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Foundation Mission Request: Code of Conduct Enforcement Solution #2

Closed bdresser closed 8 months ago

bdresser commented 1 year ago

Foundation Mission Request – Code of Conduct Enforcement Solution

How will this Foundation Mission (RFP) help accomplish the above Intent?: A Code of Conduct went into affect in December 2021. The Code of Conduct is critical to maintaining a healthy governance community that all delegates feel welcome engaging in, thereby increasing the accessibility of Optimism governance.

The Foundation currently plays and administrative role in processing Code of Conduct violation reports. The Foundation is not an arbiter and does not adjudicate whether violations occurred, but the community has expressed interest in a more rigorous enforcement process. Some delegates have also expressed that they are uncomfortable voting on Delegate Suspensions.

Given that we are moving towards further decentralization, we don’t believe the Foundation should temporarily implement and administer an onerous governance process around adjudication. However, we welcome suggestions for alternative methods of enforcing the Code of Conduct that reduce or eliminate the Foundation’s role in the process while also minimizing governance overhead.

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission (RFP)? A comprehensive plan to replace the Foundation in the Code of Conduct enforcement process that can be piloted in Season 4

Please list the critical milestone(s that should be tracked to determine if you should receive your grant in one year:

How should the Foundation measure progress towards this Foundation Mission (RFP):

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Foundation Mission (RFP)?

Application instructions

To apply for this RFP, please complete the form in the expandable section below and leave. Submissions will be open until [June 27], at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select individual/team(s) to complete the work defined here.

Submission form _Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary._ ## Foundation Mission (RFP) Application **Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [Tier](** * **Alliance Lead:** Please specify the best point of contact for your team * **Contact info:** * **L2 recipient address:** * **Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:**
_What's an Alliance?_ Alliances are groups of contributors that *temporarily* work together to accomplish a Mission start-to-finish. This can be an established protocol or project or a group of contributors working together for the first time. Name your group, now you’re an Alliance :)
--- **What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?** - [...] - [...] **Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):** - [...] - [...] **Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:** - [...] - [...] **Please define the [critical milestone(s)]( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:** - [...] - [...] **Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):** - [...] - [...] **Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant:** _(Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)_ - [...] --- Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program: - [ ] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the [Operating Manual]( - [ ] I confirm that I have read and understand the [grant policies]( - [ ] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant - [ ] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined [here](] -- end of application --
boilerrat commented 1 year ago

May I get some information on Tiers? I don't have access with the link, which I am assuming there is a limit of some kind on contributions to this RFP?

oplavande commented 1 year ago

Sorry about that, the link was wrong, but I've updated and you can also find the correct link here:

lee0007 commented 1 year ago

hello world

Excited to share our RFP Application for this Mission IPFS Version 1.0 | Notion Version 1.0

Thank you to the Foundation for this opportunity, Justine for your patience and insight and Alliance teams for your time and support on this speculative RFP Bid. If selected, we invite the community and stakeholders to speculate <> collaborate <> learn with our Conflict Resilience Alliance in S4.

renee maria @lee0007

oplavande commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your submission @lee0007! It is clear how much thought, coordination, and work went into this application. Applications will remain open until June 28th, so providing some feedback we hope is constructive while there is still ample time to incorporate.

To clarify our intention, the idea behind this RFP was to start to open up the solution design space to the community without also requiring implementation of the design. If there are portions of a submission that rely on proposal types that are not yet valid, or that fall within the Foundation’s current role to adminster and implement, those portions will be necessarily implemented by the Foundation. However, the Foundation will work to transfer implementation to Alliance members when feasible to do so.

On to this specific submission, we really like the emphasis on prevention and mediation, as limiting the instances in which enforcement is necessary a great way to minimize governance and improve community culture. While we will wait to make any decisions until the submission process deadline has passed, we would be excited to move forward with the prevention portion of the proposed solution, which would involve implementing adapted versions of the proposals submitted by gravitydao, rndao, and praise.

We suggest de-scoping the enforcement and governance portions of the proposed solution (anything marked “Documentation” in the milestone delivery table or involving the drafting of proposals or changes to existing policies.) This is partially because there is not yet a valid proposal type to make changes to core governance policies, such as the Code of Conduct. These changes are currently made by the Foundation, based on community feedback. Once all governance rights are active, we will introduce a valid proposal type(s) that enables the community to propose metagovernance changes. In the meantime, these rights should not be granted selectively to any Alliance.

However, the Foundation is considering the implementation of a Council of Conduct (potentially comprised of Joint House representatives) in Season 5. The Foundation would authorize such a Council, as outlined in the Council framework, but we’re supportive of leveraging the experts you’ve identified to publicly inform our design of Council structures for the Collective.

