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Eth2 Networking Call 2 #124

Closed djrtwo closed 4 years ago

djrtwo commented 4 years ago

Call 1

Meeting Date/Time:

Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday 2020/1/29 at 13:00 GMT

Meeting Duration:

1.25 hours


  1. Opening
  2. Updates
    • libp2p from raul
    • discv5 questions, etc with felix
    • Practical issues/hurdles in testnets such as:
      • Sync
      • Attestation aggregation and/or subnets
      • Discovery
    • 🔥 -- any other network monitoring tools in the works?
    • Status of Noise implementations/integrations
  3. Spec items
  4. Discussion of items that are under-{researched, tested, resourced}
  5. Open discussion
  6. Closing remarks and plans for next call or other organizational items
protolambda commented 4 years ago

Research related; I am discussing gossipsub and some special propagation behaviors with some folks from Protocol Labs. The goal is to at least reduce the "naive aggregation" technique to a lower upper bound. This could be done by tracking what messages peers have, and not sending subsets of that information. And then send aggregates whenever there are filled subtrees worth of information, instead of sending the individual attestations.

Monitoring related: pyspec types and code are being packaged, and now I am looking into general eth2 monitoring with Dash and Plotly. This is also looking like a nice framework to build network monitor things with in the future.

Spec related:

ericsson49 commented 4 years ago

I have been working on Clock Synchronization for awhile, which is an example of under-researched topic, in my opinion. And have written a couple of writeups to the moment, which I'm ready to present to others. I'm also working on somewhat higher level topic "Time Considerations of Ethereum 2.0", which includes other problems besides synchronization with the world time standard.

Mikerah commented 4 years ago

I won't be on this week's call as I have a few deadlines for submissions approaching.

As for work on validator privacy, the testnets are currently on hold as I am resource constrained. If there's anyone who wants to take this up, I would be willing to help, mentor and provide the scoped out details of what I had planned to do.

Another aspect of validator privacy that I have been working on is threat modelling. As it stands, there isn't an overall threat model of ETH2.0's network (there are some docs here and there that allude to such a model but nothing concrete). In order to assess whether any network-layer validator privacy solution is appropriate, a threat model needs to be determined and any solution needs to be compared against such a model. I'm hoping to have some initial thoughts out on within the next 2 weeks.

raulk commented 4 years ago

Updates from libp2p, ahead of our call today, on topics that are pertinent to this group:

ericsson49 commented 4 years ago

I've started to work on a kind of a threat model too, to analyze overall beacon chain protocol, including any subprotocols and services (like p2p, clock sync, topic disovery) and attacks against the overall beacon chain protocol. In my cases it's more about Byzantine faults then about privacy. But privacy is important too (I believe they can be use to tolerate some kinds of Byzantine faults, like two-faced clocks and similar).

Such a threat model is also an under-researched topic in my opinion. It's a significant part of my network-level research.

benjaminion commented 4 years ago

My notes from the call.