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Foundation Mission Request: GovNERD Maintainers #182

Open opjulian opened 2 months ago

opjulian commented 2 months ago

Foundation Mission Summary: The Foundation has previously issued Mission Requests to experiment with govNERDs, who help shepherd proposals through the feedback, approval, and voting process. The govNERDs have been effective at reducing the role of the Foundation in this process to date. In Season 6, the govNERD program will evolve into an open contribution path, supporting continued progress towards decentralization by enabling more contributors to take on responsibilities previously executed by the Foundation. This Mission Request will support 3-5 govNERD Maintainers that will help establish and manage this contribution path throughout Season 6.

S6 Intent: Progress Towards Decentralization: Governance Proposal Tier: Ember

Grant amount: 8,000 OP per Season + 2,000 per Reflection Period = 12,000 OP per govNERD maintainer

Should this Foundation Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants: Up to 3

OP Labs or Optimism Foundation Sponsor: @oplavande

Submit by: May 3rd at 23:59 GMT

Selection by: May 8th at 23:59 GMT

Start date: May 9th

Completion date: Dec 11th

Foundation Point of Contact: @oplavande and @opjulian

Mission Request

How will this Foundation Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent? The iterative nature of Optimism governance means it is constantly changing. While this should ultimately lead to improvements in the health of the overall governance system, it makes the system harder to navigate, which can create barriers to participation. GovNERDs help governance participants navigate the governance system, shepherding proposals through the feedback, approval, and voting process and ensuring the forum is a place for the highest quality engagement.

GovNERD Maintainers will assist the Foundation in launching the govNERD program as an open contribution path. GovNERD Maintainers will increase the level of decentralization in this program by empowering more community members to contribute as govNERDs, fulfilling responsibilities previously executed by the Foundation (selection of new govNERDs, quality assessment of answers/engagement of govNERDs, provision of onboarding training, etc).

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission Request? The responsibilities of the govNERDs will remain the same as in previous seasons but will be open to community applications that meet the requirements laid out in the govNERD contribution path (to be published before the start of Season 6.)

GovNERD Maintainers will steward the development of the govNERD contribution path, ensuring govNERDs are neutral shepherds of the proposal process.

How should the Foundation measure progress towards this Mission?

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission?

Application Instructions: To apply for this Mission Request, please complete the form below and submit as a comment on this issue thread. Submissions will be open until May 3rd 2024 23:59 GMT, at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select up to three applicants.

Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary.

Applicant: Contact info: Please specify the best point of contact (email preferred) L2 recipient address: Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier]( Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Please link to any relevant previous work: What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question: Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

opjulian commented 2 months ago

A couple of notes from the foundation

Dhannte commented 2 months ago

Applicant Name: Gonna.eth

Contact info:

L2 recipient address: 0xDCF7bE2ff93E1a7671724598b1526F3A33B1eC25

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: verified

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Confirmed

Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: Having been involved as a delegate, council member, co-founder of EthernautDAO, and a previous govNerd during Seasons 4 and 5 is a background that provides me with a deep understanding of OP governance processes, and I've consistently demonstrated my commitment to the community. As part of the Grants Council operations and S5 lead, I am well-positioned to coordinate efficiently between Grants Council and govNERD responsibilities internally.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: I've actively participated in the Optimism Governance from its early cycles. I've applied for grants, voted as a delegate, and contributed to refining grant proposal structures since Cycle 10. This hands-on experience has given me a comprehensive understanding of the governance processes and the nuances of the proposal lifecycle. I've also participated on the feedback committee

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: My goal is to ensure the smooth execution of the governance processes by taking on essential administrative responsibilities. By handling tasks such as calendar maintenance, community call support, and forum management, I aim to reduce the workload on the Optimism Foundation, allowing them to focus on designing and implementing future experimental steps.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes, I can commit 8 hours per week.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

Discord moderator access for tagging delegates, citizens, etc. Forum moderator access for managing spam filter approvals and forum open/close posts if needed. Weekly 15-30 minute meetings with one OP Foundation representative to ensure the scope is being covered.

