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Foundation Mission Request: Visualize the Superchain #150

Closed bdresser closed 2 months ago

bdresser commented 3 months ago

Foundation Mission Request – Visualize the Superchain

How do I work on this Foundation Mission?

Submit a visual asset of any kind that visualizes the Superchain. This can be a sketch, illustration, vector image, motion graphic, finger painting, collage – whatever floats your boat!

To submit, simply link your asset as a comment on this thread. (Read more in Application Instructions below!)

The top three submissions will receive 1500 USDC (first place), 750 USDC (second place), and 250 USDC (third place). Submissions will be judged by the Optimism Unlimited Marketing and Design teams.

Submit your visual by March 25 to be included ✨

Solution Criteria & Design Brief

Your submission can take any form you'd like.

The Superchain is a horizontally scalable network of chains that

Today, chains like Base, Fraxtal, Mode, OP Mainnet, Redstone, and Zora are all built on the OP Stack as early adopters of the Superchain.

In creating your visual asset, consider emphasizing some of the key characteristics of this platform & movement.

How will this Foundation Mission (RFP) will help accomplish the above Intent?

The Optimism Collective is committed to building and growing the Superchain. This project can help achieve Intent 2 by increasing visibility and awareness of the Superchain.

Application instructions

This is an Open Mission – no application is necessary. Simply submit add your submission below, either by replying with a link or by attaching the asset directly. If you have trouble with GitHub, you can email and I will add your submission below.

Submissions should include

bdresser commented 3 months ago

Including some assets from around the ecosystem to get the gears turning. Your submission does not need to follow any of the direction or style of the references below!

Design reference ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 34 00 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 36 52 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 37 07 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 40 14 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 40 41 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 46 00 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 46 14 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 34 25 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 46 43 PM]( ![Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 5 47 18 PM](
wx-33 commented 3 months ago

Lo, here is my representation of the Superchain! Superchain_

Regards WX_33

justmert commented 3 months ago

Here is the Dall-e representation of superchain :)


CubbShawn commented 3 months ago


Here is my interpretation of the Optimism Superchain. I feel the design incorporates all of the things mentioned in the description as well as being visually appealing and easily repeatable or adaptable to a number of different use cases. I also made sure to reference the Optimism Brand guidelines to ensure color consistency. If you have any questions or would like to reach out to discuss more feel free to message me on Farcaster

Address on Base : 0xf085767edEb88ab0cfE8048cb6B6808Cea04C1F9

ngmisl commented 3 months ago


Payment Link (Optimism only):

Inverseart commented 2 months ago

Hello, thank you for this opportunity. I have an idea that I think could change how we interact with and collect art. I also believe that generally speaking we have not scratched the surface of what is possible with NFT art. We share art, fractionalize IP, etc but are we not here to disrupt archaic and unfair modes of exchange that benefit gatekeepers and subjugate artists. This idea opens up a window to the genesis of art: Liveminting.

Screenshare or stream digital art, living generative pieces, music, applicable mediums. Auctioned contemporaneously. Mint stills or bid on final piece in /frames

Imagine bidding on a painting as it's being made. Capturing a still from an Anadol piece. Minting a sound from a live performance.

Imagine doing that with any chain, in Frame.

The roadblock to mass adoption is this: onchain art and assets need to bring something that the old way can't. This is it.

To be fair, I am not a developer. This is just a dream. I have no real concept of how practical or impractical this all is. Are we not here to dream, cast off shackles, build some open brighter future. I dare to dream this one. Thanks for your consideration! Untitled_Artwork

Recent Cast/Zora NFT

Address 0x69116c07f69AE31d6FbA77b43f9fE6844cdC466e (have addresses on other chains if necessary, I'm multi-chain)

ZeroHedgeK commented 2 months ago

It's a digital landscape where cooperation and community are not just features, but the very foundation. The Superchain isn't just about building technology; it's about building connections, nurturing public goods, and celebrating the collective spirit that propels us toward a future bright with possibility. So that is why I used the colours of all Superchain members and put them all together in a coherent and related manner.


Wallet address: 0x14Dc5543838a3E17008116DD45AB554a86af83E0

0xKNNY commented 2 months ago

This piece is called "Chutes and Ladders", made entirely with ASCII Characters. Each color would be each chain, but the same goal remains - to win the game. See the piece here:

chutes and ladders

Minted on Base Wallet Address: 0xF32C74cA26465DCe91dF6Eed7021d6dC110E3BA5

srodan12 commented 2 months ago

sharing three versions for ease of use, but the submission is the video DA dA DA(Data Abundance) is a wordplay on data availability layers. the superchain is represented as an ouroboros of ever evolving and progressing blocks over the blue giant DA layer. as an eth native and an artist i'm very keen on visualizing mathematical concepts. so as its background i chose to have an animated jpeg glitch of myself, because it felt like hashed keypairs interacting, the real me being the public and the glitched me being my private keypair.

process: parametric 3d, after effects, jpeg glitching a video footage

ADDRESS: 0x49c4688912B50fB7B775fBa7fE668E785B006049

SommerChase commented 2 months ago



Connected worlds continually building on and through each other.

I can be reached at chasesommer.eth on Farcaster.

juujuumama commented 2 months ago


Title: Weaving the Superchain Dream

Description: A moment of intense concentration as an innovative creator engages with the OP Stack, symbolizing the forward-thinking minds behind the Superchain. Her pink hair and futuristic glasses reflect the boldness and creativity of the community, while her engagement with the technology exemplifies the collaboration and interconnectedness that are central to the platform's philosophy.

The digital tapestry she contributes to represents the Superchain's cooperative ecosystem, where shared success is woven from individual efforts. The glowing code on the screen signifies the open-source transparency of the Superchain, inviting all to participate in the expansion and enhancement of the network. This artwork is a tribute to the scalability of the Superchain, suggesting a future without limits, where the cooperative fabric of technology binds together developers, creators, and visionaries in a common purpose.

Eth Wallet: 0x657c1F8421Ae93e88fb3171f019779e87B0263cA

valesol00 commented 2 months ago

Ethereal Wonder

The image exudes a sense of wonder and awe. The glowing symbols suspended in the sky evoke curiosity. Are they keys to hidden knowledge? Or perhaps they represent the encrypted pathways of the Superchain itself. The futuristic cityscape embodies ambition. Its circular design suggests unity, harmony, and a collective pursuit of progress.

The symbols—glowing, cryptic—pulse with energy, bridging the mundane and the extraordinary. Perhaps they encode the very essence of the Superchain: immutable, decentralized, and transformative.

Address: 0xf99769DeeBa029793f68d52C21B7c447019122B4

metadiver commented 2 months ago


Video on TikTok:

Video on Instagram:

Address: metadiver.eth

drewbrolik commented 2 months ago

This piece is coded artwork generates new lines for each millisecond since it was conceived. It builds from a single line every time it's viewed. This still image was taken as the lines were building on top of each other. Like the Superchain, the intricate and harmonious expanse of lines are tightly connected yet vast at the same time.

Screen Shot 2024-03-20 at 9 53 44 AM

Address: 0x4aE5e79106a42E2e36bfc8FF3dB0223e20341331

sdvim commented 2 months ago

Dark Side of the Chain

Dark Side of the Chain. SVG. 2187 bytes.

Address: 0xc67293D6fDA86ec27B64b2F9126a2EFfD260A366

UselessDeviant commented 2 months ago

When I read "cooperative, interconnected, and scalable," I couldn't help but compare the blockchain to a brain; billions of interconnected neurons cooperating with each other to create something larger. prueba2

johncpalmer commented 2 months ago

Please see the link for moving vector animations, logos, and UI concepts.

image image
offt0theether commented 2 months ago

image Address: 0xf7455a50c1211cA3114A81D98d228B8d83479e9A

0xtrvkc commented 2 months ago


address : 0xA09AA75da763D4aEB692672897C057786Cdd258B

Title: "Superchain Metropolis"

Description: "Superchain Cityscape" depicts a futuristic metropolis powered by the Superchain platform. Skyscrapers adorned with the logos of OP Chains soar into the sky, interconnected pathways symbolize collaboration, while citizens thrive in a vibrant, technologically advanced environment.

mx1000m commented 2 months ago


Title: B&OP - A New Era: The SuperChain

Description: Journey through a visualisation of the SuperChain, where B and OP emerge as the central protagonists, heroes of a new L2 blockchain era. While traversing the digital realm they will encounter new allies such as "Mode" and "Z". Together, they embody the core values of cooperation, interconnectedness, scalability, and open-source.

