ethereum / ethereum-org-website is a primary online resource for the Ethereum community.
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Q1 2022 product roadmap #5105

Closed samajammin closed 2 years ago

samajammin commented 2 years ago

To make our work more accessible and to foster more community collaboration, our team publishes an overview of our quarterly roadmap goals. See last quarter's roadmap here: #4215.

Greetings fellow Ethereans!

Happy new year! Our vision with continues to be to create the best portal for Ethereum's growing community, and to serve as the front door to Ethereum for millions of new visitors each month. Here's a look at our major Q1 initiatives to advance this vision.

Quick point of clarification - this is the roadmap, not the Ethereum roadmap.

🔀 Rebrand "Eth2"

The highly anticipated network upgrade known as "the merge" is approaching. Once that upgrade takes place later this year, there will no longer be two distinct Ethereum networks or concepts of "Eth1" and "Eth2" - there will just be the Ethereum network we all know and love.

In preparation for this event, we’re revamping our Eth2 resources and Ethereum Staking Launchpad in order to explain this evolution, reduce confusion and prevent FUD within the community. This quarter we'll reorganize these resources and update the terminology on these pages to best reflect the reality of these Ethereum network upgrades.

We’ve already kicked off work and would love your input! Get involved here: #4915

🖥 Run a node

What does it mean to run an Ethereum node? What are the software and hardware requirements? What’s the value in participating, even for someone who isn’t mining or staking? For many users, this can be a daunting topic.

We’ll ship a beginner-friendly resource that answers these questions for users and provides them a clear path to get a node up and running on the Ethereum network. We’ve already begun work on this page - you can view the PR & provide feedback here:

🥩 Simplify staking

Running a node and participating as a validator is a core component of getting involved as an Ethereum community member. We want to make this process as simple and easy as possible for anyone.

We'll add content resources and update user flows (both on and to improve the UX for anyone interested in staking, including walkthroughs on how to first set up a staking node on a risk-free testnet.

Learn more about staking

💕 Onboard onto Layer 2

Gas fees were a hot topic of 2021. The teams working on layer 2 systems labored valiantly over the past few years to ship Ethereum scaling solutions in 2021 that are currently 10-50 times cheaper than transacting on layer 1. However, we know this space is only getting started and an adequate non-technical resource for onboarding new users onto these L2s does not exist yet.

We will create a simple educational page explaining what layer 2 is, how to get funds onto a layer 2, and other ways to enjoy Ethereum’s scaling solutions. #L222

Learn more about layer 2 rollups

✨ Explain Web3

Global search volume for “web3” is skyrocketing as more newcomers discover this space and want to partake in the user-owned internet. However, many existing results are incomplete summaries or outdated news articles destined to become obsolete. This entropy is unfortunate as many of the emotive and poignant ideas in Ethereum are encompassed within web3, yet there is a lack of curated, understandable information on it.

We’ll create a dedicated page to provide a web3 introduction to non-technical users. Given that web3 is a relatively new and evolving nomenclature, we believe it’s vital that any authority providing information on the topic is open-source and translated in many languages, allowing for community contribution and iteration on what web3 means (and what it doesn’t).

📲 Increase accessibility

Continuing to improve our website accessibility is key to achieving our vision for our global community. Inline with our design principles, we're investing in making our site universally accessible.

This quarter we'll take steps to audit and identify actionable improvements to enhance the experience, e.g. for screen readers and for keyboard navigation.

Have specific suggestions? We'd love to hear from you - please create an issue.

🖼 Create new illustrations

You may have noticed that most of our artwork has been re-used multiple times across our site 😅. As we continue to launch new resource pages on the website, our appetite for visual art that helps communicate concepts of Ethereum continues to grow. We’re excited to collaborate with more artists from the community to create new illustrations for the website!

Know of an artist you love, whose aesthetic you think would work well on the site? Let us know!

👩‍🎨 Hire a Product Designer

Our team is growing! We're hiring a Product Designer who will collaborate with our product and engineering team to create slick, fun and functional web products visited by tens of millions of diverse Ethereum users each year.

We’re progressing with candidate interviews and expect to extend a job offer by the end of the month, so stay tuned for an announcement around this. We’re beyond excited to bring a full-time designer onboard to accelerate our product development.

