ethereum / blake2b-py

Blake2b hashing in Rust with Python bindings.
MIT License
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Provide source package on PyPI or precompiled packages for M1 MacBooks #7

Open niklasb opened 3 years ago

niklasb commented 3 years ago

Similar to, since 0.1.4 does not provide a source package, it cannot be installed on M1 MacBooks currently:

$ pip install 'blake2b-py==1.4.0'
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement blake2b-py==1.4.0
ERROR: No matching distribution found for blake2b-py==1.4.0

This is an issue, since it is a dependency of py-evm (specifically, >=1.4.0)

yorhodes commented 2 years ago

As a workaround to build from source on arm64 I added

blake2b-py = { git = "", tag="v0.1.4" }

to my pyproject.toml

mattslipari commented 2 years ago

@yorhodes Where in pyprojec.toml did you add this line?

martin-thoma commented 2 years ago

@mattslipari Something like this:

blake2b-py = { git = "", tag="v0.1.4" }

Alternatively, you can use my fork which added a in order to fix some issues:

blake2b-py = { git = "" }
martin-thoma commented 2 years ago

@cburgdorf What do you think about uploading a source package?

0xTimepunk commented 2 years ago

@cburgdorf seconding the above

foufrix commented 2 years ago

This issue is solved no? Just installed Mythril that used blake2b-py; the only thing needed is to install a nightly version of rust for it to install properly

martin-thoma commented 2 years ago

I only see Wheel distribution files on

It's not solved. But it would be easy to solve for the maintainer.