brichis commented 2 months ago

Applicant: Brichis Contact info: L2 recipient address: 0x7fC80faD32Ec41fd5CfcC14EeE9C31953b6B4a8B Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: Yes, I do Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Yes, I do Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: I've been govNERD in the past two seasons; I'm familiarized with the position and I have delivered everything requested in a timely manner. For this new Season I want to pass on what we have learned to the new generation of govNERDs.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: I jumped into the role of a delegate after RetroPGF 2, which was a game-changer for Ethereum México. Throughout this period, I have been on a continuous learning journey, becoming a high-context contributor. Additionally, as a govNERD during Season 5, I concentrated on the Token House, so I am familiar with the entire proposal process from start to finish.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: I want to continue being a valuable member of the established work team; I would also like to support the new govNERDs on this new adventure.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes, I am

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.): In addition to what I already possess from previous seasons:

alexsotodigital commented 2 months ago

Applicant name: Alex Soto

Contact info: / @alexsotodigital

L2 recipient address: 0x3cd5fEC7FA9827cf0d262D6be5421A61CF615794

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier]( Yes, I do.

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Yes, I do.

Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: I considered that what makes me most suitable to execute this Mission is that I have enough knowledge to understand the need and enough freshness to see the process with new eyes.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: I am an active member of the community and have been learning about the governance model for months. Ready to get more involved, with time and energy available.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: The impact I aim to have is to generate a govNERD contribution path that is clear, simple and interesting; attracting quality talent and taking advantage of the different skills available.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes, I am.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

lilieth1 commented 2 months ago

Applicant: liliop.eth Contact info: L2 recipient address: 0xE1e5dcbBc95aabE80E2f9c65C7A2cEF85daF61C4 Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: Yes, I do Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Yes, I do

Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements:

During one of the Q&A given by Brichis, I expressed my great interest in participating and providing feedback on products and projects. She mentioned that I could start with the forum, and it was a great idea because it allows me to interact with the builders towards continuous improvement (btw I am grateful for her recommendation regarding the govNerd program). Coming from a background in digital product development, I am deeply committed to continual improvement in each project I lead. Thus, I find great satisfaction in offering feedback at every phase of a project and maintaining a personal log of lessons learned. I am eager to review proposals, assist applicants in achieving successful outcomes, and advocate for increased participation from builders in less favorable regions.

My experience includes active engagement in the Optimism forum, where I interact with builders, provide feedback on applications, and address inquiries. Additionally, I have participated in Discord discussions, reviewed project tasks in the Women Biz bootcamp and started the governance project with them. Furthermore, my involvement in hackathons has provided valuable insights into the various qualification strategies employed by juries and their expectations from builders.

Joining the GovNERD program presents a good opportunity for me to demonstrate my capabilities and extend the substantial support I am committed to providing. Being part of the Council through this program would represent a significant leap forward in my contributions as delegate.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission:

I would like to continue providing feedback to the builders' projects and reviewing proposals, as well as participating as a moderator or assistant on Governance calls. It would even be good to implement Q&A calls for builders about the retro funding process, both on the technical side and in terms of evaluation criteria. Additionally, I would like to contribute to the Optimism communication channels and continue sharing any updates we have through the forum. Continue contributing to the group and sharing my experience so that there are more govNerds of different profiles in the program and that it continues to grow. I am good at organizing and moderating workshops or events, so it would be nice for me if I supported some that come directly from the Collective.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes, I am Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

StayOptimistic ;)


0xPumbi commented 2 months ago

Applicant: Pumbi

Contact info:

L2 recipient address: 0x7E90140C747d4295f9BFc24dC134d0b08DbA80f5

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier]: Yes, I do

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Yes, I do

Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: I have years of experience leading educational initiatives across Latin America alongside Solow Cripto, where I've honed my ability to effectively share knowledge in a simple manner. Additionally, in my roles as an Optimism Ambassador and Leader of Optimism en Español, I'm always scanning the forum to stay updated on all the new experiments proposed in governance. Currently, as a collaborator with SEED Latam, I've had the opportunity to learn not only about Optimism's governance but also about many other ecosystems like MakerDAO, Arbitrum, and Connext, among others.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: I have a deep understanding of Optimism's Governance and its procedures. Here are some examples of my involvement: I participated in organizing and delivering a live presentation on The Future of Optimism's Governance at Governance Day, the first event in Latin America dedicated entirely to governance with international attendees, held in Buenos Aires in 2023.