Find a job in Ethereum

🎓 Redesign the Learn page

There is a lot to learn in the Ethereum ecosystem. Currently provides an ever-growing list of disconnected pages that users must piece together independently. Our long-lived "Learn" page provides a scattered list of topics without much rhyme or reason behind the sequence or importance of these topics.

We'll redesign this page into a more holistic knowledge base and rework the "Learn" site navigation to improve our content hierarchy for users and create more structured pathways to learning Ethereum that visitors can navigate based on their areas of interest and current level of knowledge.

💰 Refine the Wallet pages

Wallets are an integral part to Ethereum onboarding and network participation. It's no surprise that a huge amount of traffic goes to our wallets pages (>10% of total pageviews).

Since we've built these pages, we've received a ton of helpful feedback. Among the most prominent is that we present an overwhelming number of choices that makes picking a wallet exhausting for new users. This quarter we'll improve our curation of wallets, add new feature filters to help users compare wallets, and add a few "editors choice" to reduce decision fatigue.

🌏 Translation Resources

The Translation Program is the collaborative effort of thousands of contributors who volunteer their time to help us make the website accessible in as many languages as possible. We continuously aim to empower our translators to be as productive and knowledgeable as possible.

This quarter we’ll create in-depth guides for translators and reviewers on how website localization works, how to approach content on the website, and ensure they're aware of the most important considerations of the translation process in general. We’ll focus on improving quality of translations, by performing content reviews, revising common errors, implementing additional quality assurances and establishing best practices with Ethereum-specific content. We’ll continue to improve communication with translators, e.g. through monthly office hours, to provide as much support as possible and ensure they’re set up to succeed.

Want to get involved? Have ideas on how we can improve? Please hop in our #translations channel in our Discord server to chat with our team.

🎖 2022 POAPs

New year, new POAPs! Like we’ve done in 2019, 2020 and 2021, we’ll be rolling out POAPs for contributors in 2022. Last year we added tiers of POAPs for recurring and rockstar contributors. This year we’ll continue to explore the NFT design space and experiment with how we can structure POAPs to unlock rewards for our community contributors, such as privileged access to core contributors, mentors, swag, or events.

🤖 Improve Discord

Our Discord server is rapidly approaching 15,000 members. Thank you to everyone who has joined and participated in the community! We’ve worked to optimize our user onboarding journey to create a better user experience for the hundreds of new members we get weekly, allowing them to feel comfortable and get involved quickly.

Unfortunately, with rapid growth also came an abundance of scammers trying to steal funds from honest members (check out our security page for tips on protecting yourself) or spammers shilling their low-quality projects. We have already implemented robust automation to prevent such bad actors from scamming, but we will further explore ways to protect our community in Q1.

Lastly, we aim to add several new guides to our Discord server. These guides are trusted members of the community who help direct new members, answer questions, fight scammers, and help shepherd meaningful conversation.

Interested? Join and the discord and say hey 👋

🎨 Ecosystem Support Program (ESP) website redesign

The ESP initiative within the Ethereum Foundation (formerly known as the Grants Program) continues to be a critical source of funding and support for projects within the Ethereum ecosystem. Our team is giving this website a facelift, revamping the flow of the site to make the process of applying for support clearer and more accessible & streamlining our backend integrations to improve internal operations of this valuable program.

This quarter we’ll launch this new website! Follow along with our progress.

How does that sound?

We always appreciate feedback on our roadmap! Our guiding principles are based on delivering the most value in the shortest time, so if there's something you think we should work on, please let us know! We welcome ideas and PRs from anyone in the community.

Want to connect in person? Some of our team will be at ETHDenver - reach out to us at @ethdotorg on Twitter if you're around - we'd love to chat with our contributors!

Learn more about contributing, hit us up on Twitter, or hop in our Discord.

666love commented 2 years ago


samajammin commented 2 years ago


whathecker commented 2 years ago

Love the plan to provide guidance on how to run node!

samajammin commented 2 years ago

Happy April! Closing this out with a progress update on each of our Q1 initiatives.

🔀 Rebrand "Eth2"

We shipped content updates (both to & the Staking Launchpad) covering tens of pages to create consistent terminology like "execution layer" & "consensus layer". We also published a blog post explaining the Eth2 rebrand & translated it to 10 languages.

Primary PRs: #4915 & led by @wackerow

Now we need helping updating all our translations! Learn how to get involved.