To respond to your specific questions:

Note for all proposals

lee0007 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your valuable feedback which will inform a revised approach and reduced scope. It's great to see recognition of the value of prevention work and to understand the Foundation's intentions in terms of political and functional autonomy

With regard to a potential misrepresentation of our proposed CoC Enforcement Solution. The Conflict Resilience Alliance neither intended nor proposed that governance or enforcement rights be granted selectively to any Alliance.

As a governance member of the alliance collective political autonomy was proposed in response to the FDN request for alternative methods to reduce the Foundation’s role in the process. Given there is an existing process for both Rights Protection and Code of Conduct Enforcement we fully intended to work within existing policies and practices as follows

We seek to transition Code of Conduct enforcement responsibilities from the Foundation to the community through policies designed in collaboration with the community.

  1. Present a speculative DRAFT design proposal to engage the community on [possible] process updates to
    • introduce new rights of remedy and recourse
    • formalise existing enforcement actions
    • specify performance remedies
    • standardise communication requirements
    • aid governance accessibility in terms of awareness and understanding
  2. Build collective knowledge on governance methods and mechanisms to minimise governance overhead with an education series (3) and tooling demos (3)
  3. Present a collaborative FINAL design proposal to establish experimental governance mechanisms (TDB) with respect to our bicameral governance system

In presenting a collective design, process legitimacy was also a stated dependency

  • The change process is specified as reflection periods, which limits legitimate enforcement implementation S4
  • Due to the specified change process, the solution proposed herein was designed to be implemented by the beginning of S5 [with respect to the next reflection period and practices]

While I trust the comment was not intended to mislead, it is important to me having volunteered a "comprehensive plan" to "execute this Foundation Mission" that our bid is fairly conveyed. I look forward to seeing how the presented design evolves and formally withdraw the above RFP Bid

daniel-ospina commented 1 year ago

Alliance Lead: MrJackalop (Danielo)

Contact info: @mrjckalop (telegram and discord)

L2 recipient address: 0x75ab74D82Ddc235F74680ddf42701DdFA8bf5041

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

This alliance has received grants and completed work for [Aave](, [Aragon](, [Celo](, [MetaCartel]( and more. The following proposal builds on top of this previous work.

This Mission is led by the following alliance members:

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

As such this proposal minimises the burden on the Foundation (or any other party) to identify and arbiter disputes, while also encouraging community members to develop their communication skills and equipping them with actionable, personalised recommendations to repair relationships before conflict escalates.

Note: this RFP proposal has an overlap with our proposal for Governance Accessibility. Both proposals require the same basic infrastructure (Discourse data integration and Discord chatbot interface for our multi-agent LLM system). However, each proposal then leverages this common infrastructure in different but complimentary directions:

Both proposal includes the deployment of our signature [Community Health analytics]( based on Discord data and expanding to include Discourse data too.

The milestones and budget below are differentiated for 2 scenarios:

1) Governance Accessibility proposal is NOT accepted (thus leading to adding the work and budget required to build the necessary infrastructure but NOT adding the work and budget that would have only served the Governance Accessibility functionalities.)

2) Mission proposal for Governance Accessibility is approved (thus leading to reduced costs and work on this proposal)

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Scenario 1: Governance Accessibility proposal is NOT accepted

Scenario 2: Governance Accessibility proposal is accepted (hence reduced work and cost)


Scenario 1: Governance Accessibility proposal is NOT accepted

Costs Breakdown
Item hours OP per hour total
Data pipelines and Dashboard:
Discourse integration 80 70 5,600
Data schema and comms patterns ethnography 30 70 2,100
Analytics scripts update 50 70 3,500
Integration into dashboard (front end) 60 70 4,200
Technical project management 40 90 3,600
UX Design 50 70 3,500
Comms materials/documentation and onboarding for Optimism 20 70 1,400
Discord bot interface development and deployment 30 70 2,100
Margin of error 20 70 1,400
Processing Infrastructure design, development, deployment 40 70 2,800
Data pipelines and Dashboard Total 27,400
LLM Code of Conduct Training:
Detect discrimination based on geography, ethnic, sexual, religious, or other identifying features 20 90 1,800
Detect the use of sexualized language and unwelcome sexual attention or advances 20 90 1,800
Detect the use of sexualized imagery 10 90 900
Detect harassment 20 90 1,800
Detect encouragement of harassment 20 90 1,800
Detect disclosure of identifying information in messages 15 90 1,350
Detect disclosure of identifying information in images 15 90 1,350
Detect lacks of respect towards differing viewpoints, lack of empathy and/or personal attacks = toxic behaviour 20 90 1,800
Detect unsubstantiated claims (besides message with claim, also search for substantiations in previous X messages in thread and previous Y messages of account) 40 90 3,600
Detect feedback that is not supported by high quality and well researched arguments (besides messages with feedback, also search through previous X messages in thread) 20 90 1,800
Give advice on how to turn harassment into unbiased criticism 30 90 2,700
Give advice on how to turn toxic message into Non Violent criticism 30 90 2,700
Give advice on how to substantiate feedback/claim 30 90 2,700
LLM code of conduct training Total 290 26,100
Infrastructure Expenses:
Infrastructure costs (data) for 3 months 3,600
Infrastructure costs (AI) for 3 months (cost might be lower than expected) 2,200
Infrastructure Expenses Total 5,800

Scenario 2: Governance Accessibility proposal is accepted

Costs Breakdown
Item hours OP per hour total
Project management and updates to Dashboard and Webapp:
Technical project management 10 90 900
UX Design 18 70 1,260
Comms materials/documentation and onboarding for Optimism 10 70 700
Margin of error 20 70 1,400
Data pipelines and Dashboard Total 4,260
LLM Code of Conduct Training:
Detect discrimination based on geography, ehtnic, sexual, religious, or other identifying features 20 90 1,800
Detect the use of sexualized language and unwelcome sexual attention or advances 20 90 1,800
Detect the use of sexualized imagery 10 90 900
Detect harassment 20 90 1,800
Detect encouragement of harassment 20 90 1,800
Detect disclosure of identifying information in messages 15 90 1,350
Detect disclosure of identifying information in images 15 90 1,350
Detect lacks of respect towards differing viewpoints, lack of empathy and/or personal attacks = toxic behaviour 20 90 1,800
Detect unsubstantiated claims (besides message with claim, also search for substantiations in previous X messages in thread and previous Y messages of account) 40 90 3,600
Detect feedback that is not supported by high quality and well researched arguments (besiders messages with feedback, also search through previous X messages in thread) 20 90 1,800
Give advice on how to turn harassment into unbiased criticism 30 90 2,700
Give advice on how to turn toxic message into Non Violent criticism 30 90 2,700
Give advice on how to substantiate feedback/claim 30 90 2,700
LLM code of conduct training Total 290 26,100
Infrastructure Expenses:
Infrastructure costs (data) for 3 months 400
Infrastructure costs (AI) for 3 months (cost might be lower than expected) 1,000
Infrastructure Expenses Total 1,400

Please define the [critical milestone(s)]( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

(Valid for both scenarios):

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

JuankBell commented 1 year ago

Hello Everyone! Here we would like to submit Gravity DAO's proposal for this RFP.

Gravity Proposal- 3.pdf

Gravity DAO's Proposal for Education and Training on Trust Creation and Conflict Management in Optimism

RFP Application - To post on GitHub.

Start of application –

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application: Code of Conduct Enforcement Solution

S4 Intent: Improve Governance Accessibility Tier: Ember

Baseline grant amount: 36k OP

Alliance name: Gravity DAO

Alliance Lead:@Juankbell - Twitter: @bellcho - LinkedIn

Contact info: @juankbell Telegram, Github & Discord - mail:

L2 recipient address: 0x8E3a92f82EA855020BA714e68541192B9bd6c5B1

-> Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

Juan Carlos Bell, Political Scientist, MSc in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Project Lead.

Bianca, Psychologist, researcher, Coordination manager

Zeptimus, Economist, Transparency and accountability advocate

Durgadas, Yogi, Polymath, Contextualizer, and Operations Manager

Nikola Creatrix, Mediator, Framework developer, Active Graviton

Previous work:

-> What makes your Alliance best suited to execute this Mission?

Gravity DAO is uniquely suited to execute this Foundation Mission because of its expertise in decentralized governance, conflict transformational platforms, and deep understanding of blockchain systems. We've proven our ability to design and create solution spaces that respect and uphold the values of the communities we serve. Our approach is both conceptually robust, minimal in governance, and efficient in progressive decentralization.

Gravity DAO is an initiative that emerged from the Token Engineering Commons (TEC) to offer services in Alternative Dispute Resolution and community-building for Web3 projects. We believe that by investing in our mechanisms to enhance your community's ability to prevent and resolve conflicts , you will foster long-term resilience and sustainable practices within individuals and structures.

