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Delegate Mission Request: Incentivize Projects to Integrate the Farcaster Social Graph #137

Closed opjulian closed 14 hours ago

opjulian commented 3 months ago

Delegate Mission Request: Incentivize Projects to Integrate the Farcaster Social Graph

Delegate Mission Request Summary:

This mission request seeks to fund projects that enhance Superchain apps by using the social graph of Farcaster, the sufficiently decentralized social media protocol built on Optimism with over 50,000 users.

S5 Intent: 3 — Improve the consumer experience

Proposing Delegate: Layer3

Proposal Tier: Fledgling Tier

Baseline grant amount: 300,000 OP

The funding should be given to multiple projects with unique ideas on how to implement the social graph on their apps

Should this Foundation Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants: Multiple

Apply Here


How will this Delegate Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

Going onchain is best experienced with friends. Unfortunately, modern day user experience can often times feel like a single-player game. By incorporating the Farcaster Social Graph on more projects, we incentivize users of those projects to join Farcaster, deepening and widening Optimism’s social graph and improving the consumer experience.


Build trust in transactions by surfacing social network connections when paying users Example: When I enter a user’s address to send them USDC, I am told if I ‘follow’ them via my social graph This improves the consumer experience via a form of trust, because I am able to verify who I am sending money to Integrate social discovery on an onchain platform Example: An NFT platform could integrate the Farcaster social graph and display to a user “5 people you follow own this NFT”. This improves the consumer experience by telling me what others are doing, which is a valuable way of driving more transactions Develop a “Farcaster Toolkit” to allow users to create lists based on customizable inputs Example: Build a front end where users go to a page and filter for farcaster users that follow limes.eth, are over 1 year old, and have an active badge. With that list I can drop custom NFT’s to those users This improves the consumer experience by providing an easy way to collect social data Provide matchmaking services based on who a user interacts with Example: An onchain game can opt for a multiplayer experience that places them with first and second degree connections on Farcaster Example: Games could create leaderboards that shows a user’s score compared against the people they follow on Farcaster This improves the consumer experience by pairing users with people in their social circles

What is required to execute this Delegate Mission Request?

In order to accomplish the goals set forth above, the project(s) should have:

Please list responsibilities and/or expected deliverables:

The goals of the teams applying for this grant should be:

How should the Token House measure progress towards this Mission?

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission?

andrewhong5297 commented 3 months ago

Excited to see this mission! I just put in my proposal :)

Linking it here, but let me know if that's against rules and I can remove this comment.

chusla commented 2 months ago

hello! application here! look forward to hearing back!

opjulian commented 14 hours ago

These projects were selected for this mission request