ethereum-optimism / op-geth

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Syncing specification after Dencun #272

Closed HiroyukiNaito closed 3 months ago

HiroyukiNaito commented 3 months ago

In the past, I have op-geth and when syncing from the L2 genesis block, it referred to verify from the L2 transaction batch data as stored cdata in L1 node. After the Dencun, L1 blob will disappear for 18 days, so the L2 transaction batch in blob will also disappear. It suggests that the op-geth cannot sync from the genesis because currently cannot verify the L2 batch data in L1 node because of blob L2 batch data disappearing for 18 days.

Sorry if I have some misconception beforehand.

quickchase commented 3 months ago

This is mostly covered here:

HiroyukiNaito commented 3 months ago

@quickchase Thank you very much. So, looks it needs to rely on archived beacon blob data provider to spin up a new node if I don't use snapsync.