🖥 Run a node

We shipped a new page on how to run a node. Check it out & let us know when you're up & running!

Primary PR: #5008 led by @wackerow

🥩 Simplify staking

We built out new staking resources to help you navigate your options (solo staking, staking pools, SaaS providers) & compare the broad range of products & services that have emerged in this nascent space.

Primary PR: #5748 led by @wackerow

Want to give feedback? Open an issue or join the conversation in our #staking Discord channel.

💕 Onboard onto Layer 2

We launched the first iteration of our layer 2 page to educate users on what layer 2 is, why we need it & how to use it. Happy #L222!

Primary PR: #5656 led by @corwintines

Want to give feedback? Open an issue or join the conversation in our #layer-2 Discord channel.

✨ Explain Web3

We shipped an introduction to Web3 to onboard beginners with a few mental models to help them navigate our ecosystem. We've received received great feedback on this & will continue to iterate on this page soon.

Primary PR: #5629 led by @minimalsm

📲 Increase accessibility

We audited the website & made a host of improvements to increase accessibility.

Primary PRs led by @pettinarip

A core insight from our research is that leveraging an open source UI library vs. rolling our own components would solve many of our accessibility issues. Adopting a UI library will be an upcoming focus for our team - stay tuned!

🖼 Create new illustrations

Not much progress here - we decided to pause on this effort until we hire a designer (see below). We’ll likely push this work to Q3. In the meantime, do you know any talented illustrators or animators? Get in touch!

👩‍🎨 Hire a Product Designer

We hired two product designers, @konopkja & @nloureiro!

They hit the ground running in March, helping design our new L2 & staking pages. They've also laid some groundwork on more effectively collecting user feedback, gathering actionable insights through analytics & engaging our open design community for collaboration. Big things to come here!

Keen to get involved? Join the conversation in our #design Discord channel.

🎓 Redesign the Learn page

Not much progress here - we decided to pause on this effort until we hire a designer (see above). We’ll tackle this in Q2 - stay tuned for our roadmap update!

💰 Refine the Wallet pages

Not much progress here - we decided to pause on this effort until we hire a designer (see above). We’ll tackle this in Q2 - stay tuned for our roadmap update!

Keen to get involved? Join the conversation in our #wallets Discord channel.

🌏 Translation Resources

Led by @lukassim, we built out a range of improvements to our translation program:

Keen to get involved? Join hundreds of fellow translators in our #translate Discord channel. We have groups for specific languages so you can connect with your peers!

🎖 2022 POAPs

New year, new POAPs. To reward contributors to, we launched nine new POAPs. Shout out to @scott1up for the POAP designs! We'll continue to expand our POAP suite to better represent our increasingly varied types of contributions.

We were one of the launch partners of GitPOAP, a new project that brings an improved experience to visualizing POAP collections & retroactively rewarding open source contributors. Have you ever contributed to Collect your GitPOAP!

We created a Dune analytics dashboard of POAPs. See where you rank on our leaderboard.

🤖 Improve Discord

Led by @minimalsm, we made a series improvements to our Discord server, including increasing server security & restructuring channels to improve UX & better facilitate meaningful conversations amongst contributors.

Come check out the updates! Join the discord:

🎨 Ecosystem Support Program (ESP) website redesign

We shipped a fresh new ESP website, including launching a new wave of grants for academics.

Main PR: led by @nhsz

🎁 Bonus points

With the help community members, we shipped these additional pages:

Ethereum energy consumption PR #3650 by @jmcook1186

Introduction to blockchain bridges PR #5399 led by the folks at @lifinance

Client diversity PR #5218 by @jmcook1186

Ethereum for Ruby Developers PR #5387 by @q9f

New developer tutorials Many PRs from community members, mainly @qbzzt

How does that sound?

We always appreciate feedback on our roadmap! Our guiding principles are based on delivering the most value in the shortest time, so if there's something you think we should work on, please let us know in the comments below! We welcome ideas & PRs from anyone in the community.

Learn more about contributing, hit us up on Twitter, or hop in our Discord.

Want to connect in person? Our core team will be at Devconnect - reach out to us at @ethdotorg on Twitter if you're around - we'd love to chat with our contributors! We may have swag ✨👕✨

samajammin commented 2 years ago

Updates on our Q1 KPIs: