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Delegate Mission Request: An Optimistic Future for Art #139

Closed opjulian closed 2 weeks ago

opjulian commented 4 months ago

Delegate Mission Request: An Optimistic Future for Art

Delegate Mission Request Summary: Onboard more artists, collectors, and patrons to Optimism by exhibiting the power of art on Optimism during multiple satellite events during major Crypto, Art, or NFT conventions. This can be accomplished by exhibiting W❤️TA contest winners. Hosting open calls to incentivize the onboarding of artists on the Superchain with exhibition spots. Encouraging attendees to mint Artwork and participation tokens.

Intent: 3 - Improve the Consumer Experience

Proposing Delegate: Brichis 1 (Sponsor)

Proposal Tier: Ember

Baseline grant amount: 15k OP (5k OP per applicant)

Should this Foundation Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants: Up to 3

Completion date: By the end of the year 2024

Apply Here


How will this Delegate Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

Displaying the W♥️TA winners and the success they achieved in securing funds for their artwork will enhance the impact of the contest and establish a benchmark for what Optimism can achieve for artists, particularly for those who are not yet aware. Showcasing the art at physical exhibitions during major events offers the optimal experience for patrons and collectors to engage with the artists. There’s a remarkable opportunity to organize an event with an open call, which will introduce both artists and users to Optimism. This can create a dynamic social cycle where collectors meet artists and can effortlessly and accessibly acquire all the exhibited artwork. Ultimately, this approach will attract creators who will in turn bring in the next wave of collectors and patrons, while also providing them with tangible proof of their attendance at the exhibit. Each event can add on additional activations like an online counterpart to the in person event. This allows the curated exhibition to live on forever. On site contests can be hosted to encourage artists attending the event to participate in a competition.

What is required to execute this Delegate Mission Request?

How should the Token House measure progress towards this Mission?

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission?

LainVisione commented 3 months ago

I guess this Is my kind of mission 🔴🚀 Will gather a team 4 start x

opjulian commented 2 weeks ago

These projects were selected for this mission request