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Revocation List Registry #5538

Closed strumswell closed 2 years ago

strumswell commented 2 years ago

Draft authors: @lleifermann, @dennisvonderbey, @strumswell


This EIP proposes a set of methods and standards for an RBAC-enabled registry of indicators aimed for usage in revocations.


Revocation is a universally needed construct both in the traditional centralized and decentralized credential attestation. This EIP aims to provide an interface to standardize a decentralized approach to managing and resolving revocation states in a contract registry.

The largest problem with traditional revocation lists is the centralized aspect of them. Most of the world's CRLs rely on HTTP servers as well as caching and are therefore vulnerable to known attack vectors in the traditional web space. This aspect severely weakens the underlying strong asymmetric key architecture in current PKI systems.

In addition, issuers in existing CRL approaches are required to host an own instance of their public revocation list, as shared or centralized instances run the risk of misusage by the controlling entity. This incentivizes issuers to shift this responsibility to a third party, imposing the risk of even more centralization of the ecosystem (see Cloudflare, AWS). Ideally, issuers should be able to focus on their area of expertise, including ownership of their revocable material, instead of worrying about infrastructure.

We see value in a future of the Internet where anyone can be an issuer of verifiable information. This proposal lays the groundwork for anyone to also own the lifecycle of this information to build trust in ecosystems.



The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

This EIP specifies a contract called EthereumRevocationRegistry that is deployed once and may then be commonly used by everyone. By default, an Ethereum address MAY own and manage a multitude of revocation lists in a namespace that MUST contain the revocation states for a set of revocation keys.

An owner of a namespace MAY allow delegates to manage one or more of its revocation lists. Delegates MUST be removable by the respective list's owner. In certain situations, an owner MAY also want to transfer a revocation list in a namespace and its management rights to a new owner.

Revocation management

isRevoked MUST implement a function that returns the revocation status of a particular revocation key in a namespace's revocation list.

function isRevoked(address namespace, bytes32 list, bytes32 key) public view returns (bool);

changeStatus MUST implement a function to change the revocation status of a particular revocation key in a namespace's revocation list

function changeStatus(bool revoked, address namespace, bytes32 list, bytes32 key) public;

changeStatusSigned (see meta transactions) OPTIONAL implements a function to change the revocation status of a particular revocation key in a namespace's revocation list with a raw signature.

function changeStatusSigned(bool revoked, address namespace, bytes32 list, bytes32 key, uint8 sigV, bytes32 sigR, bytes32 sigS) public;

changeStatusDelegate OPTIONAL implements a function to change the revocation status of a particular revocation key in a namespace's revocation list with a raw signature.

function changeStatusDelegate(bool revoked, address namespace, bytes32 list, bytes32 key) public;

changeStatusDelegateSigned (see meta transactions) OPTIONAL implements a function to change the revocation status of a particular revocation key in a namespace's revocation list with a raw signature.

function changeStatusDelegateSigned(bool revoked, address namespace, bytes32 list, bytes32 key, uint8 sigV, bytes32 sigR, bytes32 sigS) public;

batchChangeStatuses OPTIONAL implements a function to change multiple revocation statuses in different revocation lists and namespaces at once.

function batchChangeStatuses(bool[] revokedStatuses, address[] namespaces, bytes32[] lists, bytes32[] keys) public;

batchChangeStatusesSigned (see meta transactions) OPTIONAL implements a function to change multiple revocation statuses in different revocation lists and namespaces at once with a raw signature.

function batchChangeStatusesSigned(bool[] revokedStatuses, address[] namespaces, bytes32[] lists, bytes32[] keys, uint8 sigV, bytes32 sigR, bytes32 sigS) public;

batchChangeListStatuses OPTIONAL implements a function to change multiple revocation statuses in a specific namespace's revocation list.

function batchChangeListStatuses(bool[] revokedStatuses, address namespace, bytes32 list, bytes32[] keys) public;

batchChangeListStatusesSigned (see meta transactions) OPTIONAL implements a function to change multiple revocation statuses in a specific namespace's revocation list with a raw signature.

function batchChangeListStatusesSigned(bool[] revokedStatuses, address namespace, bytes32 list, bytes32[] keys, uint8 sigV, bytes32 sigR, bytes32 sigS) public;

Owner managment

changeListOwner OPTIONAL implement a function to change the owner of a revocation list in a namespace to a new address.

function changeListOwner(address owner, address newOwner, bytes32 list) public;

changeListOwnerSigned (see Meta transactions) OPTIONAL implements a function to change the owner of a revocation list in a namespace to a new address.