Gravity DAO carries the flag of Conflict management in DAOs with a unique and special approach to alternative dispute resolution, de-escalation, self-management, prevention, and trust creation. We offer a Toolbox with Ex Ante and Ex Post comprehensive processes that solve very special coordination needs in decentralized communities.

We are a public good project in development for over 2.5 years (first as a Working Group of the TEC), and managing our funds as a DAO for 1.5 years, with transparency and accountability over treasury using Dework, having more than 180 tasks reviewed to over 25 contributors.

Our mission is to become a point of reference for web3 projects and individuals, we aim to raise awareness about conflict management, trust creation, and mental health care as essential elements for sustainable organizations, and we move by inclusion, compassion, safety, and self-determination. Our philosophy emphasizes avoiding enemies by promoting dialogue and effective communication. We contribute to the public good through research, development, open-source tools, transparent fund management, and weekly open online meetings.

At this point, we have mediated over 30 conflicts in DAOs and trained more than 40 "Gravitons" (1st & 2nd gen&3rd gen) to be active ambassadors within public goods communities such as TEC, Giveth, Commons Stack and Trusted Seed, and we want Optimism to host the next generation of Gravitons!

Our team has consistently displayed dedication towards Open Source Work by creating free content that is forkable and adaptable to any organization that decides to get inspired by it. A big part of our educational offer is available 24/7 in the online course , but we also like to host live spaces on trust creation practices, nonrelated to work conversations, co-creation, Study Groups, and facilitation of simulations and roleplays about conflicting scenarios.

Some of the Frameworks we use are:


What to expect From Gravity in your organization?

-> Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Our proposal's intention is for the Optimism community to be able to develop an internal management layer that supports the implementation of transformational actions regarding the enforcement of the code of conduct and the promotion of desired types of interaction.

We understand that right now the foundation plays an administrative role in processing code of conduct violation reports, but besides voting processes can be highly polarizing, not all conflicts have to become public, and there could be ways to promote dialogue to look for win-win solutions in private agreements

In the design of our system, Conflicts are initially identified and handled within an internal layer that facilitates a dialectical approach for small conflicts and helps to strategically escalates disputes that couldn't be managed via self-composition to an arbitration mechanism of choice (that can continue being done by DAO vote, or delegation on an executive committee).


Our conflict management cycle for DAOs promotes decentralization, as we don't get involved in the outcomes of the disputes, and we can mediate cases, but we prefer to facilitate support with education and training for the application of our processes, allowing conflict management to be done and accessed by any active member in the community. We don't solve disputes in a centralized way and we encourage solutions to emerge from the parties involved.

Gravity DAO does not generate plutocracy or centralization of power, as we act only as facilitators, and our actions are not meant to accumulate power. Following Ostrom'sprinciples for sustainable management of shared resources, there are 3 of them that Gravity DAO aims to directly aid in developing within this proposal: Mutual Monitoring, Graduated Sanctions, and Easy to Access Low-Cost Arenas to Resolve Conflict.

-> Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Our plan follows the implementation of the Graviton Path , which starts with getting specific Training and Education, followed by Gaining Experience and Contributing to the Conflict Management Solution Design Space, and then finishes with Becoming an Active Graviton that acts as a Facilitation Agent in your community.

Graviton Path

Gravity DAO would like to establish a long-term relationship with the Optimism Foundation and the Collective starting with the initial provision of two months of activities for** education and training around trust creation and conflict management on season 4 (executed between July and September 2023),** which we believe will improve governance accessibility by:

This initial training will act as a pilot for further work on the next steps of the Graviton Path. We can contribute towards preparing the soil for the possible creation of a Council of Conduct composed of both Token House and Citizens House representatives in future seasons.

We propose to complement our free online course , with 8 weeks of tailored live education sessions for your community, designed to:

In 8 weeks (with 2 sessions per week), we want to deliver a social skills boot camp inspired by the Gravity DAO methodology and raise awareness around the policies that establish a shared understanding of your community - Optimistic Vision, Working ConstitutionCode of Conduct & Rules of Engagement. We will use these key artifacts as a basis to discuss various aspects of community building, conflict resolution, and effective communication. The methodology will consist of asynchronous study content and practical live spaces for expression and training on the usage of tools.

We propose the live sessions be 1 hour long and be offered across two different time zones for diverse participation . The sessions will be recorded, and we'll facilitate documentation of key challenges and learnings on a final report artifact. The sessions can be hosted on multiple platforms and even when the main language used in our content is English , we can prepare some amount of sessions in at least 3 alternative spoken languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and French). We would aim to reach and include as many ears as possible, taking into account that there will be 8 topics, and 2 spaces per week trying to be intentionally inclusive. Continuing with strategies for accessibility , with this proposal we will also iterate on our platforms to translate our free online course into multiple languages and increase our impact on non-English speakers.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 1 44 51 p m

Expected deadlines to complete each piece of work.

