Open dbfrav opened 8 years ago
to test if your really didn't misspelled your password, launch mist or geth directly. Then attach geth to it, by running:
cd path/to/mist/resources/node/geth
geth.exe attach
When you are in the geth console, you type personal.unlockAccount('account address', 'password')
and see if you can unlock it.
If this doesn't work, then you certainly have a wrong password.
@dbfrav I tried to look for code issues in Mist that could create accounts without the user being prompt for a password. I only found these two places - as expected - and added some explanation to them.
Also please make sure to update to 0.8.1
as the error messages were broken in earlier version and always fell back to the - often misleading - "wrong password" alert - regardless of the real error (
Tl;dr looks good to me, I can't spot any possibility for a data-race, etc resulting in an incorrect account creation, but the code could be refactored though
Please make sure to follow these advices #669.
Code search for "personal.newAccount":
'submit form': function(e, template){ // execute this function when submit is clicked
var pw = template.find('input.password').value, // read out first password
pwRepeat = template.find('input.password-repeat').value; // read out confirmation password
if( pw !== pwRepeat) { // show a warning if they differ
content: TAPi18n.__('mist.popupWindows.requestAccount.errors.passwordMismatch'),
duration: 3
} else if (pw && pw.length > 1 && pw.length < 9) { // show a warning if password is not empty and shorter than 9 characters
content: TAPi18n.__('mist.popupWindows.requestAccount.errors.passwordTooShort'),
duration: 3
} else if (pw && pw.length >= 9) { // proceed if not empty and longer than 8 characters
TemplateVar.set('creatingPassword', true);
web3.personal.newAccount(pw, function(e, res){ // create new account using the password
TemplateVar.set(template, 'creatingPassword', false);
if(!e) { // update UI if no error during account creation (from node)
TemplateVar.setTo('.onboarding-account', 'newAccount', web3.toChecksumAddress(res));
TemplateVar.setTo('.onboarding-screen', 'currentActive', 'account');
// clear form
pw = pwRepeat = null;
} else { // show error if connection problem with node
content: TAPi18n.__('mist.popupWindows.onboarding.errors.nodeNotStartedYet'),
duration: 4
'submit form': function(e, template){ // execute this function when submit is clicked
var pw = template.find('input.password').value;
var pwRepeat = template.find('input.password-repeat').value;
// ask for password repeat
if(!pwRepeat) {
TemplateVar.set('password-repeat', true);
// stop here so we dont set the password repeat to false
// check passwords
} else if(pwRepeat === pw) {
TemplateVar.set('creating', true);
web3.personal.newAccount(pwRepeat, function(e, res){ // create new account using the password
ipc.send('backendAction_sendToOwner', null, res);
ipc.send('backendAction_sendToOwner', e);
TemplateVar.set(template, 'creating', false); // update UI
} else { // show error if passwords mismatch
content: TAPi18n.__('mist.popupWindows.requestAccount.errors.passwordMismatch'),
duration: 3
TemplateVar.set('password-repeat', false); // update UI
template.find('input.password-repeat').value = '';
template.find('input.password').value = '';
pw = pwRepeat = null;
Hi - Thank you very much for your efforts. I am very new to this. I will try my best to utilize the information you sent and will report back. Thanks again dbf
Thank you Frozeman. I was traveling for business the last 24 hours and will apply these suggestions tonight and will report back to announce my findings. Thank you.
Hello -
Frozeman, I have to say that I am quite unfamiliar with both Geth and Mist, and quite honestly and brand new to Ethereum. I downloaded Ethereum fresh install and promptly afterwards loaded some ether in the wallet after downloading. I really do not know what the two programs "Mist" and Geth" do or really, anything about them. I see I have a file named "Mist" in my Ethereum folder but no file within it to open or launch Mist that I can see. And embarrassingly, I don't know how to open or launch Geth either as there is no launch application anywhere on my computer even when I run search for "Geth".
I want to try the approach you suggest but I need better guidance of what these two programs are, what they do and how to actually open them and launch the window to where you are directing me to type your suggested prompts. I appreciate yours and everyone's patience with me. I am otherwise very tech savvy and a quick learner but being totally brand new to Ethereum/Geth/Mist I am a total "Newbie", so if you work with me a bit I'm confident I can understand and catch on. Am willing to compensate for your help too. Thanks so much!
