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Foundation Mission Request S6 Mediation Mission [CONTRIBUTIONS] #237

Open opjulian opened 1 month ago

opjulian commented 1 month ago

Proposed Foundation Mission Request: This Mission Request is to mediate early signs of conflicts or advanced conflicts within the Optimism Governance (both Token and Citizens house conflicts). The mediation will be a preventative method of conflict de-escalation, available as a tool for supNERDs, govNERDs, the Code of Conduct Council (CoCC) and other Councils in the Collective. This Mission Request does not cover conflict adjudication, as that is covered by the CoCC.

S6 Intent: Progress Towards Decentralization (Governance)

Proposal [Tier]( Fledgling

Baseline Grant Amount: 10k OP

Should this Foundation Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple teams: One team

OP Labs or Optimism Foundation Sponsor: Maxwell @opmxwell (GitHub)

Submit by: 16th August 2024*

Selection by: 22th August 2024*

Start date: Immediately after selection

Completion date: 16th Jan 2025 (start of S7)

How will this Foundation Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

The Optimism Collective, like any online community, occasionally has conflict. This mission proposal aims to establish a 3rd party conflict de-escalation specialist.

Having an external, unbiased 3rd party team to handle conflicts (referred by the CoCC or NERDs) is essential to ensure that internal conflict does not negatively impact the Collective, and can be handled by skilled and experienced mediators.

What is required to execute this Foundation Mission Request?

Applicants should be experienced in conflict resolution, de-escalation and mediation. Experience or context of existing conflict within the Collective is preferred but not required.

The selected team will be expected to handle referred conflicts (referred by internal community groups, such as the supNERDs, govNERDs or CoCC) in a timely manner.

The team will also be expected to run a few short educational sessions to ensure that referring groups have the required context to only refer relevant conflicts, as well as giving them basic tools to de-escalate smaller conflicts themselves.

Please list a [critical milestone](

The critical milestone should be a measure of whether an applicant has made best efforts to execute what is outlined in this proposal or not. If an applicant fails to achieve the critical milestone, their grant may be clawed back.

How should the Foundation measure progress towards this Mission Request?

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission (RFP)?

Please note: All of the contributor roles and associated rewards described here are intended for independent and engaged community members who volunteer to provide their knowledge and expertise to the Collective and receive an honorarium in the form of OP. These volunteers are not employees of the Collective, the Foundation, or any of its affiliates for any purposes.

Application Instructions

To apply for this Foundation Mission, please complete the form in the expandable section below and leave your response as a comment on this issue thread. Submissions will be open until August 16th, at which time the Foundation will review all submissions and select 1 individual/team to complete the work defined here.

Submission Form

Copy the entire application below and leave a comment on this issue with your answers completed. A representative from the Optimism Foundation may reach out using the contact info provided to request more information as necessary.

Foundation Mission Application

Submission form **Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above [[Tier](](** - **Project Lead:** Please specify the best point of contact for your team - **Contact info:** - **L2 recipient address:** --- **What makes your Team best-suited to execute this Mission?** - [...] - [...] **Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):** - [...] - [...] **Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:** - [...] - [...] **Please define the [[critical milestone(s)](]( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:** - [...] - [...] **Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):** - [...] - [...] **Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year.** --- Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program: - [ ] I understand my grant for completing this RFP will be locked for one year from the date of proposal acceptance. - [ ] I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant - [ ] I understand my locked grant may be clawed back for failure to execute on critical milestones, as outlined in the [[Operating Manual](]( - [ ] I confirm that I have read and understand the [[grant policies](]( - [ ] I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined [[here](](
peersky commented 4 weeks ago

Peeramid Labs Application

Project Lead: Tim Pechersky ( @peersky )
Contact info: L2 recipient address: 0x20cbb26dd8DDE03edCFE35Ca0DF76c97734f7346

What makes your Team best-suited to execute this Mission?

At Peeramid Labs, we're passionate about empowering communities – both virtual and real – to transcend the limitations imposed by communication complexities. We believe that every group, from global organizations to close-knit families, has untapped potential waiting to be unleashed.

We are building cutting-edge communication tools that break down barriers, foster transparency, and enable seamless collaboration. Our initial product is designed to tackle the challenges of low participation, disengagement, and unclear communication, providing a unified framework that empowers everyone to contribute their best. Our solutions are grounded in rigorous research, including my ongoing work on an autonomous competence identification protocol. This protocol ensures that decision-making is fair, effective, and driven by merit.

