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Unaccessible link on the "Intro to Ethereum" page #13209

Closed AlexanderLukin closed 4 days ago

AlexanderLukin commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

The link How does Ethereum work, anyway? in the FURTHER READING section of the "Intro to Ethereum" page is no longer accessible. It should probably be removed from this section or replaced with its up-to-date version.

To reproduce

Go to this page The second link in the section is no longer accessible.

Expected behavior

All links on the site should be correct.


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wackerow commented 1 week ago

Thanks for surfacing @AlexanderLukin! PR welcome to remove this link.

AlexanderLukin commented 1 week ago

Great! Here it is

I decided to update the link instead of removing it, because the article is excellent.

AlexanderLukin commented 4 days ago

Looks like the domain is fixed, so, we may not change the original link. I'm closing the issue together with my PR, as the existing link is working fine.