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Consensus-layer Call 131 #1003

Closed ralexstokes closed 3 months ago

ralexstokes commented 3 months ago

Consenus-layer Call 131

prev: call 130

Meeting Date/Time: Thursday 2024/4/4 at 14:00 UTC Meeting Duration: 1.5 hours stream

  1. Deneb
  2. Electra
    • Discuss currently included EIPs, including status of spec and any open questions
      • 6110
      • 7002
      • 7251 (@ethDreamer to give update)
      • 7549
    • Client team updates on current implementation status of each included EIP
    • Discuss any additional EIPs to include in Electra scope for early devnets
      • 7547 - Inclusion lists
      • anything else?
    • Agree on final scope for pectra-devnet-0
      • estimates on first devnet timeline?
  3. Research, spec, etc
    • PeerDAS
      • spec status update?
      • implementation status update?
      • start implementer’s call?
  4. Open discussion/Closing remarks
dapplion commented 3 months ago

Confirm that all clients use Deneb fork id for exits gossip topics on Deneb.

jrudolf commented 3 months ago

@ethdreamer to give an update on maxEB

terencechain commented 3 months ago

It may be useful to bring closure to the Bloxroute BDN issue. We left the matter unresolved last Thursday, pending a post-mortem report.

Today's update:

lucassaldanha commented 3 months ago

Electra Testnets: I'm wondering if there are any plans for an Electra testnet for EIP-7002 and EIP-6110? I believe those two EIPs could be tested together and there is no need to feature flag them (basically both enabled as part of Electra fork).

ralexstokes commented 3 months ago

@lucassaldanha yeah, i think we should push for electra testnets with all 4 included EIPs, and whatever we can hopefully agree to on today's call!

tbenr commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately I can't join the call today. Just sharing here teku's view about 7547, as shared yesterday on discord.

The design seems a bit unclean so far. My concerns are that, if we go for something like this, then ePBS\ET could change the context that IL design will be affected. Moreover, recent mainnet issues with block production and relay made me feel we should prioritize the CL-EL block separation, which will set a more solid base to build IL on top of. I'd keep it outside Electra and allocate time to ePBS related efforts.

realbigsean commented 3 months ago

Since then, LH and Prysm have updated their implementations to allow the Beacon-API submission of blobs even if a block has been observed over P2P, regardless of whether the equivocation flag is set to true

still a WIP on LH :) aiming for inclusion in our next release

timbeiko commented 3 months ago

Closed in favor of