ethereum / go-ethereum

Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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How to fix verbosity WARN Spamming #29462

Closed avenbreaks closed 5 months ago

avenbreaks commented 5 months ago

Running a node private network consensus clique and using geth v1.13.0 but after blockchain start getting WARN eth api spamming. how to solve this sir? Please correct if any errors in my configuration.

WARN [04-05|09:40:52.324] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=38  duration="27.829µs"  err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.324] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=80  duration="18.25µs"   err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.324] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=51  duration="14.29µs"   err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.325] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=352 duration="15.08µs"   err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.325] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=288 duration="17.869µs"  err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.325] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=442 duration="14.919µs"  err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.325] Served eth_call                          conn= reqid=48  duration="101.498µs" err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.349] Served trace_replayBlockTransactions     conn= reqid=0   duration="11.97µs"   err="the method trace_replayBlockTransactions does not exist/is not available"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.350] Served trace_replayBlockTransactions     conn= reqid=0   duration="4.939µs"   err="the method trace_replayBlockTransactions does not exist/is not available"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.988] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=161 duration="176.056µs" err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.988] Served trace_replayBlockTransactions     conn= reqid=4   duration="12.37µs"   err="the method trace_replayBlockTransactions does not exist/is not available"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.988] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=323 duration="33.1µs"    err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.988] Served trace_replayBlockTransactions     conn= reqid=5   duration="2.82µs"    err="the method trace_replayBlockTransactions does not exist/is not available"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.989] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=56  duration="135.777µs" err="header not found"
WARN [04-05|09:40:52.989] Served eth_getBalance                    conn= reqid=375 duration="30.609µs"  err="header not found"
geth \
    --datadir=data \
    --allow-insecure-unlock \
    --unlock="0xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
    --password="/mnt/volume_sgp1_02/mainnet/password.txt" \
    --networkid=xxxx \
    --syncmode=full \
    --gcmode=archive \
    --authrpc.addr= \
    --authrpc.jwtsecret="/mnt/volume_sgp1_02/mainnet/jwt.txt" \
    --authrpc.port=8551 \
    --authrpc.vhosts= \
    --http \
    --http.api=personal,eth,net,web3,txpool,admin,debug,clique,miner \
    --http.corsdomain="*" \
    --http.port=8545 \
    --http.vhosts="*" \
    --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs \
    --ws \
    --ws.addr= \
    --ws.api=personal,eth,net,web3,txpool,admin,debug,clique,miner \"*" \
    --ws.port=8546 \
    --bloomfilter.size=2048 \
    --snapshot=true \
    --discovery.port=30303 \
    --port=30303 \
    --mine \
    --miner.etherbase="0xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
    --miner.gaslimit=1000000 \
    --miner.gasprice=21000 \
    --miner.recommit=2s \
    --miner.extradata="0xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
    --miner.newpayload-timeout=2s \
    --blobpool.datacap=10737418240 \
    --blobpool.datadir=/mnt/volume_sgp1_02/mainnet/data/geth/blobpool \
    --blobpool.pricebump=100 \
    --txpool.accountqueue=64 \
    --txpool.accountslots=16 \
    --txpool.globalqueue=1024 \
    --txpool.globalslots=5120 \
    --txpool.lifetime=0h5m0s \
    --state.scheme=hash \
    --cache=4096 \
    --cache.blocklogs=32 \
    --cache.database=50 \
    --cache.gc=0 \
    --cache.preimages=true \
    --cache.snapshot=20 \
    --cache.trie=30 \
    --crypto.kzg=gokzg \
    --nodiscover \
    --nat extip:xxxxxxxxxx \
    --log.compress=true \
    --log.format=terminal \
    --log.maxage=30 \
    --log.maxbackups=10 \
    --log.maxsize=100 \
    --log.vmodule eth=3,p2p=3 \
    --log.file=/mnt/volume_sgp1_02/mainnet/logs/op-geth.log \
karalabe commented 5 months ago

Something's requesting data via the API that's not available. Geth is just telling you that it's receiving junk or potentially bad requests. There's nothing to fix on our end, you need to figure out what's making the weird requests and make it stop.