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ERC: Key Manager #734

Closed frozeman closed 2 years ago

frozeman commented 7 years ago
eip: 734
title: Key Manager
author: Fabian Vogelsteller (@frozeman)
status: WIP
type: Standards Track
category: ERC
created: 2017-10-02

NOTE: Due to the changes in ERC725, this spec is not fully compatible with the current ERC725v2. If you're interested in adopting this spec to work with 725v2, please comment below, or send a gist with changes.

This standard is now superseeded by LSP6-KeyManager

Simple Summary

A contract for key management of a blockchain proxy account.


The following describes standard functions for a key manager to be used in conjunction with ERC725. This contract can hold keys to sign actions (transactions, documents, logins, access, etc), as well as execute instructions through an ERC 725 proxy account.


This key manager standard allows for more complex management of an ERC725 proxy account.



Key Management

Keys are cryptographic public keys, or contract addresses associated with this identity. The structure should be as follows:

struct Key {
    uint256[] purposes;
    uint256 keyType;
    bytes32 key;


Returns the full key data, if present in the identity.

function getKey(bytes32 _key) constant returns(uint256[] purposes, uint256 keyType, bytes32 key);


Returns TRUE if a key is present and has the given purpose. If the key is not present it returns FALSE.

function keyHasPurpose(bytes32 _key, uint256 purpose) constant returns(bool exists);


Returns an array of public key bytes32 held by this identity.

function getKeysByPurpose(uint256 _purpose) constant returns(bytes32[] keys);


Adds a _key to the identity. The _purpose specifies the purpose of the key. Initially, we propose four purposes:

MUST only be done by keys of purpose 1, or the identity itself. If it's the identity itself, the approval process will determine its approval.

Triggers Event: KeyAdded

function addKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose, uint256 _keyType) returns (bool success)


Removes _key from the identity.

MUST only be done by keys of purpose 1, or the identity itself. If it's the identity itself, the approval process will determine its approval.

Triggers Event: KeyRemoved

function removeKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) returns (bool success)


Changes the keys required to perform an action for a specific purpose. (This is the n in an n of m multisig approval process.)

MUST only be done by keys of purpose 1, or the identity itself. If it's the identity itself, the approval process will determine its approval.

Triggers Event: KeysRequiredChanged

function changeKeysRequired(uint256 purpose, uint256 number) external


Returns number of keys required for purpose.

function getKeysRequired(uint256 purpose) external view returns(uint256)

Identity usage


Passes an execution instruction to the keymanager. SHOULD require approve to be called with one or more keys of purpose 1 or 2 to approve this execution.

Execute COULD be used as the only accessor for addKey, removeKey and replaceKey and removeClaim.

Returns executionId: SHOULD be sent to the approve function, to approve or reject this execution.

Triggers Event: ExecutionRequested Triggers on direct execution Event: Executed

function execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data) returns (uint256 executionId)


Approves an execution or claim addition. This SHOULD require n of m approvals of keys purpose 1, if the _to of the execution is the identity contract itself, to successfully approve an execution. And COULD require n of m approvals of keys purpose 2, if the _to of the execution is another contract, to successfully approve an execution.

Triggers Event: Approved Triggers on successfull execution Event: Executed Triggers on successfull claim addition Event: ClaimAdded

function approve(uint256 _id, bool _approve) returns (bool success)



MUST be triggered when addKey was successfully called.

event KeyAdded(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType)


MUST be triggered when removeKey was successfully called.

event KeyRemoved(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType)


MUST be triggered when execute was successfully called.

event ExecutionRequested(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data)


MUST be triggered when approve was called and the execution was successfully approved.

event Executed(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data)


MUST be triggered when approve was successfully called.

event Approved(uint256 indexed executionId, bool approved)


MUST be triggered when changeKeysRequired was successfully called.

event KeysRequiredChanged(uint256 purpose, uint256 number)


This specification was chosen to allow most flexibility and experimentation around verifiable accounts. By having a separate contract as proxy on chain allows for cross greater compatibility, as well as extra and altered functionality for new use cases.

Solidity Interface

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

contract ERC734 {

    uint256 constant MANAGEMENT_KEY = 1;
    uint256 constant EXECUTION_KEY = 2;

    event KeyAdded(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType);
    event KeyRemoved(bytes32 indexed key, uint256 indexed purpose, uint256 indexed keyType);
    event ExecutionRequested(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
    event Executed(uint256 indexed executionId, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value, bytes data);
    event Approved(uint256 indexed executionId, bool approved);
    event KeysRequiredChanged(uint256 purpose, uint256 number);

    struct Key {
        uint256 purpose; //e.g., MANAGEMENT_KEY = 1, EXECUTION_KEY = 2, etc.
        uint256 keyType; // e.g. 1 = ECDSA, 2 = RSA, etc.
        bytes32 key;

    function getKey(bytes32 _key) public constant returns(uint256[] purposes, uint256 keyType, bytes32 key);
    function keyHasPurpose(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) public constant returns (bool exists);
    function getKeysByPurpose(uint256 _purpose) public constant returns (bytes32[] keys);
    function addKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose, uint256 _keyType) public returns (bool success);
    function removeKey(bytes32 _key, uint256 _purpose) public returns (bool success);
    function changeKeysRequired(uint256 purpose, uint256 number) external;
    function getKeysRequired(uint256 purpose) external view returns(uint256);
    function execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data) public returns (uint256 executionId);
    function approve(uint256 _id, bool _approve) public returns (bool success);


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

frozeman commented 5 years ago

This issue was reopened, to serve as a container for a Key Manager contract, which was formerly ERC 725 v1. The new ERC 725 v2 serves now as a proxy account standard, that can be owned by a ERC 734 key manager contract.

wighawag commented 5 years ago

Nice. I like the simple design.

I would add a bytes calldata _operationData parameter to execute though to not have to overload _data with extra purpose when extra data need to be passed in for specific operation type. I am thinking of #1077 for example.

frozeman commented 5 years ago

Could you write the whole execution function how you envision it?

This standard needs to be improved a bit to fully fit 725v2.

wighawag commented 5 years ago

I was actually referring to 725v2

the whole execute function would be

function execute(uint256 _operationType, bytes calldata _operationData, address _to, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _data) external;

charyorde commented 5 years ago

@frozeman Simply, is this a design for KYC? Like Identity verification?

frozeman commented 5 years ago

This is a standard for key management, intended to be used in conjunction with #725

cbruguera commented 5 years ago

@frozeman I see there are multiple references to claim-related functionality in this spec. I thought all claim functionality was moved to be handled by ERC735... Is this proposal description outdated or is it indeed coupled with claim related functionality?

cbruguera commented 5 years ago

@frozeman You might have missed it, but could you provide clarity on my last question? I'm starting to work on an implementation for identity contracts based on these proposals (ERC734/725) soon. Thanks.

frozeman commented 5 years ago

Hi @cbruguera those are outdated, in fact 734 and 735 needs a bit of re-work to adapt fully to 725v2, if you start working on it it would be great if you can improve the current spec. Send you transformed spec in a gist and ill will update it here.

the old 725 was moved to here (734), that's why there are those issues.

734 should only concern about key management. Also the execute function needs to then call the execute function on 725v2 (and the key manager, needs to be an owner of an 725v2 contract).

Alternatively, The gnosis safe should also work as a key manager. But improving this spec would be appreciated.

cbruguera commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I understand now.

Maybe an indication at the top stating that the specs are outdated would be a good idea in the meantime.

frozeman commented 3 years ago

This standard is now superseeded by LSP6-KeyManager