ethereum-optimism / op-geth

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Test that API Receipts can Unmarshal to types.Receipts #329

Open axelKingsley opened 3 weeks ago

axelKingsley commented 3 weeks ago

When creating Receipts to return over API, a one-off []map[string]interface{} structure is defined to contain the returnable fields. These structures are tested by marshaling individual receipts and comparing to an expected content from JSON test-files.

Separately, in core, types.Receipt structures are used to represent Transaction Receipts. These are tested by marshaling and unmarshalling sample structures.

However, there isn't testing which links these two structures. It is possible that a given version of geth might emit Receipts over its API which can't be unmarshalled by that same version of geth. If ever there is a change to either the API structure or the types.Receipt structure, this incompatibility may occur. When it does, there should exist testing which exposes this.

This change simply adds a round-trip marshal-unmarshal from the API structure to a types.Receipts. This confirms that the emitted API structure is compatible as a types.Receipts.


Tested this manually in the following ways:


Geth's own API should be compatible with its ethereum spec definition of structures. Therefore, while these structures are separately managed, it makes sense to include testing which confirms their own internal compatibility.

OP would have benefitted from this testing when we added new L2 fields in this PR: . The fields were already defined in the types.Receipt structure, but they were still big.Int, meaning this API structure is not compatible with its own Receipt. (this was later fixed in subsequent PR