ethereum / populus

The Ethereum development framework with the most cute animal pictures
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Boulder Brainstorm Features #463

Open njgheorghita opened 6 years ago

njgheorghita commented 6 years ago

List of features brainstormed in Boulder 5/29 (# of votes)

Cute Animal Picture


miohtama commented 6 years ago

@njgheorghita out of curiosity, was there some real world meeting of developers? We would like to co-operate to bring modern solc support for Populus and py-evm instead of pyethereum seems to be a part of this puzzle.

voith commented 6 years ago

@njgheorghita will populus be made compatible with web3 4.x?

njgheorghita commented 6 years ago

@miohtama Yes! The python team is meeting in Boulder this week to plan out our roadmap. AFAIK Populus is low on our priority list (behind py-evm, trinity, web3, ethpm, vyper). I'll definitely reach out and coordinate with you once we shift our focus to Populus.

@voith It will eventually, but re: ^ it might be a little time before we get around to updating this repo.

miohtama commented 6 years ago

@njgheorghita Good stuff!

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

RE: testing plugin using py-evm and web3py, I have a py.test plugin here:

It's in alpha as I'm just playing around with it with my projects, but if you guys wants to help contribute and push it into populus as a plugin, I've been working on getting it into an ethereum repo for all to share.