Action Item Source of Truth Deadline
Coordinating and planning the live training curriculum Deliver a proposal with a rich educational offer tailored to Optimism. July 2023
Metric: Forum Post
Ongoing evaluation of the training with surveys to gauge participants' perception and understanding of the topics. Shareable Form with a weekly application for self-analysis and improvement. July 2023
Metric: Shared Form & Data
Translation of the online course in multiple languages Multilingual WordPress is implemented on our courses and website. August 2023
Metric: Website Update.
Delivery of at least 14 of the 16 planned spaces - There is always min margin of error according to the short execution time of the proposal - End of Season Report covering events, links, evidence, learnings, and a self-reflection analysis. September 2023
Metric: Forum Post
Engage 10 or more new Active Gravitons: conflict workers in your community, receiving a generation POAP for attendance of at least 6 of the topics covered during the 8 weeks. Individual Addresses with 6+ weekly POAPs. September 2023
Metric: POAPs
Evidence of 60 or more unique contributors impacted by at least one of the live sessions, having practical experiences related to the Gravity framework and the collective agreements, rules, and boundaries of the Optimism community. Recordings of the live sessions and participation Spreadsheet.

Included in the end-of-season report. | September 2023 Metric: Forum Post |

-> Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you've executed this proposal:

The full implementation of our proposed solution would take longer than 2 months, but we are making a pilot that would leave us halfway into the decentralization of conflict management in the community.

We propose the following critical milestones, deadlines, and sources of truth.

Milestone Source of Truth Deadline
Support the Code of Conduct awareness for informed participation. Execution of a plan of study for the 16 sessions with a focus on Optimism Code of Conduct awareness. July 2023
Metric: Online Sessions
Reduce governance overhead from token voting related to conflicting cases. Promotion of Alternative Methods of solving disputes in the community. July 2023
Metric: Minimum voting on conflict
Increased awareness of the communities diversity of interests, cultures, aspirations, fears, goals, needs, feelings, generations, intrinsic motivations, and feedback loops. Promotion of safe nonrelated to work spaces for deeper relationships in the community. This can be inside and outside our specific sessions. August 2023Metric: Online Sessions
Facilitating solution design spaces towards the improvement of conflict management and code of conduct enforcement. Proposed next steps towards implementation and legitimation of a full solution for code of conduct enforcement. September 2023Metric: Post in Forum
Prepare the soil for the possible creation of a conflict committee in future seasons. Identifying 5 to 10 enthusiasts that would be happy to continue supporting these actions in the future. September 2023
Metric: Post in Forum

->How should the Foundation measure progress towards this Foundation Mission (RFP):

-> How should badge holders measure impact upon completion of this Foundation Mission (RFP)? These should be focused on performance and may be used by badge holders to assess your Misson's impact in the next round of RetroPGF.

->Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Risks and Considerations:

Short Timeline : Our team will need a few weeks to become familiar with the community and the learning curve of how the DAO operates. We are going to be focused on making great work, but always coming to a new community has its barriers, and before giving something to the community, we want to be very aware of the context, meaning where are we, what is our starting point, what is the experience of a regular contributor and what are the needs identified.

Engagement: The success of any education and conflict management process is only as strong as people's willingness to engage. We would require the community's approval, support, and promotion of services to help share and embed this as part of the collective culture. We believe that improving the individual's ability to deal with conflict, will also support the collective competence to see beyond it and work on transformational solutions.

We understand this mission funds specific initiatives that can be completed start-to-finish and not the provision of ongoing services, so we see this as an experiment that if successful, can lead to further collaboration. We are happy to collaborate with all organizations and partners within the Optimism space and to continue building on top of this first experience.

Conflict is inevitable in any human group, and when organizations are competent in dealing with it, it can present opportunities to evolve, and increase our understanding of ourselves, of others, and of our social structures. The expression of alternative voices in governance keeps social structures honest, alive, and dynamically responsive to human needs, and conflict at all levels is the way life helps us to stop, assess, and take notice of actions, good practices, and unwanted behavior. As with any new relationship, we recognize that there is much we have to learn about the collective and vice versa. To aid this process we invite you to connect with us here in the forum or via our Discord server. We will endeavor to respond to inquiries within 1 Labor Day.

