ethereum / eth-keys

A common API for Ethereum key operations.
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Validate web3 signed message #40

Closed Netherdrake closed 6 years ago

Netherdrake commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to use eth-keys to validate web3 (Metamask backend) signed messages?

I've been trying to piece it together from documentation, but no luck so far.

Code (only guessing so far):

def recover_address(data: str, signature: str) -> str:
    signature = binascii.unhexlify(remove_0x_prefix(signature))
    data = keccak(text=data)
    data = f"\\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n{len(data)}{data}"
    data = bytes(data, 'ascii')

    # web3js outputs in rsv order
    vrs = (
        ord(signature[64:65]) - 27,
    sig = KeyAPI.Signature(vrs=vrs)
    return sig.recover_public_key_from_msg(data).to_address()

Web3js sign example:

let address = '0x5B71759d4666c6674832352DA09f15efC8414EAE';
web3.eth.sign(address, web3.sha3('foo'), (e, r) => console.log(r))


recover_address('foo', r)
# should output 0x5B71759d4666c6674832352DA09f15efC8414EAE
pipermerriam commented 6 years ago

If my memory is correct:

Short answer is yes, but you have to do some manipulation of the v value since ethereum uses a non-standard v of 27/28 and eth-keys uses what we refer to as the canonical v of 0/1.

You should take a look at this:

pipermerriam commented 6 years ago

closing, but please continue to comment if you still need help.

carver commented 6 years ago might be what you're looking for

Netherdrake commented 6 years ago

Actually, what I'm really looking for now is this for Python.

Basically something to validate client-side signed typed messages, such as those in metamask

carver commented 6 years ago

I guess metamask implemented some version of (perhaps at an older version than the current, which is still unmerged). There is no implementation of that yet AFAIK, but as soon as the draft EIP is merged, it seems reasonable to add it to eth-account & web3py.

Netherdrake commented 6 years ago

Is there any python implementation of EIP712 at this time?

carver commented 6 years ago

Not that I've seen

andrevmatos commented 6 years ago

MicroRaiden has functions for current Metamask implementation. Look at its usage here.

carver commented 6 years ago

Thanks @andrevmatos -- so to sign a typed data message now, you can:

That version of eth-account will be included in the next release.

Here is a copy of the hashing code, in case that commit disappears for whatever reason:

def eth_sign_typed_data_message(typed_data: List[TypedData]) -> bytes:
    typed_data = [('{} {}'.format(type_, name), data) for type_, name, data in typed_data]
    schema, data = [list(zipped) for zipped in zip(*typed_data)]

return keccak256(keccak256(*schema), keccak256(*data))
Netherdrake commented 6 years ago

I am unable to verify MetaMask signed message with either Account.recoverHash() or pruned version of Raiden's

from src.contrib.crypto import (
from eth_utils import decode_hex
from eth_account import Account

address = '0xaaf3ffee9d4c976aa8d0cb1bb84c3c90ee6e9118'
signature = '0x965439c02ec9399b9fce8f9eac57bfa7f93385c885c96c536dc28070bcdf0ccc6cc45c9eaf4f43b0a40c32e8f8d7e97320a92ea675fa5d826ae67521d3e669af1c'
msg = [[{"type":"string","name":"Video ID","value":"v3jMYxUpBzZ2"},{"type":"uint8","name":"Vote Weight (%)","value":100}],"0xaaf3ffee9d4c976aa8d0cb1bb84c3c90ee6e9118"]

msg_hash = eth_typed_data_message(msg[0])

print('Expected', address)
print('Raiden', Account().recoverHash(msg_hash, signature=signature))
print('eth-account', addr_from_sig(decode_hex(signature), msg_hash))


Expected 0xaaf3ffee9d4c976aa8d0cb1bb84c3c90ee6e9118
Raiden 0xb2EFAFf151948a284e56d653802ED8a579c964Ef
eth-account 0xb2efaff151948a284e56d653802ed8a579c964ef

Note: This is how the message is signed in the first place:

let params = [
        {type: 'string', name: 'Video ID', value: videoId},
        {type: 'uint8', name: 'Vote Weight (%)', value: weight}

    method: 'eth_signTypedData',
    params: params,
    from: account,

As per:

carver commented 6 years ago

I wouldn't be shocked if metamask's eth_signTypedData hashes differently than the eth_typed_data_message. I think the EIP proposal has gone through several revisions.

Netherdrake commented 6 years ago

Demo: Implementation:

Netherdrake commented 6 years ago

It looks like Metamask implementation uses a library with different packing method than the one provided by Raiden.

Does anyone know of a Python implementation of this:

Netherdrake commented 6 years ago

Ok, found the culprit. pack in does not automatically infer int size from type name.

Jmjin commented 6 years ago

@carver What is the current status for supporting eth_signTypedData in eth-account & web3py? Do you have a rough estimate when this will be available for use?

Jmjin commented 6 years ago

@Netherdrake How did you deal with not automatically inferring int size from type name?

carver commented 6 years ago

@Jmjin I'd like to see someone shepherd through to at least "Accepted" or "Last Call" before I work on adding it to eth-account/web3.

Jmjin commented 6 years ago

@carver Actually it's already merged: Seems like is not up to date.

carver commented 6 years ago

It was merged as a draft:

Draft means it's still open to change:

pipermerriam commented 5 years ago

This is captured in which is the codebase where this would be implemented.

pipermerriam commented 5 years ago

Also, regarding: we are ready for it to be implemented if someone has capacity, but it will be heavily flagged as experimental until the EIP is finalized.