Core competences:

How We Will Accomplish This Mission:

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

By combining our expertise in conflict resolution with the innovative capabilities of Rankify, we aim to create a proactive and preventative approach to conflict management within the Optimism Collective. This will not only address existing disputes but also cultivate a culture of understanding and collaboration, ensuring the long-term health and success of the community.


  1. Ad-Hoc conflict mediation There is total 80h of mediation service included in the proposal. We will begin providing immediate ad-hoc support with 24h response time during business days (48h for weekends).

  2. Establish Communication Channels We will ensure there are all required channels provided & documented within one month after engagement begins (20 Sept 2024)

  3. Educational Program We will conduct one training during Q4 2024, based on results and feedback obtained we will coordinate training plan for 2025 Q1/2/3 which will involve at least 2 more educational sessions.

  4. Rankify application We will setup Rankify for Optimism Collective with first delivery target of Q1 2025. Subscription provided will be active 1 year from delivery dates (meaning it will be available in S7 as well) and will include 150 seats, and up to 10000 mediation sessions.

Measuring Progress and Impact:

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

1. Financial Current baseline grant amount set to 10k OP might be insufficient to provide blue-chip level of support for all proposed accomplishments. As we are going to provide a product, with own infrastructure setup and expenses, the requested funding amount is 25k OP

2. Technical We would need to have integration ability to your communication platform of choice in order to provide best user experience.

3. Trust tier While we acknowledge that the Fledgling tier might present a challenge given our nascent stage, we are fully committed to working closely with the Optimism Foundation to explore potential solutions that satisfy all requirements. We believe that our unique approach and strong alignment with the mission make us a valuable contributor, and we are eager to demonstrate our capabilities and dedication to the Optimism Collective.

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

We would prefer having at least partially cash upfront, yet this is not strict requirement.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

BiancaGadelha commented 4 weeks ago

GM OP Community! Just to make sure, what's the time for the deadline on the 16th of August?

opjulian commented 4 weeks ago


iunknow588 commented 4 weeks ago

Foundation Mission (RFP) Application

*Project Lead:  cdao

*Contact info:

*L2 recipient address: 0xdb8113225cD78a0A1D8FCF50b96011f26a6035Bc

What makes your Team best-suited to execute this Mission?

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each peice of work:

Please define the critical milestone(s) that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed on this proposal:

Record conflict events: The person in charge (for example, CoCC) can create and input conflict events(use NFT to record conflict events);And the relevant person in charge (for example, supNERDs) can input the cause, process and status information of the conflict event according to market conditions;

Collect conflict resolution solutions: Agents (for example, govNERDs) can enter their own resolution proposals for conflict events based on the interests of the currency holders they represent; and give their own voting ratios for all proposals (the voting ratio can determine which proposal is actually implemented) execution or how much incentive compensation is received;

Output mediation agreement: The person in charge (for example, CoCC) executes the conflict mediation agreement according to the contract mediation agreement;

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

opmxwell commented 4 weeks ago

GM OP Community! Just to make sure, what's the time for the deadline on the 16th of August?

@BiancaGadelha gm gm! By 11:59pm GMT today would be ideal. Thank you !!

BiancaGadelha commented 4 weeks ago

Gravity DAO Submission Form

Project Lead: Durgadas & Bianca Gadelha from GravityDAO Contact info: Telegram @durgadasji and @BiancaGadelha L2 recipient address: 0xfFbD35255008F86322051F2313D4b343540e0e00

What makes your Team best suited to execute this Mission?

Gravity DAO is the pioneer in bringing Alternative Dispute Resolution into web3, making our team the best suited to execute this mission due to our extensive experience in conflict mediation, trust-building, and leadership development within decentralized communities. Gravity DAO has done six live trainings on Conflict Management, Trust Creation, and Cultural Consultation, with one free online course, and has mediated over 50 conflicts inside DAOs and organizations. Our team has a proven track record of designing and implementing community engagement initiatives that foster effective communication, harmony, and resilience in Web3 projects, such as our past contribution to Optimism in Season 4.