At the beginning of the current season, I conducted a training session in Spanish covering all the updates introduced for Governance Season 5, with Lavande's participation. More recently, I conducted another training session aimed at the Costa Rican community, focusing on the application process for Missions and Grants in Season 5.

Furthermore, as a collaborator for SEED Latam Delegation for Optimism Governance, I authored a report Token House Participation and Incentives Season 5, cycles 16 and 19 analyzing and measuring delegates participation in Season 5 Missions (all information in this report was manually extracted from the governance forum).

Supporting delegate Joxes in daily tasks has provided me with valuable insights into the various nuances and viewpoints of delegates and the significance of this crucial role in governance.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: I bring diverse perspectives to the table (part of a delegation, active collaboration with the Collective through contribution paths, and content creation about Optimism through Optimism en Español and Solow). This active engagement has connected me with various actors within the ecosystem. Therefore, I'm convinced that this experience can enable me to become a facilitator improving accessibility to governance for new participants.

My focus will not only be on consistently carrying out assigned tasks (maintaining the public governance calendar, moderating the forum, moderating Discord, roundups of voting cycles, etc.), but also on adopting a proactive, high-impact approach through stewardship and guidance for collective decision-making & policy building, besides promoting and facilitating more instances for healthy debate, and support and advisory to professionalize proposals writing, assessments, implementation pathways, feasibility.

I aim to contribute to the decentralization of governance processes by participating in onboarding more govNERDs into the contribution program and assisting in their training.

As a result of utilizing all these tools and supporting day-to-day operations, I'm confident that I can substantially enhance the governance experience of collective members and significantly reduce the workload for the Foundation and other ecosystem actors.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes, I am

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

honn24xx commented 2 months ago

Applicant: Honn Contact info: L2 recipient address: 0x45570615060775050bE9FD72B15F76e2C2E1A1De Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier]( I am Fledgling Tier Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Yes Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements:

1. Previous govNERD experience: As a previous govNERD, I was able to become quite familiar with the govNERD contribution path and scope of responsibilities. In addition, the tools, processes, and formats are all now familiar, requiring less onboarding. 2. Creating contribution paths: During my time at the Uniswap Foundation, a few of the programs that I took point on such as the protocol delegation program and Optimism Liquidity Mining Program, involved bringing in contributors. We were able to bring in contributors with the right skillsets and expertise, allowing them to design and contribute to these programs, similar to what the govNERD maintainers will be aiming to do with the govNERD contribution paths. 3. DAO governance leadership experience: As a previous founding employee of the Uniswap Foundation, I used to lead most governance initiatives for Uniswap while working on distributing grants. Prior to this, I worked in DAO operations as a grants evaluator for dYdX’s grants program and also served as a governance lead for one of the largest student organization delegates in 2021. 4. DAO research experience: As a research fellow for the DAO Research Collective, I conducted thorough qualitative and quantitative research for DAO’s. Further, as a contributor to the OurNetwork Analytics newsletter, I was able to hone my on-chain analytics skills to analyze protocol activity. 5. Operational excellence: Prior to crypto, I worked in traditional strategy and operations that allowed me to develop strong business operational skills.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: Previous govNERD experience has made me even more familiar with Optimism Governance and the proposal process. As a governance nerd, I’ve always been impressed and supportive of Optimism’s novel initiatives to push forward governance. With these interests, I studied the ins and outs of Optimism governance, but being a govNERD has really let me roll up my sleeves and understand the process. Prior to that, I actively participated in Optimism governance as the Optimism protocol delegation lead for Uniswap.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: I aim to help craft the new govNERD contribution path through this Mission. I believe that having a clear and strategic contribution path will allow the Collective to attract the necessary contributors, scale appropriately, and execute larger initiatives with the newly added support.

In addition, I will continue executing on the original govNERD responsibilities that will help the Collective seamlessly run.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes. Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.): Moderator access to ensure the right people are notified and messages can be sent

suckmydiscoteque commented 2 months ago

Applicant Name: suckmydiscoteque.eth

Contact info:

L2 recipient address: 0xC3e8aC233f02d13C1E299e47aE230C205E0177Ed

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: verified

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Confirmed

Please link to any relevant previous work:

Delegate since OP governance inception Optimism super ambassador role holder in discord Support-Nerd on Optimism discord ThriveCoin Optimism Season 1 moderator Participant of RetroPGF (rewarded) Participant and winner of RetroPGF2 (rewarded like individual) Active citizen on RPGF3

