ethereum-optimism / supersim

Local Multi-L2 Development Environment
MIT License
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orchestrator: configuration & vanilla mode #6

Open fainashalts opened 6 days ago

fainashalts commented 6 days ago

There are two modes that supersim can run in. By default, vanilla is the mode of operation


$ supersim // default vanilla mode

There's no configuration. We assert in the docs that supersim has some ports that it uses:

Chain IDs are also predetermined:

Vanilla mode run a single "l1" instance and two "l2" instances.


not implemented in this ticket. We simply define the configuration story here in comparison to vanilla. A subcommand fork is available to fork from the superchain registry

TODO: create ticket for this command

$ supersim fork

By default latest L1 height. A specified height can be set as well

--fork.l1.height 420

By default, the mainnet eth network is forked. A testnet can be specified

--network sepolia

By default, the entire registry is forked. A subset of the superchain registry can be forked by name, delineated by commas. Fails if a name is not recognized in the registry

--chains "mainnet,base,zora.."

By default the fork urls will use the public endpoints but this should be allowed to be specified

--fork.urls "base=,zora=http://bar.baz"

Definition of Done

Vanilla mode is operational. No configuration options. Simply run the supersim command.