We have developed specialized methodologies, such as our Graviton training program, which equips participants with the skills to identify, mediate, and resolve conflicts within decentralized governance structures. Our approach includes but is not limited by, Ostrom’s Principles, Non-Violent Communication, Liberating Structures, Deep Democracy, and Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDOs), and is tailored to meet the unique challenges of decentralized environments like Optimism Governance.

Our growing team and trained cohort of Gravitons include diverse expertise, including political science, psychology, and conflict resolution. This ensures a holistic approach to mediation that addresses both the technical and human aspects of conflict in Web3 ecosystems.

Captura de Tela 2024-08-16 às 2 26 47 PM

At GravityDAO, we have developed a cohort of Gravitons and our experienced core team of mediators, facilitators, and psychologists who are willing to lead when faced with conflicts, trust creation, and leadership mechanisms $${\color{lightgreen}that \space software \space and \space systems \space cannot \space address.}$$

Please describe your proposed solution based on the above Solution Criteria (if applicable):

Proposal context: We are committed to remaining coherent with our mentioned intentions:

“Our conflict management cycle for DAOs promotes decentralization, as we don't get involved in the outcomes of the disputes, and we can mediate cases, but we prefer to facilitate support with education and training for the application of our processes, allowing conflict management to be done and accessed by any active member in the community. We don't solve disputes in a centralized way and we encourage solutions to emerge from the parties involved.”

Following Ostrom's principles, a key part of sustainable conflict management is having members of the community execute the resolution mechanisms. Our organizational concept is that third-party mediation externalizes something that, for the long term, is better done by the contributors themselves.

For that reason, we are happy to propose in this RFP to support not only mediation in the short term but also building the foundation for not needing our mediation services in the future. At that point, we would continue contributing with education, human development of your contributors, promotion of a culture of well-being, and sociotechnical systems thinking and analysis.


Image 1: Our work in conflict management aligns with Ostrom’s Principles to govern commons. Further details can be found here.

Our proposed solution: We offer to mediate conflict within Optimism Governance, including both proactive and responsive strategies to address issues in their early stages. We also provide training and support to de-escalate any ongoing dynamics during season 6. Our framework will be available as a tool for supNERDs, govNERDs, the Code of Conduct Council (CoCC), and other Councils in the Collective.

Key components of our solution include:

Optimism is at a threshold of opportunity. Your RFP shows you are aware and motivated to address the deeper issues that cause ongoing conflicts. This is an essential process for any growing community that occurs when working to resolve the more apparent disputes through arbitration and mediation. This is a chance for Optimism to fundamentally change how leaders and community members navigate differences so that less energy is spent in conflict, better solutions are generated by harnessing diverse viewpoints, and your community thrives as greater trust and harmony are created.

Behavioral shifts are essential for effective conflict management. Cultivating open communication, active listening, empathy, and a willingness to adjust is crucial for creating a harmonious and productive environment within Optimism. Preventing unhealthy conflict through proactive measures is often less costly than resolving disputes through arbitration or mediation.

Therefore, to foster a thriving and decentralized Optimism community, we see it as essential to equip Optimism’s leaders with the tools to proactively and effectively create trust and manage conflicts. This involves:

We wish to encourage the inclusion of these elements for upcoming seasons, further empowering Optimism Collective’s members with these capabilities. This would create a more resilient, self-governing community that effectively addresses challenges and builds stronger and more productive relationships.

Please outline your step-by-step plan to execute this Mission, including expected deadlines to complete each piece of work:

Phase 1 (milestone 1): Initial Assessment and Planning- end of Month 2

Phase 2 (milestone 2): Training and Implementation- end of Month 3

Phase 3 (milestone 3): Ongoing Mediation and Support- continued support

Framework for Classifying Outsourced Conflicts Mediation:

Severity Levels: The level of harm, damage, or negative impact caused by the conflict.

  • Low: Minimal harm or damage, primarily impacting individuals or small groups. Minor disagreements within governance forums, technical glitches affecting a few users, and disputes over minor grant proposals.
  • Medium: Significant disagreements over governance proposals, technical issues impacting many user bases, and disputes over substantial grant allocations. Significant harm or damage affecting multiple individuals or groups within an organization or community.
  • High: Major governance failures, security breaches, significant network outages, or severe community divisions. Severe harm or damage with potential long-term consequences, affecting many people or causing systemic issues.

Scope Levels: The breadth or extent of the conflict, including the number of parties involved, the areas affected, and the potential consequences.

