ethereum / hive

Ethereum end-to-end test harness
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Rust Portal-Hive to Hive Transition Tracker Issue #979

Open KolbyML opened 5 months ago

KolbyML commented 5 months ago

Back in October Felix proposed the idea of us merging portal-hive back into hive. Here is a tracker PR which will track the progress of it. Originally I made 1 big PR, but looking back on that it probably wasn't the best idea and could be seen as overwhelming to review. So I am back with a different attept in making a more gradual transition.

PR's to complete transition of the Rust Portal Hive code

Then one day after the above is done and hivesim-rs is "stable" we can transition that too.

I can't wait till this happens as I want to write some EL -> portal-bridge -> portal client tests.

fjl commented 4 months ago

Hey @KolbyML, it's actually np to have the big PR, I'm just very slow.

KolbyML commented 4 months ago

With the merge of #980 it depends on turning on Use of setup workflows must be enabled in project settings (Project settings > Advanced -> Dynamic config using setup workflows) in circleci settings. That PR was based off this circleci documentation

No worries. :D I am just excited with the smaller PR way I actually have something merged now which is so cool!

fjl commented 4 months ago

I have changed the setting in CircleCI

KolbyML commented 4 months ago

I made an error in the formatting of the continue_circleci file in #980 here is a PR to fix that now CI should work again.

KolbyML commented 4 months ago

The Rust CI works and only runs on the filtered path very cool. I am going to open the PR's for the other simulators tomorrow. I think it is nice with this split approach because it is also a lot less work I realized on my end to maintain the PR, with any changes we make on portal-hive in the mean time during the transitionary period.

fjl commented 4 months ago

I have merged the simulators as-is. However, I think there are some things that could be improved:

KolbyML commented 4 months ago

Here is a PR with the readme we had on portal-hive

I would be down to remove the portal-prefix from interop/mesh/bridge and compat suffix from rpc

I would prefer simulators/portal/history/{rpc,interop,mesh,bridge} Because as we add more networks there will be simulators which use multiple networks. E.x. simulators which test the interopibility of the beacon and history network. beacon-history/rpc or beacon-history-rpc. I like beacon-history/rpc because then as we add more simulators which could possibly use multiple networks they are contained in a folder specifying networks used, instead of a long list of misc simulaters in the explorer.

If you want (networks used)-(simulator name) I am fine with that, it might just get messy as we add simulators for testing the interopibility of multiple portal networks working together.

I've added a 'portal' role to the clients. Don't know if hivesim-rs supports it, but hive clients have roles which you will get through the client-types response:

I will look into this and resolve any issues if they exist

KolbyML commented 4 months ago

Another note is trin-bridge can only be used with the portal-bridge simulator and is required for portal-bridge simulator to be ran

fjl commented 4 months ago

Looking at the simulators again, I also noticed the actual suite implementations are kind of small. One thing to note is that there is no one-to-one correspondence between simulators and test suites. You can run multiple suites from one simulator, so we could also just add a portal/history simulator that contains all of the history network test suites. This would also cut down the amount of Dockerfiles and Rust projects.

KolbyML commented 4 months ago

:D I didn't even know that was possible. I think that is a great idea! I haven't read the simulators written in go-lang as they were never on ethereum/portal-hive at the time I started to write tests for it we just had 2 different simulators rpc-compat and portal-interop. I will read one of the go simulators to get a better idea on the best practices for structuring simulators and make a PR with the change you suggested :+1:

KolbyML commented 4 months ago

Here here is a PR with the requested layout :D