@dbfrav there is some quite good documentation on the usage of geth (Mist's bundled default ethereum-client) at
As an alternative I can recommend you to use to unlock and transfer your funds. On a side note, this service is hosted directly on github and is running client side in your browser.
Luclu - Thank you sir. I really appreciate it, however, as I said above I really need to be helped in understanding the specific step by step actions I need to do with these programs before I can go in and apply your suggestions. Once I'm in I do not get the lingo, I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I need to be guided through this with the understanding that I am brand new and not familiar with these exact steps. If you or anyone could take the time and walk me through these promising remedies, I'm certain I can accomplish. Thank you again.
OK, so I've read up on Mist and I now better understand what Mist and Geth are. So thank you for the links Luclu. I really want to try what Frozeman suggested above first. However, when I launch Geth, I get the black window that loads up data and there's a blinking white cursor at the base presumably to type some code in? However, when I try to type what Frozeman suggests, nothing I type come out in the window. Nothing is displayed. So I now presume this is not the Console? How do I get to the Geth Console to type a command? This is the instruction I'm trying to follow but cannot find out how to do:
"In order to create a new account using geth, we must first start geth in console mode (or you can use geth attach to attach a console to an already running instance)"
I might also add that I contacted Dave at Wallet Recovery Service, just in case I may have made a typo of some sort when creating my password. He has not been able to BrutForce my password so I am more and more convinced that I am using the right password, but when I later created additional accounts through Geth after initial Ethereum Wallet setup, somehow my password has been corrupted. This further makes sense because others have reported this issue and here is a quote referring to this bug on the Accounts Management page which reads :
“Wrong password” notice. This seems to be a false notice on occasion on current Mist versions. Restart Mist and the problem should go away (if you indeed entered the correct password).
Restarting did not help me. So again I appeal to anyone for help here. I have a considerable amount of ether coins in this wallet and was willing to pay WalletRecoveryServices a percentage if they were able to succeed in unlocking but apparently they are unable. So I certainly would be willing to offer the same reward to anyone who can help me unlock this account to free up the coins.
Luclu - I was able to go into myetherwallet and use the JSON keyfile to attempt to unlock but it also asked for a password which when I entered it was also rejected. I'd like also to try Frozeman's suggestion above to verify if there was indeed a typo in my password when I created it but not being so familiar with Geth/Mist I cant find how to open Geth Command Box panel to type the command.
Also, I contacted Wallet Recovery Services to run BruteForce password cracker thinking that I may have typed a typo when I created the original password. Dave at WRS assured me that if I can give him as close to the password as possible, he'd most likely be able to decrypt the wallet. I would have used only one password and I recorded it instantly after creating it. I gave this password to Dave and after 3 days and millions of attempts with variations, he has said it doesn't look good. This suggests to me that somehow, when I created the additional accounts in the Main EtherBase wallet using Geth, that this somehow corrupted, deleted or caused the new account password to supersede the original password yet when we try the newly created account's password, it's also rejected.
TL/dr: I am 100% certain that I'm using the correct password that I used when creating the wallet. There are other users who have reported similar issues with passwords not working. For me, things became corrupted when I created a 2nd account using Geth Cmd Prompt window and creating a password for the new account. I have a sizable amount of ethers in this wallet and am now offering a reward of a healthy percent of them to anyone who can help me unlock it.
Can anyone take me any further with this?
You know, I'm quite surprised that besides my own recent posts, this thread has basically gone cold for the past week. I'm surprised that this issue isn't being taken more seriously by others. This is not an isolated issue of a "forgotten password" or a "lost password". I am just one of a number of different people who have had the same or very similar issue with sudden "unrecognized" passwords.
I have never forgotten or lost a password in over 20 years. And especially for an account that holds monetary value, in my case 442 Ethers, I absolutely will know precisely what my password is. I continue to hold and trade bitcoins in a wallet since 2012 and never would be so careless as to "forget" or "misplace" my password. So this is not the sorry circumstance of some careless individual who lost his password and is now crying a storm about it on the forums.
I'd actually be too embarrassed to admit to anyone if I ever actually forgot or misplaced a password for such an important account. No, based on how many other users have shared this same issue, this is a obviously a bug in the Ethereum/Geth/Mist system and each and every one of you should be concerned of why this happens.
