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Update solo staking section #13134

Open wackerow opened 2 weeks ago

wackerow commented 2 weeks ago


From discussion on #9277:

These are the key points I've pulled from discussion on the above thread. This will require some help with content writing, and will require design input (potentially with a little design work).

cc: @Jstar101

MukulKolpe commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @wackerow, can I work on this issue?

Edit: Sorry, I missed reading the labels. If this is a complete design issue, it might be better for someone else to handle it.

Jstar101 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey guys - I've drafted some thoughts on a Google Doc - would be good to get your opinions on my suggestions. It essentially tweaks the current format/content to better highlight that solo/home staking and liquid staking are not mutually exclusive, plus shifts the narrative from solo staking to home staking. The design remains the same to reduce the scope of work

Google Doc

(also @wackerow , check your TG ;) )

wackerow commented 2 weeks ago

@Jstar101 Thanks! Made comments on that document. I would suggest taking that to PR form at this point and the rest could be iterated on in there where we can see how it looks on the site as well.

@MukulKolpe I've assigned @Jstar101 since he's been involved in this ongoing discussion for a while now, but I'll defer to him if he'd prefer someone else to implement this.

As for design research, the proposed changes in the doc probably don't require too much in terms of design consideration ahead of time, but will need design eyes once the PR is ready.