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2021, Q3 product roadmap #3446

Closed samajammin closed 2 years ago

samajammin commented 3 years ago

To make our work more accessible and to foster more community collaboration, our team publishes an overview of our quarterly roadmap goals. See last quarter's roadmap here: #2849.

Greetings fellow Ethereans!

Happy L2 summer 😎 (or winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere)! Hope you're enjoying your time in this space - we know we are! As always, our vision with is to create the best portal for Ethereum's growing community, and to serve as the front door to Ethereum for the millions of new visitors each month.

Content updates

In Q3 our product focus will be to keep pace with all the incredible progress in the space so that our broader community can stay informed on developments on Ethereum network upgrades, Layer 2 projects, developer tooling, user applications and more.

Thank you to the hundreds of folks who have contributed content so far ❤️

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CLR funding round for Eth2 projects

New funding mechanisms for public goods offer massive potential for the Ethereum ecosystem and the world beyond crypto. While not directly related to, our team is part of the Ethereum Foundation, which is one of the largest funders of grants and public goods within the ecosystem. We want to increase the cultural momentum around ecosystem funding for public goods as well as experiment with mechanisms in which support is allocated to the ecosystem.

We'll continue our work from Q2 with teams in the space, aiming to launch a round for Eth2 projects on an L2 mainnet by the end of Q3.

This work will also allow our team to stay on top of the latest tools, technologies, and best practices involved with dapp development, from testing and deployment tools to identity solutions and Layer 2 technologies. We plan to to bring these first-hand insights back into our developer resources.

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Translation Program

Thanks to our >1,400 volunteer translators over the past couple years, now supports 35 languages! Yet as the website has grown & is constantly updated to keep pace with the developments in the space, many of our languages have fallen somewhat out of date. We'll be making a push in Q3 to update 20+ of our translations to more recent versions of our website content.

With our new Translation Program Lead, @lukassim, we also plan to improve our supporting documentation & improve use of our translation tools to improve consistency and quality throughout the translation process.

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Community growth

As you can see from all our goals above, our success is driven by our open source community of collaborators. Contributors come in many shapes & sizes - translators, developers, copywriters, designers, experts & amateurs. We want to continue to educate & empower folks who are curious to get involved in the Ethereum ecosystem & our community.

Our new Community Lead, @minimalsm, will be leading efforts to support & empower our growing community. Stay tuned for the specific initiatives we plan to roll out this quarter!

Have ideas? Reach out on our Discord server or here on GitHub.

How does that sound?

We appreciate feedback on our roadmap. Our guiding principles are based on delivering the most value in the shortest time, so if there's something you think we should work on, please let us know! We welcome ideas and PRs from anyone in the community.

More on contributing

samajammin commented 3 years ago

Adding more concrete goals for Q3 around the Translation Program:

Thanks @lukassim for spearheading these initiatives! 😄

samajammin commented 3 years ago

Adding more concrete goals for Q3 around Community Growth:

Thanks @minimalsm for spearheading these initiatives! 😄

samajammin commented 2 years ago

Happy Hacktober everyone!

My how time flies in Cryptoland. Closing this out with a progress update.

Content updates

We did our best to keep pace with progress the Ethereum community made, particularly regarding network upgrades.

It took a village to get this all done but special thanks to @minimalsm & @wackerow who pushed much of these updates forward & guided our community of contributors from a bunch of ideas to hundreds of merged PRs.

CLR funding round for Eth2 projects

We made slower progress than hoped to on this project & ultimately delayed launching a funding round on mainnet. The product is nearly there - we did achieve a test launch on Arbitrum Rinkeby, which you can play around with the application here.

Oh the joys of building products on the technological frontier 😅. We knew we'd be dealing with some bleeding edge software integrations - Solidity smart contracts, layer 2 scaling (Arbitrum), ZKP privacy tech (MACI), decentralized identity (BrightID) but we ultimately underestimated the hurdles we'd hit along the way. One prime example was realizing that querying event logs via RPC on Arbitrum isn't workable. We ended up having to build out a subgraph to make our frontend application functional.

We're continuing to work closely with the team & their contributors to push this project forward & to enable any project to run their own funding rounds using this technology. Stay tuned for our Q4 roadmap to learn more on our plans here!

Hat tip to @ryancreatescopy for designing a beautiful product as well as our developers @pettinarip @corwintines & @wackerow who got their hands dirty in their first ever smart contract or Vue.js project yet were able to make lots of progress here. Special thanks to @GeorgeTrotter for sorting logistics, @auryn-macmillan, @xuhcc @daodesigner, @EzraWeller & @slgraham from the team, @barryWhiteHat & @weijiekoh from the MACI team & @adamstallard from BrightID for assisting with all these integrations.

Translation Program

Lots of solid progress here! It's now been over 2 years since we launched this initiative in 2019 & over 2,000 community members have contributed, translating a total of 2.8 million words so far! is now available in 37 different languages.

Here's the summary of this quarter:

Regarding our metric targets:

Huge shoutout to our Translation Program lead @lukassim for leading the charge here.

Community growth

Exciting developments here as well - we helped nearly 100 new contributors merge their first PRs, welcomed 1000s of new members to our Discord server & onboarded millions of visitors into Ethereum via We expanded our POAP program for contributors & released a bunch of new content!

Regarding our metric targets:

Special thanks again to @minimalsm for spearheading these initiatives.

Onward & upward

Thank you again to all of our contributors who helped make this all possible ✨ ❤️ ✨

You can follow along with specific changes on our releases page:

Stay tuned for our Q4 product roadmap, which we'll publish by the end of this week!