All was fine with my Ethereum Basewallet until the day I decided to add an account using the Geth program. Things changed from that moment on. The Geth system asked me to create a password for the secondary account which was done via the Geth Command black window which was a total change-up compared to the steps I took to create the initial Ethereum Base wallet downloaded via Github. So of course, I entered a different password unique to that new account. But immediately after that, my main password did not work. The password I created for the 2nd account, does not work either.
When this initially happened I realized that I wasn't all that familiar with the inner workings of Ethereum, Geth or Mist as I admitted in by my posts above, but I don't think I should have to be an expert with the systems involved just to simply create a wallet, a password and hold and trade my Ethers in the same fashion that I have been doing so with Bitcoin since 2012.
But after the few suggestions offered above last week, I wanted to learn more to show those who were trying to help that I wanted to help myself too, and so over the past week I've studied the system and it's related programs to a degree that I feel I'm much better informed than I was a week ago. I even contacted Wallet Recovery Services to help me with the password just in case of the unlikely chance that I typed a typo when creating the password (which I would have had to do twice because in creating a password you must retype it to insure they match). Dave from WRS assured me that if I just gave him a password that was even CLOSE to the correct password, he'd be able to crack it in minutes. After 4 days he told me it he was having no luck. So, out of desperation, I went further and gave him every password I've ever used in my life online (I have a password keeper) even for accounts I no longer have. None of those worked.
So at this point, I am absolutely convinced that my password was somehow corrupted after creating the additional account in Ethereum Basewallet using Geth. And although some may say "hey, it makes no sense and it's your problem buddy". Perhaps so. I know it makes no sense. But it's factual as I describe. And since this suddenly happened to me with no apparent rhyme of reason, and scouting around this forum you'll see other threads from several others who have had the same or very similar issue, this should concern each and every one of you too because unless we, or someone, can figure out what is happening, and why this is happening, even if it is a rare occurrence, any one of you could be next.
I would like to add that my main interest in solving this issue is not so much in recovering my 442 Ethers, but to correct this "bug" so it doesn't affect other innocent users who trust this wallet with their hard earned coins like I did. So as my thread title now states with a late edit, I am willing to pay 20% of my wallet's contents of 442 Ethers to anyone who can help me help me solve this issue.
I thank all of you who have already offered help above and I thank in advance to anyone else who may be able to shine some light on this.
Holding out hope, dbf -
Dear Mr DBFrav,
First off, I would just like to say I am sorry that you are having such a rough time with this particular issue. Nothing grinds us harder than financial woes, then add technology to this mix.... Yeah I feel ya.
Couple of things I would like to clear up as I didn't see them when i was going through this post.
Exactly which version of Mist / Geth / EtherBase / etc and any applications have you installed that attempt to attach to the local chainstate?
So I know i just asked a lot, so lets break this down. I have ran into this password issue before and it has to do with data being overwritten in the ethereum geth data store.
I know how to fool windows into letting me run multiple copies of the chainstate in a singe Native environment, but it is messy and difficult to keep straight, especially when software updates occur and chainstates get ForKED! (Pun intended)
Hi! I am so grateful for your contact. I am away from home at the present and will be home in the morning, at which time I will comply with all of your requests. You made my night, and I thank you. Looking forward to talking tomorrow, Best regards, dusty ~
Also, I thought I would shed some light on why this issue happens. We want options. Because none of us like to have all our eggs in one basket. However, in the software realm of Ethereum, this is bad juju.
As you have already discovered, ethereum applications do not check to see if another ethereum application is installed and will use the same data store in your user profile regardless of what data may already be in there.
This is what I call obfuscated local awareness. And it is a problem in many software applications of this nature. Bitcoin never really had this problem because everyone who forked off the main branch renamed the data store folders for their specific coin. Ethereum apps do not do this.
Okay, so that is why you have this issue. We will see what can be done.
@ supere989. All required info forwarded to you. Thanks!
I am having this exact issue and I know my password is correct. I have a fair amount of ETH that is now locked up. I have come from Coinbase - I don't like their sharing of information.
OSX is El Capitan 10.11.5 Etherium-wallet version: 0.8.1 Geth: 1.4.10
What other info do you need?
@ shubrich76 - I still have not resolved my issue. I am still awaiting for help from others.
