ethereum / pyethapp

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Use the new eth-keyfile module, fixes #292 #293

Open AndreMiras opened 6 years ago

AndreMiras commented 6 years ago

Use the new eth-keyfile module to encrypt/decrypt keyfile. This makes it way faster to create and unlock accounts. For instance with 100K PBKDF2 iteration rather than 100. Running pyethapp/tests/ was outputing:

9 passed in 112.07 seconds

After the pull request it's now:

9 passed in 2.41 seconds
alexandermuehle commented 6 years ago

pyethapp is not upgraded to python3 so it is not compatible with eth-keys

AndreMiras commented 6 years ago

Hi @alexandermuehle thank you for your feedback! The good news is that I'm using pyethapp for my Python3 project and it's working OK see here Do you want me to double check if all test are passing and come with a pull request that update tox and Jenkins for Python3?

alexandermuehle commented 6 years ago

If I remember correctly json-rpc functions didn't work under python3 when I last tried it under py3, but I agree since the rest of the eth projects seem to be moving towards python3, this project should follow.

272 didn't receive an official response though would be nice if a maintainer could chime in

alexandermuehle commented 6 years ago

@vbuterin @ChihChengLiang @pipermerriam @hwwhww @changwu-tw any of you still active or has this project been abandoned?

pipermerriam commented 6 years ago

To the best of my knowledge this project is largely unmaintained. If you're looking for a python ethereum node, check out trinity which is currently being developed within the py-evm codebase

alexandermuehle commented 6 years ago

thanks for clearing it up @pipermerriam, maybe add a "deprecated" note on the pyethapp readme so people find the right python implementation