What makes you best suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: I feel that I have all the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully accomplish such an important and demanding task. I have been an active member of the Optimism community since 2021 and have proven my sincere commitment to Optimism. I am ready to take the next step and if you choose me I will not let you down.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: I am an active member of Optimism Governance and I know the grant application process. I also regularly vote as a delegate. I think it's easy to learn something new quickly if necessary.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this mission: I can take on " routine work" that needs to be done quickly in order to reduce the workload of the Optimism Foundation. In general, my goal is to be useful to the team and therefore I am willing to take on any job.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Ensure the accuracy and completeness of the public governance calendar. Ensure the accuracy and completeness of proposals. Provide support during community calls, addressing questions on behalf of govNerds. Announce relevant activities on appropriate channels. Track delegate approvals and verify proposal requirements. Monitor and manage forum tools, ensuring the proper functioning of the spam filter. Provide support during citizen calls, addressing questions on behalf of govNerds for RetroPGF participants. Publish roundups of passed missions moving to Agora and proposals in the forum. Complete the Optimism GovFund Grants: Public Distribution Tracking. Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes, I can commit 8 hours per week.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

1) Required moderator roles and rights in Discord 2) Communicate in DM during business hours with Optimism Foundation representative to report on work done and receive necessary instructions and feedback.

Bultacio commented 2 months ago

Applicant: Bultacio

Contact info:

L2 recipient address: 0x5530F89D5ee7907e467262f6f4DF2242bA626233

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: I do qualify.

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Acknowledged.

Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: I have been training under Gonna.eth since last January and assisting in GC database management. As an ex-QA and Game Designer, I tend to seek the most cost-effective solutions within a set timeframe and scope for the inevitable issues that tend to arise.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: I've been closely following the entire process since January, due to my current training under Gonna.eth.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: Mainly, I aim to reduce the workload of both the Foundation itself and other actors if possible, focusing on administrative tasks. I am the kind of person who double-checks their work (and others', if requested) and tries to minimize the amount of mistakes and overhead that can have a negative impact.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Verified.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.): Role rights in the pertinent channels.

ismailemin commented 2 months ago

Applicant: İsmail Emin Erdoğdu

Contact info:

L2 recipient address: ismailemin.eth

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: Yes, I do

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Yes, I do

Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: My extensive experience in blockchain community management, coupled with my firsthand involvement in governance processes across multiple protocols, makes me ideally suited for the GovNERD Maintainer role. I have a proven track record of initiating and leading community-driven projects that enhance governance participation and transparency. My role in establishing and directing the Delegation Committee at ITU Blockchain exemplifies my ability to mobilize and educate community members, fostering an environment that encourages active and informed participation.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: As a key figure in the Delegation Committee, I have actively contributed to governance discussions and decision-making processes for protocols including Optimism. This experience has provided me with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within decentralized governance frameworks, making me well-prepared to guide new and existing GovNERDs in navigating and contributing to Optimism's governance ecosystem effectively.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: I am committed to leveraging my skills to further decentralize the governance process, increase community involvement, and ensure that the governance framework operates efficiently and transparently. My goal is to onboard and mentor new GovNERDs, streamline governance processes, and enhance the quality of discussions and decisions within the Optimism community.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes, I can commit up to 8 hours per week for this role.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.): To execute this mission effectively, I would require:

dmars300 commented 2 months ago


Diego Mares

Contact Info

L2 recipient address


Tier verification


Acknowledgment to complete KYC to receive this grant


Links to relevant previous work

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission?

Explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process

Describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission

The impact I want to achieve in this Mission is to

Define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal.

Verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role

I confirm I am able to commit 8 hours per week. Even more, if needed.

Additional supported required

HBesso31 commented 2 months ago


Humberto Besso

Contact info:

L2 recipient address:


Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier:

Yes, I do.

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant:

Yes, I will.

Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements:

I'm a governance nerd by experience, passion, and background. My theoretical and practical knowledge in carrying out governance process within different context will bring new eyes and ideas to help Optimism's citizens and interested stakeholders navigate the governance system. My experience working with diverse audiences from all around the world will help guide conversations within proposals to focus on finding common ground instead of on the polarities, thus, accelerating the time between stages of the proposals. And my experience in conflict resolution will increase the quality of the engagement within the forum.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process:

I've participated in the Missions and Grant application processes twice. I've participated in Telegram groups regarding proposal making and provided peer-feedback. Also, I've gone through the documentation, articles of others sharing their perspectives and experiences. I have gathered a theoretical knowledge and am ready to jump into action so to better understand it.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission:

I'll focus my attention in three areas: I. Optimization of the proposal making. My aim is to increase high-quality forum engagement within proposals to welcome and support the most potential projects rather than filtering by likes and comments. This includes helping builders with feedback to their projects and communications, so the quality of the proposals increase and that they acknowledge the impact measurements and fund usage they've committed to.

II. Optimization of the routine work. Automation of calendar management, announcements, reminders, proposal alerts, spam filtering, and data collection, so that future GovNERDS can focus their attention in the constant improvement of high quality forum engagement and proposal making.

III. Welcoming onboarding. This area aims to help people understand the best route for achieving Profit = Impact (Retro funding, proposal making, delegating, voting, etc), so they can then start their governance journey, which could lead to identify new govNERDs and other Optimism roles that can be trained with months previous to their respective role applications.

Additionally, if time and workload allows, I'd like to work with delegates to develop a methodology to assist them in curating projects and comparing them from very early stages.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

I. Optimization of the proposal making:

  1. CRM of delegates with their interests.
  2. Co-create, with the other GovNERD teammates and previous GovNERDs, a method to funnel proposals so that they are identified and supported since they are posted.
  3. Method to automate the above funneling process.
  4. Bi-weekly report on posted proposals with a TL;DR of their strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions tagging the proposal maker and delegates that might be interested in.
  5. Provide matchmaking opportunities for the proposals to improve their game and make sure they can deliver what they committed to.

II. Optimization of the routine work:

  1. Interview those experienced with carrying out the current manual processes of the govNERD tasks (calendar management, announcements, reminders, alerts, spam filtering, and data collection).
  2. Co-create with them the way forward to optimize delivering the task.
  3. Co-draft a proposal for automating each of these.
  4. Test
  5. Publish a data-backed proposal to achieve the routine work optimization

III. Welcoming onboarding:

  1. Co-define with the Foundation and key stakeholders the key characteristics of the ideal profile for the GovNERD
  2. Find those key characteristics within the forum, Discord, and Telegram chats
  3. Socialize the data gathered with the other GovNERDs with the goal of finding peers that can start their path early and thus also increase the quality and number of GovNERDs.

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role:

Yes, I am committed to.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

CosmicKi commented 2 months ago

Applicant: Cosmicki.eth

Contact info:

L2 recipient address: 0x56C246b01fbD17695a8579e8b3f0e4f7a1e9Ccfc

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier]: Yes, I do.

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Yes, I do.

Please link to any relevant previous work:

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements:

My experience and active participation in Optimism governance, along with my track record of leadership in Web3-related projects and events, make me an ideal candidate to execute this mission.

My role as a delegate in Optimism has allowed me to thoroughly understand the ecosystem's workings and the community's needs. Additionally, my role as governance lead at Definomics Labs and 21MBulls has provided me with practical experience in managing governance processes and training community members.

As a co-founder of CriptoCuriosas and part of the Ethereum Lima team, I have demonstrated leadership skills and the ability to mobilize the community around relevant issues.

I am committed to the vision of decentralization and community empowerment driving Optimism, and I am excited to contribute to its evolution towards more inclusive and effective governance.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process:

My familiarity with Optimism governance extends from my involvement as a delegate on-chain to my contribution in governance-focused events and educational activities.

As a delegate, I have been actively and responsibly participating since voting cycle 18, which prompted me to publish my communication thread on the governance forum. These efforts translated into the GovScore, where I am currently part of the top #4, reflecting my commitment to Optimism governance.

Furthermore, I have actively engaged in community meetings and provided feedback to projects seeking to onboard onto the chain. Additionally, I have been involved in disseminating information about Optimism governance through educational projects and events, such as Governance Matters, a project aimed at involving more people in governance. This has allowed me to understand the challenges and opportunities presented by Optimism governance and faced by the community in its decision-making process.

