited to share that we will be moving forward with the proposals from Superbridge and Wonderland given their familiarity with op-viem and quality of work on OP Stack bridging and Smock respectively.

@AlexBHarley and @0xParticle we will be in touch directly to kick off the project and discuss expectations in more detail.

For all other teams here: we'd love to help you find the right way to contribute to the Optimism Collective. Keep an eye out for new issues in the Ecosystem Contributions repo for ideas, suggestions, and other possible projects.

Thank you again for your proposals!

jciason commented 5 months ago


avocadodefi commented 5 months ago

i can fix couple of bugs if necessary

AlexBHarley commented 5 months ago

This comment serves as the progress tracker for Superbridge's work on this proposal. We'll update it every couple of weeks to reflect the latest progress on this mission as we complete milestones.

26.1.24 - Milestone 1 completed

8.2.24 - Milestone 2 completed

23.2.24 - Milestone 3 completed

9.3.24 - Milestone 4 completed

0xArdy commented 5 months ago

Wonderland's Superchain Bridge Progress Update:


  1. Project Setup: Completed.
    • Tech Spec
      • [x] Deposit flow: ETH, ERC20, Messages.
      • [x] Force transactions: ETH Withdrawal, ERC20 withdrawal, ETH transfer, and ERC20 transfer.
      • [x] Withdraw flow: Initiate, Prove, and Finalize withdrawal with ETH, ERC20, and Messages.
      • [x] Replay messages flow.
      • [x] Fetch bridged messages status.
    • Wireframes and userflow developed.
    • Repository setup:
      • [x] i18n support added.
      • [x] Token lists added.
      • [x] Basic layout set up.
      • [x] Web3Modal, viem v2, and wagmi v2 set up.
  2. Develop interface: Completed.
    • Tech Spech:
      • [x] CCTP Bridges
      • [x] Fetch CCTP Bridge Events
    • Implement all required functions:
      • [x] Deposit ETH
      • [x] Deposit ERC20
      • [x] Deposit Messages
      • [x] Force ETH Withdrawal
      • [x] Force ERC20 Withdrawal
      • [x] Force ETH Transfer
      • [x] Force ERC20 Transfer
      • [x] Initiate ETH Withdrawal
      • [x] Initiate ERC20 Withdrawal
      • [x] Initiate Message Withdrawal
      • [x] Prove Withdrawal
      • [x] Finalize Withdrawal
      • [x] Replay Deposit Message
      • [x] Replay Withdrawal Finalization
      • [x] Fetch ETH Deposits
      • [x] Fetch ERC20 Deposits
      • [x] Fetch Message Deposits
      • [x] Fetch Forced Deposits
      • [x] Fetch ETH Withdrawals
      • [x] Fetch ERC20 Withdrawal
      • [x] Fetch Messages Withdrawals
      • [x] Fetch Custom Withdrawals
      • [x] Fetch Failed Transaction
    • Design Work:
      • [x] Received the app style and basic functionality, working on the first iteration before starting to implement the design.
  3. Implement design: Completed.
    • [x] Landing page
      • [x] Select bridge modal
      • [x] Select token modal
      • [x] Select chains
      • [x] Deposit flow
      • [x] Withdraw flow
      • [x] Force transfer flow
      • [x] Force withdraw flow
      • [x] Custom transaction
        • [x] Custom message
        • [x] Load contract ABI
        • [x] Transaction builder
    • [x] Account History
      • [x] Layout
      • [x] Load all transactions
      • [x] Format and display all txns
    • [x] Transaction details
      • [x] Layout
      • [x] Format and display all relevant information
      • [x] Prove withdrawal
      • [x] Finalize withdrawal
      • [x] Replay transactions
    • [x] Settings
  4. Interface to Production Ready: Completed.
    • [x] Implement CCTP
    • [x] Implement mobile responsive design
    • [x] Brief QA for testnet release
    • [x] Open sourced the repository
    • [x] Enable Mainnet and Testnet interfaces
    • [x] Add Superchain's chains
    • [x] QA
  5. Release and deployment: Completed.
aashidham commented 4 months ago

What is the latest status of this RFP? How many active teams are working on this RFP and what is the ETA of each? I'd love for PGN ( to be included here as well.

zainbacchus commented 4 months ago

What is the latest status of this RFP? How many active teams are working on this RFP and what is the ETA of each? I'd love for PGN ( to be included here as well.

Hi you can see the latest updates here:

PGN is shutting down by June 2024 . Because they are still part of the Superchain Registry we expect the L1<>L2 to be supported on the respective UI until June 2024.