Zora Link:

Address: 0x829C0F59FF906fd617F84f6790AF18f440D0C108

GMAn0n commented 2 months ago

Below are a series of creations and submissions based around the ethos of the superchain infrastructure image image

superchain envisioned as a fsahionable logo image

image image


GregoryKan42 commented 2 months ago

A colossal tree of life, its trunk and branches formed by intertwined threads of data of various colors and shapes. Scattered along the trunk and branches are tiny multicolored sparks - new autonomous projects and ideas, ready to grow into the system. Surrounding the tree is an energetic glow - a field of possibilities and potential for further growth and development of the Superchain. Default_Create_a_vast_tree_of_life_its_trunk_and_branches_form_1 Address: 0xaC9a3Dd5A4d06DB110Ae35709a21093586f1E749

GregoryKan42 commented 2 months ago

"The Bonds of the Cryptocosmos"

Imagine an infinite digital space woven with vibrant lines of code and data, intertwining to form a tangled knot. Each line represents a separate blockchain ecosystem or protocol, and their intricate interweaving embodies the essence of the Superchain - a unified integrated environment.

At the heart of this chaotic data flow lies a core - a massive node emitting rhythmic pulses of light and energy. These pulses, akin to shockwaves, propagate along all lines of code, facilitating the transmission of assets, values, and seamless communication between all points of the system.

Woven into this cryptocosmos are elements reminiscent of molecular and neural structures, electrical discharges, or beating pulsating hearts, serving as a metaphor for the life force fueling this grand system.

In the gaps between the lines, the code disperses like sparks or particles of light, symbolizing the boundless potential for further growth and development of the Superchain. The entire composition literally breathes with life, energy, and the dynamism of a decentralized universe of the future. Default_Create_an_abstract_space_image_of_a_colossal_sphere_wo_0 Address: 0xaC9a3Dd5A4d06DB110Ae35709a21093586f1E749

GregoryKan42 commented 2 months ago

Superchain, symbolizing a network of decentralized blockchain interoperability. Surrounding it are nodes, connected by glowing fiber optic cables. In this industrial underground setting, every detail looks so realistic, you'll feel like you're right there! Default_Hyperreal_3D_Spherical_nexus_metallic_platesglowing_c_2 Address: 0xaC9a3Dd5A4d06DB110Ae35709a21093586f1E749

chriss27172 commented 2 months ago

We all have the same tool. Every superchain starts here. one tool

alizb98 commented 2 months ago


Prompt:Futuristic digital artwork of a sprawling metropolis, dominant red color tones, superchain-infused cityscape, bustling streets adorned with superchain logos, advanced skyscrapers with neon-lit superchain advertisements, high-tech infrastructure integrated with superchain logo, top-tier digital rendering, ultra-HD, cyberpunk, futuristic, red color scheme, detailed cityscape, cryptocurrency dominance, bustling streets, high-end digital art, vibrant lighting Also here is a link:

wallet: 0xCF31BF0a862637A632B7282Bc3533978D9923e50 Fid: 287136 @alizb IMG_0337 IMG_0338 IMG_0339 IMG_0340

rroydd commented 2 months ago

SuperChain Dino's world

Each dinosaur is a network of Superchain Base, Fraxtal, Mode, OP Mainnet, Redstone and Zora - all built on OP Stack as early adopters of Superchain.

The work is a retrospective look from the future to our present where we are now. By developing applications, and new networks - we are leaving our mark on history, just as the dinosaurs once left their mark on human history

0xA1b0B899F843eC4caEe771eD7c15FAc333f28D7C / cryptobrelgin.eth

Аннотация 2024-03-22 201923

B-lase commented 2 months ago

A strong spark and there it was: information flowing freely, unconstrained and governed on common ground.

My submission is a 40-second animation that visualizes a possible future where creativity isn’t limited by economic resources and opportunities are equally distributed. full video:


Mixing 2D and 3D techniques, this animation is a 4K PNG Sequence made out of 963 frames. video + still images:

wallet: 0x0059f2304636211876d8d25cACeC8d42734df656

Thank you!

maximpsh commented 2 months ago

The work represents the world of Superchain spots Each spot represents a network of Superchain Base, Mode, OP Mainnet, Zora - all of them are built on the OP Stack and are followers putting a patina on the overall picture of Superchain, which will only become brighter. Address: 0x4720F4c8af4A8D95AFca45F9f2377eFF6ba875ca Zora Link:


neverfamousartists commented 2 months ago

We have created two animated artworks, as we think both artworks convey the Superchain pretty well.

Here are our two artworks, and their corresponding descriptions.