  • Limited: Conflicts involving small token holders or specific governance proposals. It involves a small number of individuals or groups with a narrow focus.
  • Moderate: Conflicts impacting a significant portion of the token holder base or affecting multiple DAO functions. Involves multiple individuals or groups with broader implications.
  • Extensive: Conflicts impacting the entire Optimism ecosystem, including partnerships and integrations. It involves a large number of individuals or groups with widespread impact.
Captura de Tela 2024-08-16 às 2 29 43 PM

We will establish Service Level Agreements (SLAs) outlining specific response and resolution timelines to ensure timely conflict resolution. These SLAs provide clear expectations and benchmarks. Following the initial assessment phase, SLAs may be adjusted based on performance metrics, conflict complexity, resource availability, and evolving client needs. We generally suggest 24-hour response times during the week and 48 hours on the weekends.

Phase 4: Review and Adjustment- before the start of Season 7

Disclosure of Feedback on Conflict Resolution Expectations:

We appreciate the Optimism Foundation's confidence in conflict mediation as a tool for governance. However, we would like to offer some important considerations regarding the expectations outlined in the proposal, specifically related to conflict resolution outcomes.

The Nature of Conflict Resolution: While mediation is a powerful method for addressing conflicts and can often lead to resolution, it is important to understand that the nature of conflict, especially within decentralized communities, is complex and multifaceted. Conflicts may have deep-rooted causes that cannot always be fully resolved in a single mediation session. Moreover, it is not uncommon for conflicts to resurface over time, especially in dynamic and evolving communities like those in the Web3 space.

Limitations of Mediation: Mediation fundamentally facilitates dialogue, understanding, and compromise. The outcome of mediation depends on the willingness and ability of the parties involved to engage in the process and implement agreed-upon solutions. As a neutral facilitator, we guide this process, not impose resolutions or ensure that conflicts never recur. Expecting that 80% of conflicts will be resolved permanently without further mediation may not fully account for the realities of human interaction and the ongoing evolution of governance structures.

A Preventative and Iterative Approach: The effectiveness of mediation should not solely be measured by the absence of repeated conflicts but by the improvement in communication, understanding, and governance practices within the community. Over time, as parties become more skilled in conflict de-escalation and as governance frameworks mature, the frequency and intensity of conflicts should decrease. However, this is an iterative process, and expecting an immediate or permanent resolution may set an unrealistic standard.

We propose framing the success criteria for improvements in community resilience, communication, and conflict management capabilities rather than a strict reduction in conflict occurrences. This perspective aligns with the understanding that decentralized communities are dynamic, and ongoing dialogue is key to long-term harmony and governance success.

Please define the [critical milestone(s)] ( that should be used to determine whether you’ve executed this proposal:

Please list any additional support your team would require to execute this mission (financial, technical, etc.):

Captura de Tela 2024-08-16 às 2 30 33 PM

Possible conflict of interest: Under the terms of this proposal, no one from the Code of Conduct Council in Optimism can act as a mediator.

Grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Please let us know if you would like to be considered for a small upfront cash grant: (Note: there is no guarantee that approved Missions will receive up-front cash grants.)

Yes, we would like to be considered for an upfront cash grant to help cover initial setup costs, including developing educational materials, training resources, and the initial phase of community engagement activities.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

resolv3io commented 4 weeks ago

Resolv3 Application

Project Lead: Resolv3 (Silke Noa, Bianca Kremer, Marina Markezic)

Contact Info:

L2 Recipient Address: 0x2784D94D8cacf959CEee5F69827Aa8E882803bD6

What makes your Team best-suited to execute this Mission?

Resolv3 is uniquely qualified to handle this mission due to its unparalleled expertise in dispute resolution, legal governance, and regulatory compliance for decentralized systems:

Silke Noa: As a lawyer and mathematician with over a decade of experience in legal frameworks for blockchain projects, Silke brings a rare combination of dispute resolution and blockchain legal engineering to Resolv3. Previously the long time CLO at Gnosis, she has a deep understanding of DAO structures and blockchain-based dispute prevention and resolution systems. Currently a Visiting Scholar at Stanford Law School, she regularly teaches on infraDAO and DAO to DAO dispute resolution mechanisms. She is the co-founder of, a layer2 blockchain with a dispute resolution backstop.

