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Update EIP-7702: Prohibit `SSTORE` #8539

Open SamWilsn opened 1 month ago

eth-bot commented 1 month ago

✅ All reviewers have approved.

Amxx commented 1 month ago

Today, you can create a contract, manipulate storage freely, and selfdestruct it before the end of the transaction. In that case, storage is cleared, effectivelly behaving like TSTORE.

Should we replicate that behavior, considering that the reset at the end of an EIP-7702 transaction is simlilar to a selfdestruct?

wjmelements commented 1 month ago

SSTORE would be useful for persisting state across transactions. It won't be necessary for most use-cases, but I would prefer if it is possible. Some uses I can imagine:

LwkkyLDdubz commented 1 month ago

SSTORE would be useful for persisting state across transactions. It won't be necessary for most use-cases, but I would prefer if it is possible. Some uses I can imagine:

  • Marking nonces as used
  • Approval
  • Whitelist, Blacklist

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