ethereum / eth2.0-test-generators

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Proposal for suite structure, test types, and configs #29

Open protolambda opened 5 years ago

protolambda commented 5 years ago

First of all, credits to @djrtwo and others who have been working on the test formats. Much of the work in this issue is a copy/adaption of theirs.



Test types

Test suites

A test suite is simply a YAML file in the directory of its test-type.

Suites are:


title: <string, short, one line>
summary: <string, average, 1-3 lines>
fork: <string, first the phase name, then the spec version>
config: <string, reference to a config file, without extension>

test_cases: <key,value map, values being maps defining a test case each>

The choice for just a fork field, and no version field, stems from #27 and #28

An clear example of the format:

title: rewards and penalties
summary: Cover changes during epoch processing of rewards and penalties
fork: phase0-0.5.0
config: phase0_minimal



Configs are defined separately, each in its own YAML file.

Since configs are re-used across tests and we don't want to read them as random variables, each field should have a comment. I.e. the default phase0 config should just copy the phase 0 spec comments, alternative versions, like a minimal config, should describe the choice for changes.

The format is really simple, just the names of the constants, followed by their value:

# Minimal amount of shards, with a few different shard committees
# Lower, less secure, not to be used in production.

Test case types


Tests validator shuffling. See: #10.


  epoch: <int>
  validators: <list of validators>
output: <list of committees>
seed: <bytes 32, hex-encoded with prefix, string>

A validator is defined as:

activation_epoch: <int>
exit_epoch: <int, can be the int value of FAR_FUTURE>
original_index: <int>

A committee is defined as an inline list of integers, example:



Tests crypto functions of BLS. See #16


Tests serialization. See #13


Tests hash-tree-roots (incl. and excl. of signatures). See #14


Tests the choice between blocks when determining the head of the chain. See #12. (note: proposing some opinionated changes here, to be discussed later, and - -> _)

# Can be different from first block, just to make sure it still handles fork-choice well / aborts properly.
start: <block-id>
  - id: <block-id>
    parent: <block-id>
  # if no matching key for block-id, weight = 0
  - <block-id>: <int>
  - ...
head: <block-id, not present if start or weight is invalid>


Tests the computation of rewards and penalties, as defined by the spec as deltas. This is a new idea, but worthwhile imho to get one of the most important parts readily testable. Clients that don't work with "deltas" vectors can just wrap their rewarding/slashing functions with a simple function that collects the calculations.

The signature is basically: state -> (rewards, penalties) (with state being the point of the state starting from the rewards/penalties entry in the epoch transition)

Format to be proposed later.


Tests the bigger transitions with a list of blocks, like a so-called "smoke-test". See: beacon_state, #21, same test_case format, except no per-case config (per suite now).


# all fields of BeaconState
initial_state: <key/value map>
# A list of blocks to be processed sequentially on top of the initial state
blocks: <list of key/value maps, each encoding a block>
# A subset of fields of BeaconState containing the expected values of the resulting state
expected_state: <key/value map>
# Hash_tree_root(state) after processing to the latest block in blocks
expected_state_root: <optional, 32-byte hex string>    


Tests sub-transitions within an epoch transition.

Similar to full state_transition test format:


# transition handle
handle: <an epoch sub-transition handle>
# all fields of BeaconState, in the state just before the epoch sub-transition processing
initial_state: <key/value map>
# A subset of fields of BeaconState containing the expected values of the resulting state, just after executing the sub-state transition
expected_state: <key/value map>
# Hash_tree_root(expected_state)
expected_state_root: <optional, 32-byte hex string>    

Epoch sub-transition handles:


Tests sub-transitions within a block transition, with a single block input in addition to the initial state.

Similar to full state_transition test format:


# transition handle
handle: <a block sub-transition handle>
# all fields of BeaconState
initial_state: <key/value map>
# The block being processed, in the state of just before the block sub-transition processing.
block: <key/value map, a single block>
# A subset of fields of BeaconState containing the expected values of the resulting state
expected_state: <key/value map>
# Hash_tree_root(state) after processing to the latest block in blocks
expected_state_root: <optional, 32-byte hex string>    

Block sub-transition handles:


The configs and tests define the top-level folder contents, with tests containing collections of typed test-suites, named by type.

Such tree structure could look like this:

├── configs
│   ├── phase0_minimal.yaml
│   ├── phase0.yaml
│   └── phase1.yaml
└── tests
    ├── bls
    │   ├── verify_multi.yaml
    │   ├── verify_single.yaml
    │   ├── aggregation.yaml
    │   └── sign_msg.yaml
    ├── block_transitions
    │   └── deposits.yaml
    ├── deltas
    │   ├── crosslinks.yaml
    │   └── justification.yaml
    ├── epoch_transitions
    │   ├── eth1.yaml
    │   └── rewards_and_penalties.yaml
    ├── fork_choice
    │   ├── long_chains.yaml
    │   ├── half_half.yaml
    │   └── big_branch_factor.yaml
    ├── hash_tree_root
    │   ├── dynamic_size.yaml
    │   ├── edge_cases.yaml
    │   ├── deep_nested.yaml
    │   ├── hash_tree_root.yaml
    │   └── signed_root.yaml
    ├── shuffling
    │   ├── big_shuffling.yaml
    │   ├── edge_cases.yaml
    │   └── permute_index.yaml
    ├── ssz
    │   ├── common.yaml
    │   └── serialization.yaml
    └── total_transitions
        ├── epochs_1.yaml
        ├── epochs_n.yaml
        ├── fast_chain.yaml
        ├── genesis.yaml
        ├── slots_0.yaml
        ├── slots_1.yaml
        ├── slots_n.yaml
        └── slow_chain.yaml

Now let's get something like this standardized, and I can start implementing it :)

protolambda commented 5 years ago

This may also come close to getting #15 done.

djrtwo commented 5 years ago

block_transition has blocks defined rather than block. This should be singular, no?

protolambda commented 5 years ago

@djrtwo Good spot, yes, see comment. Will fix type description

jannikluhn commented 5 years ago

Regarding versions: Do we want to support ranges? (e.g. >=0.5.0 or something)? This seems useful in the long run, but it might be overkill for now (as test runners likely won't implement it anyways).