Bianca Kremer: A legal scholar specializing in the intersection of law and blockchain technology, with a focus on decentralized organizations (DAOs), governance systems, business law, and international arbitration. Currently a Senior Fellow at the Wharton Blockchain and Digital Asset Project (BDAP), Bianca previously served as its inaugural research fellow and has been recognized as a Swiss Government Excellence Scholar. Her academic journey includes visiting fellowships at the University of Oxford and ETH Zurich. Bianca earned her Ph.D. in Law from the University of St. Gallen, where her dissertation on "Blockchains, Smart Contracts, and International Arbitration" received the Dr. Maria Schaumayer Stiftung Promotional Award. Bianca’s research, recognized with several accolades, equips Resolv3 with the expertise needed to position it at the forefront of pioneering thought leadership and innovation.

Marina Markezic: A leading figure in European crypto regulation, director and co-founder of the European Crypto Initiative (EUCI), a prominent European advocacy group dedicated to crypto regulation. Since 2017, she has been deeply involved in the crypto space, with a particular focus on governance and legal issues related to decentralization. Marina is a recognized expert on critical crypto regulatory topics and consistently monitors recent regulatory developments and their implications for the industry. Her professional journey includes serving as a governance advisor for various blockchain projects. She is currently a root node for the Q blockchain, contributing significantly to the project’s governance process. Previously, Marina led advisory services at one of the first accelerators dedicated to Ethereum projects, where she managed the advisory team, developed strategies, and facilitated strategic partnerships. Marina’s insights into regulatory challenges and her hands-on experience in governance ensure that Resolv3’s approach aligns with emerging global trends and standards.

Proposed Solution

Resolv3’s solution is designed to address the complexity of conflicts in decentralized governance with a strong focus on best practices and innovation:

Advanced Mediation and Arbitration (MedArb): Leveraging our deep dispute resolution expertise, we will implement a bespoke and pragmatic conflict resolution mechanism based on mediation and/or more formal arbitration processes that combines the best of traditional legal methods with the flexibility of blockchain technology. This approach ensures that all disputes are handled fairly, transparently, and with a clear foundation on legal best practices. We aim to adopt an experimental and flexible approach.

Governance-Centric Education: We will conduct specialized workshops focusing on the legal and regulatory aspects of decentralized governance, helping participants understand not just conflict resolution but also the broader implications of their actions within a legal framework.

Step-by-Step Plan

1. Set Up Best Practice Frameworks (By January 2025/Q1 2025): Establish clear, sound procedures for handling disputes within the Optimism Collective, ensuring alignment with best practices.

2. Mediation and Arbitration (MedArb) Services (ongoing): Study Optimism Collective’s needs and provide mediation and arbitration services accordingly, ensuring that disputes are resolved efficiently, pragmatically and in compliance with best practices.

3. Educational Workshops (Q4 2024/Q1 2025): Deliver up to three advanced workshops focusing on conflict prevention and resolution for decentralised governance and decision making and regulatory compliance. These will be tailored to the specific needs of the Optimism Collective.

Critical Milestones

1. Establish Dispute Resolution Frameworks: Complete by Mission End, January 2025/Q1 2025 2. Effective Mediation/Arbitration: Achieve a higher than 80% resolution rate for disputes 3. Educational Workshop Completion: Up to three workshops delivered by Q1 2025

Additional Support Requested

Financial: Requesting an additional 20k OP to support the development of robust dispute prevention, resolution and mediation frameworks, advanced dispute prevention and resolution tools, and educational content with a portion in up-front cash. Technical: Integration with and potential creation of blockchain-based legal tools and smart contracts for transparent and enforceable mediation and arbitration.

Our extensive legal, dispute resolution, and regulatory expertise positions us to deliver high-impact results and we aim to continue collaborating with the Optimism Collective beyond this specific mission request.

Please check the following to make sure you understand the terms of the Optimism Foundation RFP program:

opmxwell commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you to everyone for the excellent submissions!

The applications closed on August 16th, and the following team has been selected for this Foundation Mission:

We have been in contact with Resolv3 to communicate this.

To all the other teams that applied, we'd love to help you find the right way to contribute to the Optimism Collective ✨

There are more Delegate Mission Requests live and Foundation Missions to coming soon.

In addition, there are builder ideas, which provide guidance on contributions which are valuable to the Collective and could be rewarded via Retro Funding. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, thank you all!