We request the availability of multiple platforms to provide our educational offerings. To promote inclusion and diversity, we can make sessions on Discord, Twitter, Instagram, and any other social network seen fit for an interactive engagement, to tailor a unique experience that adds value and dynamism to the 2 sessions per week. If one of the sessions would be in a different language, we might want to advertise it with the specific language audience.

-> Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and if you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

YES , we are a small team, and having some upfront cash would help to cover the rewards of the coordination needed to deliver the proposal. We think 50% would be ideal.

Breakdown of budget request:

OP Concept
14400 To the facilitators of the training , Who are experts that will prepare and deliver 16 rich and diverse experiences for the community. The cost of 900 OP per session includes:Payment to the facilitator per session: 800 OP (preparation, delivery, and analysis of the session)Payment for recording and having the documentation per session: 100 OP
8000 To the coordination team , who shall prepare a plan for the 16 live sessions to be offered in two timezones, coordinate availability with the facilitators, propose lessons on alternative languages, and care for the delivery of the spaces on multiple platforms. This also includes having points of contact with Optimism, and elaboration of the final artifact of the project.
1600 Design and distribution of POAPs, 17 unique pieces tailored for this training that will be given to participants and used as certificates for the training.
4000 For platform maintenance and translations of the online course.
This includes Addons and API needed for multilingual WordPress
8000 For costs on Gravity DAO's internal operations, communication strategies, and continued education activities. Here we include baseline consulting on conflict management, proposed next steps, and full availability on additional tasks that may emerge during the execution of the proposal.

-> Funding Terms & Conditions

Our Gratitude

We hope this presents as a win-win because in addition to creating value for Optimism, funding this proposal strengthens Gravity DAO's ability to establish sustainable revenue and share our message with more organizations, develop new free courses and activities, and contribute to the public good by carrying the flag of conflict management, Trust Creation and mental health in Web3.

We look forward to collaborating with the Optimism Community and supporting this beautiful journey towards a healthier, more connected, and thriving ecosystemworking together to create a powerful and sustainable digital ecosystem governed by and for its citizens

Sincerely, Juan Carlos, on behalf of the Gravity DAO team.

-- end of application --

Chomtana commented 1 year ago

Alliance Lead: Chomtana Chanjaraswichai

We have developed which can be seen as working for the optimism collective. Entitle us a Fledgling Tier

Contact info:, Discord: chomtana

L2 recipient address: 0x73F4e6132Cd9E4a3945d9CA6E98e5985BBe16d2D

Please list the members of your Alliance and link to any previous work:

Chomtana Chanjaraswichai (Opti.Domains, Alliance Lead)

Warun Singhal (Developer)

Working as a Blockchain Software Engineer at Finstable co. ltd (01/2022 - Present)

Nattawat Songsom (Developer)


Academic work:

Teerawut Saesim (Developer)

Work Experience: Currently working as Software Engineer at Finstable co,. Ltd (10/2022- Present)

Tanakorn Karode (Developer)

Working experience:


Academic work:

Ittiwat Whangdee (UX/UI Designer)

Working experience:


Petch Luancharoen (UX/UI Designer, Inspex Point of Contact)

What makes your Alliance best-suited to execute this Mission?

We are the only proposal who proposed a solution to enforce code of conduct on the grant system. Code of conduct compose of two parts: delegate and grant code of conduct. The delegate part should be solved by @daniel-ospina mission while our mission solve the grant part. Combining two missions together yield an ultimate solution to code of conduct enforcement.


All Optimists are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct. Any Optimist that is found to be in breach of this Code of Conduct will be subject to the below enforcement procedures.

Type of violation:
* Standard: To report a standard Code of Conduct violation, use this reporting form. 10
* Grant misusage: To report grant misusage, use this reporting form 3.

For both types of violations, please cite the specific violation number (and letter, if applicable).

The Foundation will review the submissions. The identity of a submission author will not be publicly disclosed by the Foundation without the author’s consent.

Submission authors and/or the individual(s) or project(s) in question may be contacted by the Foundation for additional information, if necessary.

Individuals or projects accused of a Code of Conduct Violation may choose to admit to the violation and forego a vote. To do so, they must post a comment indicating they are admitting to the violation in the relevant forum post before the end of the relevant review period. The suspension will begin on the last day of the Voting Cycle in which the vote would have occurred.

At this time, the Foundation will operate as a neutral administrator of this Code of Conduct, without adjudicating whether violations have occurred. The Foundation will only move forward with a submission if there is: (1) indication of a specific violation of the Code of Conduct; and (2) sufficient evidence to prove a plausible violation. If a submission moves forward, it will follow the enforcement process below.

In future Seasons, the Foundation expects to reduce its role in this process.

