ethereum-optimism / op-geth

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Node stopped syncing after oom kill #255

Open alexqrid opened 4 months ago

alexqrid commented 4 months ago

System information

Geth version: v1.101304.2 Op-node version: v1.3.2 OS & Version: Linux

Expected behaviour

Node is syncing normally

Actual behaviour

Node stopped syncing and concerns about gap in the chain between ancients

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Just run the node


I am running optimism stack in docker - My node was syncing normally, but after oom kill due to high memory consumption it couldn't sync again, reporting that there is a problem with database, attached the logs below. I've upgraded op-node to v1.4.3 and op-geth to 1.101305.3, unfortunately it didn't help.

op-geth logs ```` errexit on noglob off ignoreeof off monitor off noexec off xtrace off verbose off noclobber off allexport off notify off nounset off errtrace off vi off pipefail off INFO [02-26|10:24:19.147] Enabling metrics collection INFO [02-26|10:24:19.149] Maximum peer count ETH=0 LES=0 total=0 INFO [02-26|10:24:19.150] Smartcard socket not found, disabling err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory" INFO [02-26|10:24:19.153] Enabling recording of key preimages since archive mode is used WARN [02-26|10:24:19.153] Disabled transaction unindexing for archive node INFO [02-26|10:24:19.153] Set global gas cap cap=50,000,000 INFO [02-26|10:24:19.154] Initializing the KZG library backend=gokzg INFO [02-26|10:24:19.195] Allocated trie memory caches clean=307.00MiB dirty=0.00B INFO [02-26|10:24:21.419] Using leveldb as the backing database INFO [02-26|10:24:21.419] Allocated cache and file handles database=/geth/geth/chaindata cache=512.00MiB handles=524,288 INFO [02-26|10:24:36.001] Using LevelDB as the backing database INFO [02-26|10:24:36.001] Found legacy ancient chain path location=/geth/geth/chaindata/ancient INFO [02-26|10:24:36.046] Opened ancient database database=/geth/geth/chaindata/ancient readonly=false Chain metadata databaseVersion: 8 (0x8) headBlockHash: 0x284dc3a53bf254cabf3d22cfc3a8664fc5957db4dca4b433866ebb1612147c07 headFastBlockHash: 0x284dc3a53bf254cabf3d22cfc3a8664fc5957db4dca4b433866ebb1612147c07 headHeaderHash: 0x284dc3a53bf254cabf3d22cfc3a8664fc5957db4dca4b433866ebb1612147c07 lastPivotNumber: len(snapshotSyncStatus): 0 bytes snapshotDisabled: false snapshotJournal: 1891973 bytes snapshotRecoveryNumber: snapshotRoot: 0xf761dd8a26b2fefceffa3751f06614abafb9d256cfc9985f61b637eae126df29 txIndexTail: 0 (0x0) fastTxLookupLimit: Fatal: Failed to register the Ethereum service: gap in the chain between ancients [0 - #116579847] and leveldb [#116669875 - #116669874] Fatal: Failed to register the Ethereum service: gap in the chain between ancients [0 - #116579847] and leveldb [#116669875 - #116669874] ````