function changeListOwnerSigned(address owner, address newOwner, bytes32 list, uint8 sigV, bytes32 sigR, bytes32 sigS) public;

Delegation management


OPTIONAL implements a function to add a delegate to an owner's revocation in a namespace list.

function addListDelegate(address owner, address delegate, bytes32 list) public;

addListDelegateSigned (see Meta transactions)

OPTIONAL implements a function to add a delegate to an owner's revocation list in a namespace with a raw signature.

function addListDelegateSigned(address owner, address delegate, bytes32 list, uint8 sigV, bytes32 sigR, bytes32 sigS) public;


OPTIONAL implements a function to remove a delegate from an owner's revocation list in a namespace.

function removeListDelegate(address owner, address delegate, bytes32 list) public;

removeListDelegateSigned (see Meta transactions)

OPTIONAL implements a function to remove a delegate from an owner's revocation list in a namespace with a raw signature.

function removeListDelegateSigned(address owner, address delegate, bytes32 list, uint8 sigV, bytes32 sigR, bytes32 sigS) public;


RevocationStatusChanged MUST be emitted when changeStatus, changeStatusSigned, changeStatusDelegate, or changeStatusDelegateSigned was successfully executed.

event RevocationStatusChanged(
    address indexed namespace,
    bytes32 indexed list,
    bytes32 indexed key,
    bool revoked

RevocationStatusesChanged MUST be emitted when batchChangeStatuses, batchChangeStatusesSigned, batchChangeListStatuses, or batchChangeListStatusesSigned was successfully executed.

event RevocationStatusesChanged(
    address[] indexed namespaces,
    bytes32[] indexed lists,
    bytes32[] indexed keys,
    bool[] revoked

ListOwnerChanged MUST be emitted when changeListOwner or changeListOwnerSigned was successfully executed.

event ListOwnerChanged(
    address indexed namespace,
    address indexed newOwner,
    bytes32 indexed list

DelegateAdded MUST be emitted when addListDelegate or addListDelegateSigned was successfully executed.

event ListDelegateAdded(
    address indexed namespace,
    address indexed delegate,
    bytes32 indexed list

DelegateRemoved MUST be emitted when removeListDelegate or removeListDelegateSigned was successfully executed.

event ListDelegateRemoved(
    address indexed namespace,
    address indexed delegate,
    bytes32 indexed list

Meta transactions

This section uses the following terms:

transaction signer: An Ethereum address that signs arbitrary data for the contract to execute BUT does not commit the transaction. transaction sender: An Ethereum address that takes signed data from a transaction signer and commits it wrapped with its own signature to the smart contract.

An address (transaction-signer) MAY be able to deliver a signed payload off-band to another address (transaction sender) that initiates the Ethereum interaction with the smart contract. The signed payload MUST be limited to be used only once (Signed Hash + nonces).

Signed Hash

The signature of the transaction signer MUST conform EIP-712, in its state that is proposed in ethereum/EIPs/issues/5475. This helps users understand what the payload they're signing consists of & it improves the protection against replay attacks.


This EIP RECOMMENDS the use of a dedicated nonce mapping for meta transactions. If the signature of the transaction sender and its meta contents are verified, the contract increases a nonce for this transaction signer. This effectively removes the possibility for any other sender to execute the same transaction again with another wallet.


Why the concept of namespaces?

This provides every Ethereum address a reserved space, without the need to actively claim it in the contract. Initially addresses only have owner access in their own namespace.

Why does a namespace always represent the initial owner address?

The change of an owner of a list shouldn't break the link to a revocation key in it, as already existing off-chain data may depend on it.

Backwards Compatibility

Not applicable

Reference Implementation


Security Considerations

Meta Transactions

The signature of signed transactions could potentially be replayed on different chains or deployed versions of the registry implementing this ERC. This security consideration is addressed by the usage of EIP-712.

Rights Management

The different roles and their inherent permissions are meant to prevent changes from unauthorized entities. The revocation list owner should always be in complete control over its revocation list and who has writing access to it.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

Pandapip1 commented 2 years ago

If you would like to make this an EIP, please make a pull request that adds this by copying into the EIPS directory.

lleifermann commented 2 years ago

If you would like to make this an EIP, please make a pull request that adds this by copying into the EIPS directory.

We wanted to gather comments and feedback first and the Issue Template stated that this should then be done in an GitHub Issue. Should we still open a pull request?