Focusing the In future Seasons, the Foundation expects to reduce its role in this process. Without us, foundation isn't likely to have a chance to reduce the role in this process.

Alliance lead (Chomtana Chanjaraswichai) is indirectly affected by the Fractal Vision Delegate Suspension because I am developing and submitting a grant on that time. is also an .op domain name. Which is in the same field as ONS and OPNS that fractal vision has started a war with them. So, I truly understand the situation with deep feeling at that time.

If our solution has implemented before, we wouldn't need to vote for Fractal Vision Delegate Suspension and there won't be a long debate over the L2DAO case. Because there will be an expense report with the explaination of why L2DAO sell all OP token received from the grant (And later bought back). Months of debate process will end in less than 1 day by reviewing the expense report and vote if it make sense or not. We never have to wait for L2DAO team to describe why they sell all OP token.

More and more people are going to use data collected by our platform to provide an analysis on this Currently, analyzing grant expense take a lot of effort and only big projects are worth analyzing.

Moreover, Our alliance is well-suited to execute this mission because we are a team of experienced blockchain developers, who have previously been recipients of such grants. We understand the pain points and complexities of the current system firsthand and have the necessary expertise in web3 development to tackle these issues.

Our proposed solution is perfectly aligned with all of the principles outlined in your Working Constitution.

We have already conducted extensive feasibility research on this topic and designed a wireframe for our platform. This shows that we understand the project requirements in depth and clearly envision what needs to be done. More detail in the next section.

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

We are here to develop a grant monitoring and alerting system






In addition, have developed a system for validating social identities and associating them with domains. This enhances the identification of each team member beyond just their names by linking them to their domain names.


Image has also integrated with the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) to facilitate attestations from domain name.


In a landmark achievement, has successfully patched Wagmi and Rainbowkit to support its registry on Optimism. This represents a feat that no other domain name providers have accomplished before, illustrating a profound understanding of advanced technology.

How can we help with the grant process? Read the following section


NOOOOOOOOOOO, Grant Council still has independent decision power over the platform you would like to use. You can continue to use Charmverse for submitting grants and this governance forum for submitting grant updates. Optimism foundation's financial department can continue to use its own way of expense reporting.

How is this possible? Because we just let the user put the link to that platform. Not putting the entire proposal.


Our platform is like a collective of optimism grants. We are focusing on linking data together rather than the proposal submission process.

Grant proposals scattered all over multiple platforms

Grant proposals are scattered all over multiple platforms.

Season 4 on Charmverse


Season 3 on this governance forum

Imagine you want to browse all grant proposals. You would need to go to multiple websites, which is very complex.

Our platform allows one to browse all grant proposals in one place, regardless of their session.


One alliance submitting multiple grants

With the current way of browsing grant proposals, it takes high effort to discover other grants that the alliance has submitted.

For example, Infinity Wallet has submitted grant proposals to multiple categories over multiple seasons.

In our platform, we will show related grants when we look into the detail of an alliance. We also aggregate the data from multiple grants from the same alliance into a single page.


This page is at the alliance level instead of each separate grant.

Grant reporting process streamlining

The current way of grant reporting is by replying to a forum post. This solution doesn't index the relation between grant reporting and milestones in a way that the data analytics team can process data.

Moreover, there isn't any alert if the project doesn't report its grant. So, a project can easily avoid grant reporting.

We can have an alert set on each milestone's estimated date to alarm grantees to update their milestones to complete or postpone their milestones given a reason. However, postponing milestones will result in an alert.

On reporting, grantees need to link their report to each milestone to change the status of related milestones.


Check if the project has reached critical milestones

The current solution is to start a poll for council members to vote if a project has reached its critical milestones.


We can have each delegate with enough voting power to vote on the grant update or expense report directly if they accept or reject that grant update. If no one has voted, it will be in the approved state.

Grant expense tracking and reporting

Currently, it takes too much effort to track the grant expense, especially for Growth Experiments, where the project immediately gets the grant. Nobody has time to track the transfer of these grants.

This is a huge pain point.

