ethereum / aleth

Aleth – Ethereum C++ client, tools and libraries
GNU General Public License v3.0
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related to the gasUsed --- Different behaviours between "aleth" and "go-ethereum" for the opcode "0xfd" #5905

Open BattleBird opened 4 years ago

BattleBird commented 4 years ago

when we use ./aleth-vm_1.8.0 stats --code fd the result is : Screenshot from 2020-05-31 21-53-30 when we use evm 1.9.11 to run a piece of bytecode, the result is: Screenshot from 2020-05-31 21-57-26 Whatever errors the aleth meets, it will used up all the gas provided for example, the 0xfd opcode, but the go-ethereum will refund the remaining gas to the user. Do you have any comments for this different behaviour? I think the aleth is not very user-friendly