"Neural Nexus" portrays the neuronal circuits of the human brain, intricately woven into a vast network of interconnected pathways, echoing the essence of cooperativeness, scalability, and open-source ethos inherent in the superchain concept.

"Electrifying Connection," the essence of cooperativeness, interconnectedness, scalability, and open-source ethos converge in a mesmerizing portrayal of human connection. The centerpiece of the piece is a symbolic handshake between two hands, each resembling intricate electric circuits, sparking a visual representation of collaborative synergy.

Eth Address: 0xcC7Dc2A011Ad253F6440163FCD0f9aF35863C53f X (previously twitter): Farcaster:

SHiNYA-MORi commented 2 months ago

image_fin The world created by OP is expressed as an earth-like sphere. It represents a world where this world is constantly changing and expanding in a variety of colours as various chains are created.

While conventional Optimism was a red monochrome world, the worldview of Superchain by OP Stack is not only red, but is changing into a diverse world including blue, as symbolised by base.

Eth address: 0xCF61eBD3613684a53E48eE85d8fBc80C5156c479 X(prev Twitter):

favor1508 commented 2 months ago

Title: SuperChain Penguin

The way this world works is that the youngest penguin chooses one of the 6 networks (Base, Fraxtal, Mode, OP Mainnet, Redstone and Zora) mentally and the 2nd oldest penguin processes and checks the information.

The work is a cooperative Superchain ecosystem running on Op Stack, where the overall success is woven from the individual efforts of two penguin brothers who together in one team were able to invent it all and contribute to the future of cryptocurrency

My evm adress: 0x155270EDb802641758d16C6AB178Ed9908661234 Zora Link:


amysinferno commented 2 months ago

Gears of Interconnectivity

Address: 0x52F34571e24c68524426d339FaF1001Ed3A3dbd5

multicoreFF commented 2 months ago

transfer of power

hand drawn digital artwork / "transfer of power"

address > 0xf56f9dc96219D1233ADe5F22c5d3C898E739ed7e


petushka1 commented 2 months ago



The Super Chain is visualized as a supernatural, AI-based, smart, and empathic robotic creation that serves as the heart and intelligence center of the whole ecosystem. This concept is global and integrated throughout the universe wherever processes can be converted into binary. This tremendous virtual organism, though, can be accessed via simple dApps installed on your mobile device.

Eth address: 0x81D8bF1D0C5fDcC04c14984F50396B932b0B56b3


Porcoss commented 2 months ago

The Superchain: A Beacon of Opportunity

Imagine a sunrise, where the sun's rays symbolize endless chances. Now envision a breathtaking scene: at the ocean's edge, the bright sun represents optimism, casting its glow on the world. From its core emerges the mighty Superchain, fueled by the spirit of Optimism, offering endless possibilities and new ideas.

Below, people gather, drawn by the Superchain's brilliance and the guiding light of Optimism. They hold surfboards, representing developers eager to explore its potential. Each link of the Superchain offers a way to success, inviting them to discover new opportunities and innovations.

As the Superchain climbs higher, it illuminates the horizon with the radiance of Optimism, promising a future of collaboration, progress, and boundless potential. It stands as a symbol of hope and togetherness in the ever-changing landscape of technology, driven by the unwavering belief in a brighter tomorrow.

Eth address: 0x67F64a6050F4D6f234319829Bf91aFeB51A1D763 SuperChain

acidlazzer commented 2 months ago

We all love the superchain❤️

Digital illustration with little animations showing the union, love and community from all the projects involved in the superchain such as Optimism, Base, Zora, Frax Finance, Lisk, Mode Network, Redstone and Ethereum, hope you like :D

You can find it on Zora in better quality or if the gif doesn´t charge well here:

Address: 0x8aA27E90E139d5AB5704df69429341cbCb2d2464 superchain_6

FractalVisionz commented 2 months ago


Superchain Mainframe - This piece was created in Photoshop with 28 separate files that were generated using artificial intelligence and isometric art as the template for the layout. Utilizing this type of technology to create art along with the experience that we have gained over the past in digital editing with programs such as photoshop has created a delicate blend between two worlds and inspired us to participate in this event by providing a contribution. The action of making this image reflects the ability to speed up the creation process using artificial intelligence and combine different ideas together to created detail oriented imagery showing others how to use this technology for good. Bringing these innovative ideas to life is something that some visual creators who don’t have the opportunity to practice art full time can only dream of when it comes to traditional techniques such as acrylic or oil painting.