Here we will highlight how our grant reporting works within a storyline:

  1. received a grant from the foundation of 50k OP.
  2. sent 10k OP to an intermediate wallet for rewarding decentralized work NFT holders.
  3. That intermediate wallet approves 5k OP each to two NFT contracts.
  4. sent 10k OP to chomtana.op
  5. sent 5k OP to an unknown wallet
  6. sent 5k OP to Bored Town wallet
  7. Our tool detect that approve 5k OP to two unknown contracts and transfer 10K OP to chomtana.op, 5k OP to an unknown wallet and 5k OP to Bored Town wallet
  8. team members will be alerted to submit an expense report within 3 days
  9. must submit an expense report to the governance forum or a place that grant-council desired for respective season.
  10. must submit an expense report to the foundation financial department using their google form (As of season 3)
  11. must submit an expense report in our platform by entering these details
    1. Grant reporting link in the governance forum.
    2. Short label for each wallet transferred and approved. For chomtana.op case, the grantee also needs to enter the label. But for the bored town case, somebody else has already labeled it, so we will let the grantee check if it’s correct. Grantee may choose to report partially in one and write another report.
    3. Short description of each transfer.
    4. Grantee need to check if that wallet is an intermediate wallet or end user wallet.
    5. Related grant.
    6. Related grant update.
    7. Check if they have submitted the foundation financial department’s Google form.
  12. (Optional) Delegates with enough voting power can check the report and approve/reject it. If no delegate judges the report, it is approved by default.

Grantees need to report their expenses within 3 days after they have transferred their OP.

If not, it will trigger an alert that will cause FUD on their project.

Analyzing relation of team members on other grants

One team member can relate to multiple unrelated projects. Especially in terms of advisors. With each member connected to, we can traverse the social graph to see if they are related to any other grant. For example, alliance is related to the Opnitor alliance developing this grant monitoring and alerting system.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

Step-by-step plan

Expected deadlines

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Breakdown of Mission budget request:

Alliance and project lead: 10k OP

The Alliance and Project Lead will be responsible for coordinating the project proposal. This includes researching pain points in the governance system and ensuring that the project aligns with the Optimistic Vision. They will also develop wireframes and engage in business development activities with partners. In addition, this role entails developing a subgraph and some aspects of the backend system, and composing each part together for a holistic project. Lastly, they will oversee the deployment of the project to production.

Grant collective maintenance: 5k OP

Involve manual work for collecting the data of the grant proposals from the past seasons and indexing them into a structured format that can benefit the data analyst.

This is done by the alliance lead.

UX / UI design: 6k OP

Our UX/UI team will focus on designing the user interface and enhancing the user experience. Their responsibilities will include designing a responsive user screen and performing quality checks on the developed frontend.

Developers: 6k * 4 = 24k OP

We require a team of four developers due to the short timeframe of two months. This requirement is based on the speed of a solo developer working on The first phase will involve developing a grant monitoring and reporting system. In the second phase, the team will develop an alert system and a Twitter alert system.

Reserve for infrastructure cost reimbursement and emergency situations: 5k OP

This reserve will cover infrastructure costs, including server costs and Twitter API expenses. This will sustain for at least 3 years.

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if access to upfront capital is a barrier to completing your Mission and you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant:


Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

bdresser commented 1 year ago

Submissions for this RFP are now closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal!

Someone from the Optimism Foundation will reach out on or shortly after July 13 to communicate which proposal(s) have been accepted and schedule a kickoff. We may also reach out individually using the contact info you've provided if we want to discuss your proposal in more detail.

In the meantime, feel free to tag me here or reach out directly ( with any questions.

JuankBell commented 11 months ago

Hello Optimism!

On behalf of Gravity DAO, I want to thank the foundation and the collective for this amazing opportunity.

Our team has already started working on the implementation of the proposal. We are in contact with Veronica, and we'll be posting in the forum in the coming days an introduction to the work we'll be doing, then communicating and receiving feedback for the educational activities planned to start in the second week of August. We want to coordinate our sessions to not overlap with other proposals, educational or operational activities.

Taking into account the tight schedule, and that we have to finish by September 20th, we might include some extra sessions during the weeks to meet the requirement of 14+ recorded live spaces.

Expressing our best intentions and hoping to make a significant contribution, I'll keep this issue updated following up on the execution of activities.

daniel-ospina commented 9 months ago

Sharing an update from our side.

We've successfully deployed the discord bot and dashboard (milestone 1), and have been supporting the community team to use it. An exciting outcome was identifying contributors who would have otherwise fallen through the cracks unrecognized but were picked up by our algorithm as valuable community members. We've also been able to provide detailed insights about disengagement and onboarding.

We also completed significant work developing the Code of Conduct violations Detection Algorithm and development of the Discourse integration (milestones 2-5). However, lacking the cash advancement we had requested, we've had to pause that work stream. We're applying for more funding from other sources so hopefully, we can resume the work soon. We'll keep you updated and let us know for any questions!

JuankBell commented 9 months ago

Hello everyone! Here is our end-of-proposal update:


Proposed next steps:
