ethereum / go-ethereum

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Rinkeby faucet not working again? #22039

Closed ips219 closed 3 years ago

ips219 commented 3 years ago

Is it possible that Rinkeby faucet not working again?

as in #21637

I'm trying to retrieve some founds with a twitter but I always get an No Ethereum address found to fund message(

AlonBuchs commented 3 years ago

@ligi First of all, I am so so grateful that you have decided to help and for all that you have sent. I wish there were more people here who could help as you do.

I'm asking now for something on behalf of my lecturer who is teaching in multiple academic institutions and he needs 30 Rinkeby ETH by tomorrow... and he does not know what to do... This is his address: 0xbf87F523896Ef97af2818Dd5Ea524Fb756bd3b69

I see that people here have gone crazy with requests. If you could help that's amazing. And in any way you are amazing and have a great time!

LogeswaranA commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi - can you please send me 2 to 3 eth to this address 0x26179D6E44C9150C110d306afb18137C404d7eBC


DmytroNazarenko commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi ! Could you please send me 10 eth to 0x7A75a57b881bAc94b0987D276e2A568Eb798Ba84 ? Thanks!

helderribeirosousa commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm giving a class on Ethereum Dapps in a few days and I need some ether to transfer into the students' accounts so they can try some smart-contracts on the Rinkeby Test network.

Since the faucet is not working, could someone please transfer 10ETH to 0x0Ffa0373899e678D54811569E1D1D7beBa30efEC?

z330789559 commented 3 years ago

@ligi please give 10 rinkeby eth to 0xDF255110565ffF30cB72dfd4b372Ce2C4b1fd32a, very very thanks!

gillerg8 commented 3 years ago

Hey @ligi, can you send 10 rinkeby eth over to 0x746e159149EfED9730C55bCCAa0E2C9B80f2B274 when you get the chance? Thanks!!

MTHCH commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi

I would appreciate it if you could help me out as well with 10 ETH. My address is: 0xef4556573101Ea830474993497DbA23210B608A6

R4HMATT commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi could you please 18.75 ether to 0x9666d7d35081d26541a404bc056b7f94d7c3faB2

Thanks in advance!

hippocampusSwapper commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi could you please 8 ether to 0xB23FaFfF64E0670E8E72a2B522e5e63e7d83940e

Thanks in advance!

alexxxmf commented 3 years ago

Hey @ligi could you please send 2/3 eth to this one: 0x052F3a044e841326a59F17E0abba598F0c35c0DB. Trying to go through ethernaut levels but noticed faucet was not working for me. Thanks in advance buddy!

GuillemRX commented 3 years ago

Hey @ligi could you please send me 2ETH to my address: 0xE4d71181350FFe442AeC9B28ed60245dDe8Fcf4b need them to test my dapp. Really apreciated.

ligi commented 3 years ago

@GuillemRX done @alexxxmf done @jcswapper done @R4HMATT done @MTHCH done @gillerg8 done @z330789559 done @helderribeirosousa done @DmytroNazarenko done @loks2cool done @AlonBuchs done @blancoms done @anngdev done @raghavddps2 done @AdemHodzic done @sljfalewjlkf done @mejimwamba done @arun-ddc done @hussamBim done

luongs3 commented 3 years ago

Please 15 ETH to 0x91878ec5288E944fD4A357022d60DbE9Ab49c46f I really need it now to test my product @ligi

0xtoko commented 3 years ago

@ligi Hi. I need some help too. Can you send me 4 Eth to 0x348c0a7a93F86E451971DFC89D2A74519bBaEBfd. Thanks for the help!

Strangey commented 3 years ago

Aaaand one more in line: 15 ETH to 0x5360E76F8c77650dd1035FA6234D0b44FA7C9299 please.

Thank you very much! 🙏

RickyyValdez commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi could you please send 3 ether to 0xd57792d1b5AB27bA25Aab34f7d3699F34CB2777A

Thank you!

miroman86 commented 3 years ago

Hi, can I have some Rinkeby too? 0x4413678a270863455DF24570348743813720121a

Not entirely sure how much I need, I'm trying to use Ethernauts here:

Maybe 10 will do, but more would be much appreciated. Thank you!

chaudhary1337 commented 3 years ago

@ligi I'm trying out solidity exploits on ethernaut, and would appreciate 15 ether here: 0x88f3B74d0861fE54DeE511580fC267bcEc5f9E3c.

Kholo747 commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi can I please have 7 eth. I want test out some non fungible tokens. Please send here 0xE1Df12782B5387E27e7F344b82599CE39834b755

hussamBim commented 3 years ago

@ligi Thanks for sending faucets

igal94 commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi can i have some rinkeby eth please? i need it to learn solidity. 0x433b51f2AB61dAA64806EF6e9926E7Dd9F55c49E

jcortejoso commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi could you please 18 ether to 0xd449DB2DAba9388266B78B5D40a4c40D72de36d0. Danke schön!

yuancdata commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi, Hope you're well, Happy New Year!! Can you please send 10ETH to 0x7303b6940251471183E8354748B9EC2D5bcC5f73

Cheers :)

elvisgiv commented 3 years ago

Hi can I also get 100 eth on rinkeby? need for testing a lot of transaction 0x654711a195994919004BA66b29ee9CAEcb428F75 Thank you!

parabellumdev commented 3 years ago

Hey can anyone send 1ETH to 0xd45053291F4BB3e3462E379F3a9daF472f7cEe4e

forming commented 3 years ago

Hey can anyone send 2 ETH to 0x59a4C026B9ebB5Da893F3001FDb5255D0Fd096c0

Thank you!

ligi commented 3 years ago

send you all rinkeby ETH everyone as much as requested except for @elvisgiv - 100 is just too much - I send you 10 ..

walkerAZ commented 3 years ago

@ligi hello can you please send 6 eth to 0xF643A13d9871Bf3df5857322ec8bAEcf932ccE15

thank you so much!

yeziqing233 commented 3 years ago

Hi can I also get 20 eth on rinkeby? 0x99b15a1E0BF3bbFe05B0100eC644964bfE875741 Thank you!

ligi commented 3 years ago

@walkerAZ done @yeziqing233 I send you 10 - 20 is more than the normal faucet would give and I do not really see a good reason why you would need so much

ierosvin commented 3 years ago

@ligi please send 5eth on rinkeby. 0xf0E7D818C221B9457Cd7182c48361d95a95CdF4e Thank you thank you!

sljfalewjlkf commented 3 years ago

@ligi please send 10eth on rinkeby. 0x447636e1D5f0B7ebF8302E1ecAC47A836fe2d64c . I use it to study thank you .

Aramison commented 3 years ago

@ligi please send enough eth to be able to have a play/ look around in rinkeby. Thanks 0xfe465605AA487e97742BEB3eaB778839E9AAcD15

mduliszewski commented 3 years ago

@ligi Hey thanks for helping people out. I also started learning solidity, ethereum network, would be great if you could send me like 6 eth - thanks Address: 0x1090Fa0afE806111B39c8ffA5d0dd1825aF64e99

Eggwigg commented 3 years ago

Hi @ligi could you please send me 20ETH to my address: 0xB3fa212c7a085A9DB1AfE46736bE8ad9A792E3d7 I would like to test my NFT's and dapps. Thank you!

tena4881 commented 3 years ago

0x8c80555970C38B9728943b4970FBEC59547b4491 5 ETH please! I would like to test out a DApp Thank you!

dadonaskateboard commented 3 years ago

Hi, its still down but 1 ETH would be very much appreciated if anyone has any for 0x4294019dAc5BD18Fd022ECc1e5720c9bfAd5A782

ligi commented 3 years ago

AFAIK the faucet is back again - what error do you get? I was just using the faucet this morning

ierosvin commented 3 years ago

Yes, faucet is back. Thanks @ligi for the support while faucet was out.

0xSSDD commented 3 years ago

Hello: It seems to not be working for me, the error message: Could not connect to the reCAPTCHA service. Please check your internet connection and reload to get a reCAPTCHA challenge, my tweet

I am on a very stable internet connection, can I have 30 eth: 0x20c3E26CDE162956318a832126CB636283a7D137 Regards

DerekC2 commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I an trying to learn about ethereum and solidity and cannot obtain much ether from rinkeby. Could someone send me some ether to 0x99dFE914d7678183aD89B323C7965CED2255aB55. Kindest regards.

PS. You can get 1 ether a day on the Kovan test network vis github:

RobertoDonPedro commented 3 years ago

@ligi Can you please send me 3 Rinkeby ETH to 0xE60299aeC2A2504C53B9d1a57A61F216f9222F66 Faucet: "Invalid Facebook post URL" Thx

JRydo commented 3 years ago

@ligi can I get 10 Rinkeby ETH? I'm getting an error saying that url link doesn't link to valid partner. I tried both twitter and facebook posts.


RobertoDonPedro commented 3 years ago

@ligi can I get 10 Rinkeby ETH? I'm getting an error saying that url link doesn't link to valid partner. I tried both twitter and facebook posts.


fyi, for me it worked with Twitter last week.

scvsh commented 3 years ago

@ligi May I have 5 Rinkeby ETH to 0x88B11CA1412684bb395463F9c6f5E0740A71f448 ? Thanks in advance!

JoshuaMaddox commented 3 years ago

Have tried two different accounts but it doesn't seem to be working. If anyone sees this and can spare some, please send to 0xa6492e3f6c6B574c1f3037c4dDdF6472bC0f70Fa It would be very much appreciated.

Coachsteveee commented 3 years ago

0x9922a1371542c16c71a08AAAD76D2c8Aa39df99f need 18 ether under rinkeby network

biggwb commented 3 years ago

Please send me your address and how much rinkeby ether you need

I am also having the same problem as of 8hrs ago i made the request for ETH and i am still waiting please help, trying to test the new polakswap wallet this is the link i used

ramanibabu23082001 commented 3 years ago

hi @ligi sir I am learning solidity can you some ether for me my address 0x35Fdb886cAcEa821FB1b01f2B7230550f762A2FD thank you

ramanibabu23082001 commented 3 years ago

hi @ligi sir I am learning solidity can u give ether for me my address 0x35Fdb886cAcEa821FB1b01f2B7230550f762A2FD thank you