My goal since joining Optimism governance has been to foster participation and inclusion in the decision-making process, and I am committed to making Optimism governance accessible and effective for all.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission:

My involvement in Optimism governance has been enriched by a diversity of perspectives and experiences. As a delegate in Optimism and an active contributor to educational projects, I have cultivated a deep understanding of the collective's needs and challenges, always seeking to expand access and participation in Optimism governance.

My focus on this mission will not only be limited to fulfilling tasks already assigned to govNERDs but also to provide guidance, advice, and support to those in need. In this way, I will seek to improve the quality of proposals presented and reduce barriers to participation in the forum.

My vision for contributing to the decentralization of governance processes involves empowering and supporting a new generation of govNERDs, promoting greater diversity and neutral participation in decision-making. I firmly believe that by empowering more community members to take on leadership roles in governance, we can create a more inclusive and resilient ecosystem.

By utilizing my skills and experience to support daily operations, I am convinced that I can significantly enhance the governance experience for Collective members while alleviating the workload for the Foundation and other ecosystem actors.

This mission represents an exciting opportunity to further advance towards more inclusive and effective governance in Optimism, and I am committed to contributing all my effort and passion to achieve this goal.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Critical milestones for determining the success of this proposal would include:

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes, I do.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

opjulian commented 2 months ago

The applications for this Foundation Mission Request are officially closed. The foundation will reach out to candidates to schedule interviews and make final selections by May 8th.

Koko-cares commented 2 months ago

Applicant: Kokeb Solomon Contact info: L2 recipient address: 0x591a150574f49245E0D513901A72DaF005E6f997 Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier: Verified. Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: I am willing to complete KYC process. Please link to any relevant previous work: Hackathon Operations Lead for ETHSafari (Top 150 Projects in RPGF3)

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements:

- Research-Oriented Mindset: I'm a nerd at heart, I am inherently curious and approach tasks with a research mindset, which perfectly aligns with Optimism's experimental attitude. I delve deep into understanding nuances and finding innovative solutions.

- Training Program Creation: I’ve created training programs from scratch, owning every process from research to holding training sessions. With my role at the Ethereum Foundation, I trained over 100 volunteers on managing the operations of Devconnect Istanbul. I am eager to develop comprehensive training materials tailored to the needs of Optimism's Gov-Nerd program.

- Community Engagement: I am deeply connected to diverse communities within the Ethereum ecosystem. These connections provide valuable insights and perspectives that can enrich the Gov-Nerd program and foster broader community participation.

With this combination of leadership and research skills,I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to the success of this mission.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process:

Understanding Optimism Governance required a considerable amount of curiosity and dedication. Over the past year, I've been actively engaging with the community, asking questions, immersing myself in documentation, and building relationships. I recognize the challenges posed by fragmented information and confusion surrounding governance processes because I've encountered them firsthand.

During this period, I've actively participated in the governance process. I've applied for grants through the grant council, successfully submitted delegate mission requests, and secured funding through RPGF3. Additionally, I've extensively studied the DAO Collective archives, albeit not quite as deeply as Justine (that might be superhuman).

Despite the complexities involved, I am confident in my ability to navigate Optimism Governance. I didn't merely accept processes at face value; instead, I took the initiative to understand the underlying reasons behind their design and implementation and am ready to share the lessons I have learned with future GovNerds.

### Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: I aim to contribute to a community that has provided me with abundant opportunities. By completing this mission, I seek to alleviate the burden on Foundation members and contribute to the path of decentralization. The prospect of participating in governance experiments at this scale is exhilarating! Beyond this, being involved in making optimism’s governance more inclusive holds great significance for me and the communities I am a part of.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

Given the duration of 216 days for this mission, proposed critical milestones could include: Research Phase: Conduct research on the current GovNerds model, scheduling conversations with GovNerds to detail a report on current challenges by May 31st. (22 days of research from May 9th to May 31st should provide ample time to gather information). Gather details like current number of GovNerds, location and timezones (like techNerds) Collaborative Analysis: Regroup with maintainers by the first week of June to discuss findings, report patterns, and share ideas on how to proceed. At this stage, a critical milestone would be the division of priorities based on the research findings. Training Program Development: Develop a comprehensive training program for GovNERDs by the end of June, outlining responsibilities with limited oversight by the Foundation. This program should cover tasks such as maintenance of the public governance calendar considering permission control challenges, procedural support for delegate community calls or Discord, announcements regarding voting cycles or general governance schedules, alerts related to proposals moving to a vote, publication of Voting Cycle Roundups, and reduction in forum spam. Implementation Phase: Begin training sessions for GovNERDs by mid-July, ensuring that all selected individuals are adequately equipped to take on their assigned responsibilities. Track progress and provide support as needed throughout the training period. Feedback and Iteration: Gather feedback from GovNERDs and stakeholders on the effectiveness of the training program by the end of August. Use this feedback to iterate and improve the program where necessary, ensuring continuous refinement and enhancement. Performance Evaluation: Conduct a performance evaluation of GovNERDs' contributions and impact on governance processes by mid-November. Assess metrics such as forum spam reduction, successful handling of procedural questions, timely announcements, and effective data collection tasks. Documentation and Reporting: Document the outcomes of the mission, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned, by December 11th. Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the impact of GovNERDs' involvement in governance activities and recommendations for future initiatives.

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: I fully understand the time commitment required to excel in this role and am willing to commit this time in order to excel.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.):

nanosudo commented 2 months ago

Applicant: OPuser

Contact info: Please specify the best point of contact (email preferred) : TBD

L2 recipient address: 0xce3994a53283398033f32afb2d6464c1e126b6b1

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier]( Acknowledge

Please acknowledge that you will need to complete a KYC process to receive this grant: Yes

Please link to any relevant previous work: My contribution towards our collective goal is mostly visible on the gov forum where I manage my delegate page though I have not shared anything new as delegates job is reduced due to different committees. I was also part of two initial committees and led one of them.

What makes you best-suited to execute this Mission? Please consider any experience relevant to the above requirements: I have been part of our collective since day one, I have seen the chaos of reviewing proposals, managing spam, answering comments on forum/discord, and guiding and mentoring proposal writing.

Please explain your familiarity with Optimism Governance and the proposal process: So much to write here but in short, if Optimism's mission has to succeed, a vision of becoming superchain funding public goods, our collective governance must go hand in hand. One complaint i had was Foundation had a lead role even after 2 years of goverance incubation but happy to see this initiative, as a step towards putting some responsibility on members of the collective who share the same vision.

Please describe the impact you aim to make in completing this Mission: DAO is chaotic, but there is beauty in chaotic coordination, if a project governed by DAO has to succeed, we need to find a balance between DAO and developers building app which is a major scope of improvement, given the opportunity i would like to do some research and implement the idea to find a balance, discord and forum still need some work and RPGF around the corner the chaos will only increase. My initial goal would be to help fellow Citizens with RPGF, offer help and support on forum/discord and perhaps share my findings and experiences at the end of each cycle. This is small step toward the vision of sustainable DAO and I would like to support it.

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal. Make sure you understand what a critical milestone is before answering this question:

  1. Answer and offer support on forum/discord - including but not limited to our DAO structure, its vision, RPGF rules and its goal, etc.
  2. Offer help in any administrative work to streamline the process

Please verify that you are able to commit up to 8 hours per week to this role: Yes

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, marketing, etc.): None

opjulian commented 1 month ago

Greetings Optimists!

Firstly, the Foundation would like to thank everybody who expressed interest in becoming a govNERD maintainer. It truly was a pleasure getting to review all of the applicants and witness the passion and value alignment in our community. While we could not select everyone to be a govNERD maintainer, there is a place for each and every one of you to contribute to our governance in some capacity. For more personalized recommendations on where each of you can contribute based on your skillset and interests, please don't hesitate to contact me so that I can work with you on finding the right fit.

That being said, the Foundation is excited to announce that @Dhannte @brichis @dmars300 have been selected as the Season 6 govNERD maintainers. These govNERDs will not only continue to build off the precedent and responsibilities set by previous iterations of this program, but they will also set the standard for evolving this program into a contribution path moving forward.

Note @Koko-cares has been selected as an alternate govNERD maintainer. She will be first up to step into the govNERD maintainer role if any of the selected govNERDs need to leave their position, or the program needs to expand.

Looking forward to our bright future together!

oplavande commented 1 month ago

Please remember, if you weren't selected to be a govNERD Maintainer, you can still be a govNERD in training during Season 6! That's the beauty of transitioning this program to an open contribution path <3

lilieth1 commented 1 month ago

Congratulations @brichis @Dhannte @dmars300, all the best!!!