I don't know where OSX keeps user files, so if I were you, I'd do a global find on your hard drive for any files that contain the ethereum address of the account you're not having access to. It's possible there may be more than one on your hard drive & the one you believe you're using may not be the one you're actually using. Then using, I'd try to unlock each file found using your password (and a blank password, just to be exhaustive). If that still doesn't work, I'd suggest there is indeed a bug that may have caused your keystore file or encrypted private key to become corrupted. If so, definitely use this as a lesson to keep backups & know how to use and recover from them.
(IIRC, command-line geth & the geth embedded into the Ethereum-wallet GUI, at least on Windows, at one time used two different keystore paths. I don't know if they still do.)
Hey guys. I have the same problem here: I'm locked out of my ETH on coinbase. 1) It's clean WinX, geth is being used with "--datadir CUSTOM_DIR" (I'd guess its also a part of the ghm... bug?) 2) I have a second account, which was created in console. 3) BOTH passwords I have must be 100% correct (as I have it backed up in TWO independent vaults, And I have entered it manually few times. EDIT: I have also backups, which I didn't try yest, so we'll see
well... it was fun, yet still unclear what it was. I had a password and a backup of the key. BOTH apparently were proper! Trying accessing my wallet (from here for instance: always failed.
1) I've restored old system into VMWare VM - I had Acronis backup of the machine where account was initially created (supposedly before I fuck something up... presumably by moving geth to another drive, removing db...whatever...) 2) for some reason there was no key in (C:\Users\your-user\AppData\Roaming\Ethereum\keystore) so I placed my backup there 3) running "geth account update" and typing my password(that I always thought was the right one) in console allowed me to unlock and change password! 4) inserting the new json into with a new password just works now....
Hi all, I've been having the same issue since I recently updated geth on OSX sierra using terminal commands:
$ brew update $ brew upgrade $ brew upgrade ethereum
I also removed the entire blockchain and redownloaded it because of the recent DDOS/synching issues and i've been locked out of my accounts ever since. Although I have 'special characters' like '$'. and '@' in my mist generated password I have used it dozens of times in the past without problems. Password doesn't work on either.
A possible clue worth mentioning is that i'm getting 'Error: ethereum/ethereum/ethereum 1.4.13 already installed' when I try to update geth to 1.4.14 in my terminal window but according to my latest version GUI clients i'm already running 1.4.14 (Go)!
I will attempt to restore an old backup of my system and run 'geth account update' since it worked for ursul0, however, if I successfully run this command on my old system where exactly will the new json file/s be saved after it's generated? will it simply overwrite the corresponding existing json file/s in the keystore folder or will i need to dig around for it? How does it work?
I have lost access to a four figure sum of ETH but trying to deal with this rationally. Obviously any help, tips or suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Hi all, same here - I'm absolutely sure I typed the correct password but it has been changed it obviously right after - hence, a significant amount of ETH is now locked in fact. Is this some sort of fraud pattern and the ETH are being nicked in all affected wallets in some point of time in future?
What a relief.. typed my password out in textedit then pasted into worked first go
Did so too ... no success. For a second account without any ETH on it it worked fine ... for the first account with a significant credit not
Sad to see so many others with same issue occurring. I'm still holding hope that someone, somewhere will come forth and help resolve. dbf -
Bump for hope
@dbfrav Did you ever get a resolution to this? I am in a similar situation and am 90% confident in the password I thought I used, I've tried a number of hedge cases with no luck either and am getting a little nervous - wondering if you had any breakthroughs?
I've got exactly the same problem. I remember a little bit the situation: I was installing the Ethereum wallet and the first time I started the wallet it was giving instructions and I could try at the test network or someting. I didn't copy the first wallet address, but I couldn't wait so I created a "new" real account. I can't remember that I filled in a password. After that I thought let's create another wallet (And filled in password) and that worked also, so I decided to use wallet nr.1. I sended 8 eth to it. But now I can't access it anymore....
guys, it's some sort of a bug (feature) it happened to me also while I was checking out ubiq(eth clone).. I fixed it (on windows) few times with the following: 1) open cmd.exe console 2) perform password change "geth account update" 3) do manual input of your password (this is the only place I found that will accept it) and set up a new one
@226536k - I still have no resolution for this issue.
@ursul0 - Forgive my lack of tech knowledge. Where is cmd.exe console? How do I access this?
I was lucky enough to crack mine with pyth recover.
