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Start Here: Guide to Optimism Missions #149

Open opjulian opened 3 months ago

opjulian commented 3 months ago

What is a Mission?

Missions are specific initiatives aimed at achieving one of the Optimism Collective Intents. They are tightly scoped to be accomplished start-to-finish by the end of the specified time period. You can think of Intents as the directional goals that allow the Collective to align and focus!

For Season 5, the intents are:

  1. Progress towards technical decentralization
  2. Grow the Superchain
  3. Improve the Consumer Experience
  4. Improve governance accessibility

Learn more about Collective Intents for Season 5 here.

Learn more about Missions by reading the Mission Applicant Guide: How to Submit a Mission Application.

There are two types of Missions - Delegate Missions and Foundation Missions.

Delegate Missions

Delegate Missions Requests are created at the beginning of the Season by the top 100 delegates. Mission Applications to these Mission Requests are processed by the Grants Council, which set submission and selection deadlines corresponding to regular Voting Cycles.

Delegate Mission Requests

To learn more about Delegate Missions, such a key dates, application guides, and more, visit the Grants Council homepage here.

Foundation Missions

Foundation Missions Requests are created and selected by the Optimism Foundation on a rolling basis. You can apply by commenting your proposal directly into the GitHub issue.