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Project Management: Meeting notes and agenda items
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Execution Layer Meeting 190 #1066

Closed timbeiko closed 2 weeks ago

timbeiko commented 1 month ago

Meeting Info


edrahcir3 commented 1 month ago

I hope Geth (Guillaume/Marius/etc...) and EOF (Danno, Dragan, Colvin, etc...) team have a drink together. Verkle team was asked if they were ready for Prague and declined. That says Q1/Q2 2025 is a stretch; Q1/2026 sounds more realistic for Verkle. Ethereum is special because of EVM so improve with EOF. Love and appreciate the passion on the calls.

timbeiko commented 2 weeks ago

If time permits, I'd like to get client teams' feedback on my proposed template for EIPs' discussion-to threads. The hope is EIP champions would maintain this as the go-to place to track the latest info on an EIP. Is there anything missing? Should it be framed differently?

parithosh commented 2 weeks ago

I'd like to bring up the org , Its an org jointly owned by all client teams. Currently just CL teams are admins and I'd like to ask who in each of the EL teams would like to admin the org.

timbeiko commented 2 weeks ago

Closed in favor of