Hi all, I'm in the same boat. Sucks. I certainly have forgotten my priv key.
I'm using this software:
Fairly easy to setup, and I've got quite the operation going on now. Cracked my test Ethereum address in like 10 seconds when I set it up for testing.
I now have an combo of passwords to try, only spanning 5h hours. It's done over a million hits now for sure.
I'm so pissed and sad that I forgot my password.
AndyNormore, how are you making out?
I've learned a lot.
Seems there are FOR SURE bugs with importing pre-sale wallets, and maybe wallets in general.
There's a PreSale tool specifically written for those wallets, you can run a command line and it will tell you if the wallet is valid. Mines valid. You can try the password there, but of course, I've forgotten mine.
I'm now using EthCracker which is nice and easy to setup. I've run about 40 million passwords... and it seems im just getting started. I need to process about 3-10 billion passwords before I find it.
My wallets over at $85,000 USD now. Literally life changing kinda dough. lol
How did you make out?
OH I've also started contacting people who owned my old computers, and hunting them down offering cash to come scan their computer for lost passwords. Hahaaa.
@dbfrav - has a solution been found to your issue?
@ldrapeau - I have still not found a solution.
Well hi all, i seem to have the same issue on 2 different computers; Ubuntu and Windows 10. Mac doesn't seem to have any problems with it. Could this be a bug in the code perhaps encoding, or an added character on creation? Both are running version 0.8.1 i believe and where installed first when they had 0.6.x not sure about "x" here. It's strange that any account i create; i write down a password retest it and it says wrong password. With or without ether in the wallet. Some developers should really really look into this. I noticed i had duplicate key files 2 (unique) without the "UTC" time and 3 With the "UTC" time. Two of those 3 are same as the 2 without. The one that has no duplicate was created in 0.8.1 and the others where created in lower versions.
@dbfrav - If you don't mind (and are willing to be bombarded by a lot of questions - once again - sorry) please drop me a line on my gmail at louis dot fixme.
Just email me, to start a conversation. I don't mind teaching you this. The more I discuss this and find like minded people, the better OUR odds are to figure this problem out.
Hey just an update, I was running EthCracker - but have stopped and need to redo ALL of the breaking in favor of Pythrecover.
Install Python 2, install pip, install... there was one more thing, itll tell you when you try to run. And you're up and running.
I found that the combos are much better to get the EXACT replication of the password I may have used. I recommend it fully.
Note, this is for a PRESALE wallet only.
I would like to leave a message publicly that I would not trust ldrapeau with your data.
I had a phone call with him, and he said "Technically, if I unlocked your wallet, I would own the Ethereum". Not a professional thing to say, and certainly does not establish trust. If you're giving some one access to this, there can be no doubt. I have major doubts about this person. Technically, sure, you have access to an account - but that doesn't mean you own the account, or that you have escaped a verbal contract between two parties.
If you agree to a bounty of 20% for password recovery, that's all you get. You are legally bound to return the 80% of the contents.
If you did a file recovery of my vacation photos, and I send you my hard drive - those photos don't suddenly become yours, because you found them.
I'll say it again - do not trust ldrapeau. I suspect he'll take your wallet and run.
I have started where I will be officially starting a password recovery service that is reputable, trustable, accountable. Contact me there.
I don't know why this is so hard. The sheer greed of people in the password recovery business is incredible. The shadiness is even worse.
Dont trust you.
On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 10:23 AM, ldrapeau wrote:
Hi dbfrav,
Sorry, I hope my last post did not scare you, anyway. The next step for me would be to talk to you over the phone if possible. My name is Louis Drapeau, I founded Creations Informatiques LD Inc. in 1989, and have been in computers since then. I'm located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and can be reached by phone at 514-355-5666 <(514)%20355-5666>. Regards, Louis
2017-06-11 10:10 GMT-04:00 dbfrav
@ldrapeau - I have still not found a solution.
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There must have been something in the code that made a password go other than was typed. Not sure what else ever could have happen. For me the file sizes are the same as with versions before, the wallets are unchanged (seen by the modification dates of the files). That means, eighter the newer versions can't read/unlock them or the older versions did not write them the right way. As i've done a transaction with a previous version. That means or points more to be the newer version of "mist" or perhaps "geth" having a read or unlock-problem with older wallets. Perhaps with wallets made in mist 0.8.8 My Wallets where made in 29 december 2016. The same day i downloaded the wallet. Perhaps anyone had the same version?
