ethereum / ddht

Python implementation of Discovery V5 Protocol
MIT License
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One shot DevP2P transaction broadcasting #162

Open pipermerriam opened 4 years ago

pipermerriam commented 4 years ago

What was wrong?

We need "one shot DevP2P transaction broadcasting" in order for Alexandria to support the eth_sendRawTransaction JSON-RPC API.

How can it be fixed.

A Trio compatible async python function that takes a transaction and broadcasts it into the DevP2P eth protocol.

async def broadcast(
        *transactions: Transaction,
        confirmations: int = 3,
        ...) -> None:

Implementation requirements.

pipermerriam commented 4 years ago

@gsalgado this would be a bigger task but still valuable. It would leverage your existing knowledge of the DevP2P protocol. It would however not have much of anything to do with the DHT network.