If you look closely at the details you will see all of the different structures that represent new digital cities that are full of super intelligent cybernetic nerds and punks who are set out to create a better world. Utilizing the ethereal power of the blockchain nestled on a cliff of an island far up in the sky within the universe. This new paradigm has given builders from all around the galaxy an opportunity to join together on this cosmic journey. Allowing for anyone to use the technology of open source software to align their vision with other builders who share the same values and support each other along the way on their mission. Creating a sustainable way to fix the old legacy systems that have crumbled down around us by utilizing practices such as decentralized science and regenerative finance or agriculture to provide solutions that have taken us generations to accomplish.


mikefogg24 commented 2 months ago


Hello - I'm Mike, a Full-Time Art Director and 3D Artist in the Web3 space, and this is my entry into the "Visualize the Superchian" contest.

I created this piece using Blender3D, Marvelous Designer, Photoshop, and Lightroom.

The concept behind my piece, "The Superchain", is that even in an isolated state, we can find hyper-connectivity, across the world, across the globe, and across any medium or language. In a fully decentralized way, that empowers sovereign creators and builders alike.

I plan to mint this piece on Zora in the coming weeks. Thank you so much for the consideration!

( - mikefogg24)

ETH - 0x099460639a7e0f7ad5221d7F02B22b920E48767c

triadji commented 2 months ago


like yin and yang, superchain also complements the L1 network, developers provide color to users

base addres : 0xf822C136dffB7724f60E9F32A0D375aaCACeD151

Bubalu3D commented 2 months ago


The superchain is like a solar system, where different ecosystems coexist forming a larger cohesive machine, capable of expanding infinitely like the universe itself.

Address: 0xf145929A2F094840A797851cd306ae70C2B51986

nononoking commented 2 months ago

Superchain Monster (Large)

Superchain Monster Village had to upload low res file coz max size in comment Hi Res: X post:

Address: 0x334F95D8FFdB85a0297C6F7216E793d08ab45B48

WIDEEYEFEELS commented 2 months ago


Here's the Hi Res file:

Address: 0x8F8202209Fcc3eF9CF697DdD0B8Fa06B06D844EA

I had a lot of fun with this:) It's an art piece but also a game! How many logos can you find!

This is a mixed media piece, I used both physical and digital to create it.

statuette commented 2 months ago

"Dawn of the Superchain"

cryptostatuette.eth / 0x2f21f94e1e57543f4663B722b6B1Bed97C576Bd4


hadakang commented 2 months ago


"Superchain is cube for blockchain"

ens : charmmon.eth x : tg-channel : @optimism_kr

Danielsheldon-eth commented 2 months ago

Here is My submission. Moonwatcher on the Superchain. Ens : DanielSheldon.eth Im having issues iuploading the JPG file here, not sure why. I did send it to Bobby via email on submission date. I hope it gets submitted... ![Uploading Visualising the Superchain by Daniel Sheldon_.jpg…]() Visualising the superchain by Daniel Sheldon. (ahh it uploaded today - tho I did submit it on the day)

harrytrananh7 commented 2 months ago

OP Superchain Caption: Welcome to the Optimism Universe

KamauKamau commented 2 months ago

Superchain Artists' description: "We visualize the Superchain as a tapestry of woven beads, with every bead bearing a colour from a chain of the Superchain's ECO's core. The beadwork is interconnected using strings and just like the Superchain, this is the union that fosters cooperation and brings it all together as one large powerhouse of resources; thriving in both form and function" Generative artwork created using p5js. Algorithm developed by Kamau Kamau & Ian Wright

Kamau Kamau: 0x9D919F040Ee44C6E224395B3EA8A97f3FFC4a523 Ian Wright: 0x54172644c1ce39128A3501098c46691C0B67B91B

chicbangs commented 2 months ago

Title: probably magic

Artist: Chic Bangs / chicbangs.eth

Description: The superchain is where lovers and dreamers build a new world. The broad paint strokes leave room for imagination and creation, just like the layers of the superchain. Maybe we've found it, the rainbow connection.


probably magic - black probably magic - white

shayastark commented 2 months ago

This is my submission for the contest. It is titled, "Optimistic Growth". My style is abstract, but this piece conveys different ways the Superchain facilitates growth and unlocks opportunities. Through financial incentives and contributions, resources for developers, community building, and education, the Optimism ecosystem connects many of us through different avenues.

wallet: 0xa2eae178f372220ff6c6d8cacd63efe4e4b44525

Optimistic Growth