@AndyNorme - Sorry if my comment translated to something bad to you, I was just trying to explain that whoever unlocks your ketstore adr will technically have access to all the ether in it. This is just pure logic, nothing else. To be more specific, it's clear that the the ether is yours and not mine, I just wanted to bring that fact to your attention, nothing more. Good luck with your project, Louis
@sworteu - The key here is to try to reproduce the problem with the (possibly) bugged version. Assuming you can reproduce the problem, I would create an account with the shortest password allowed and then brute force with all combinations which should not take that much CPU, see if the length is preserved or not, that could be a start point. I have not taken the time to read the code for the creation of an account. Trying things is a good way to filter in what exactly is going on.
@ldrapeau why would i want to brute force it. It worked before, the key files ar not changed so it must be mist doing something wrong. It's software, where bugs might occour. Let's just try to find the source and don't try to put bandages on everyone with services nobody asks for.
As you wish my freind...
2017-06-20 13:47 GMT-04:00 Dutchhype
@ldrapeau why would i want to brute force it. It worked before, the key files ar not changed so it must be mist doing something wrong. It's software, where bugs might occour. Let's just try to find the source and don't try to put bandages on everyone with services nobody asks for.
— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .
@sworteu - The version wallet I created on was/is 0.8.0.
@AndyNormore - Totally agree with the greed factor. Not so much on this thread but others I've posted on. So many have contacted me and the first question they ask "How much you willing to pay?"
Personally, I would help anyone with any problem that I felt I had the skills to match the issue at hand, and my reward would be the feeling of joy I would have in my heart that I was able to help a fellow human being who was in need. I will be contacting you.
@dbfrav Similar story here. On Februrary 12th 2016, I downloaded and ran Mist 0.3.9 entered my usual password I use for crypto wallets.. Purchased eth via shapeshift and sent it to the wallet.. May 20th I create another account with the same password try to send from the initial and password failed. Second wallet is unlockable. I have since tried new clients with no success. I have been bench marking hashcat and ethcracker tools but they have horrible hash per second rates. Mist wallet encryption is scrypt based and therefore cannot be run on GPU at the moment due to the huge memory requirements. I'm researching a couple of technologies that might help brute force our wallets in realistic time frame. This is definitely a BUG. I've been involved in Bitcoin since 2011 and have never seen the amount of password issues as there are with this garbage mist client. I wish the "founders" would acknowledge that it and perhaps contribute monetarily to develop a scrypt decyrpter platform. There are some technologies out that and also on the horizon that may make scrypt bruteforcing GPUable, like AMD Radeons SSG cards with 1TB mem onboard or microns FPGA boards But its going to take money.
Greetings -
Forgive me if I've posted in the wrong place. I am a new user of Ethereum and decided to download the EtherBase wallet from Github. After the download I extracted the files and then opened the Ethereum wallet file and it immediately began syncing with the blockchain right out of the box. Once completed it was ready to go and while syncing it did prompt me for a password and I was very careful in typing it twice and recording it to my password book. So once the blockchain synced I loaded some ether into wallet and it credited fine.
Then, the next day I downloaded Geth and Eth-miner and created 2 additional accounts to the main wallet via CMD window prompt and those accounts prompted me to create a password each which I did and recorded those passwords. Next day I wanted to send some ether from the main EtherBase account and I was prompted for the password which I entered. I got error message "wrong password". So I then tried the passwords for each new account that I created in CMD prompt mode but neither worked.
I am very good with passwords. I've never lost a password in my life or even confused them with others. I copy them down immediately when I comprise them so this is not an issue of a "lost password" or a mistyped password as there is a preventative for this in requiring you to retype password when creating the wallet. I am absolutely certain that the password is correct but the EthereumBase main wallet will not recognize it. I'm thinking that adding the two new accounts to the wallet via Geth CMD prompt may have caused this somehow?
I searched and found others who have had the same issue and people reply saying this could be a bug in the system.
As mentioned, in searches I came across several others who have similar issues but I see no remedy and the threads are now old and inactive. Here is a link to someone else having the same issue #161 but no remedy seemed to have taken place and thread was closed so I am hoping someone can help me out. I'd be eternally grateful for any and all assistance.
Best regards,
dbf ~