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Geth nitpicks #512

Closed karalabe closed 4 years ago

karalabe commented 5 years ago

Screenshot from 2019-11-08 15-37-22

This is a harder nut to crack: If I switch the network from mainnet to Rinkeby, the UI leaves the default datadir in place (~/.ethereum), which is wrong (it should be ~/.ethereum/rinkeby (same for the keystore)).

My suggestion would be to not set these two folders by default, unless the user overrides them explicitly. That way Geth can remain smart and use its default locations.

Screenshot from 2019-11-08 15-42-30

wolovim commented 5 years ago

thanks for testing and reporting. we'll clean those up shortly.

ryanio commented 5 years ago

@evertonfraga if we can keep dataDir and keystoreDir fields in settings but have it default be empty and not pass the flag in if empty, that would be a good solution

PhilippLgh commented 4 years ago

captured here: