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Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
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Fixed point types #409

Open chriseth opened 8 years ago

chriseth commented 8 years ago


chriseth commented 8 years ago

Some notes:

IntegerType::binaryOperatorResult is too tight, this should work but seems not to: uint128(1) + ufixed(2), same with FixedPointType::binaryOperatorResult

also this should work: .5 * uint128(7)

what happens currently with uint(7) / 2? Is it identical to .5 * uint(7)?

add test about signed mod with rational constants (should behave identical to SMOD opcode)

VoR0220 commented 8 years ago

signed mod as in a modulus operation with signed rational constants?

chriseth commented 8 years ago

yes - and fixed point

VoR0220 commented 8 years ago

alright. I'll get on that. Crafting tests. Working on some fixes. And then it's onto the actual compilation.

VoR0220 commented 8 years ago

so couple of things. I got your first one working.

ufixed a = uint128(1) + ufixed(2);

The second two in the examples you laid out, based on how we defined implicit conversion are currently impossible.

0.5 currently converts to ufixed0x8 and that does not convert with a uint128.

uint(7) / 2 stays a uint256 after the division by 2 (it's truncating), and therefore cannot convert to ufixed128x128. And no... 0.5 * uint(7) is not the same as uint(7)/ is a ufixed0x8 and the other is dividing by an integer....kind of confusing....I'm thinking we may need to fix this up. Open to all suggestions....the only thing I can think up right now is to create a class atop integer type and fixed point and make it a super class of some kind...

chriseth commented 7 years ago

We decided to rather denote decimal places instead of "number of bits after the comma" to reduce confusion among users. This means that fixed64x7 is a type of 64 bits and a value x of this type is interpreted as the number x / 10**7.

The type fixed is an alias for fixed128x19. The reason is that this type simplifies multiplication and also allows conversion from int64 without loss of precision / range.

VoR0220 commented 7 years ago

@chriseth do we still want to allow users to fully extend the decimal range so that it can be fixed0x32 (I believe that's the full amount that it could take in but may be wrong).

chriseth commented 7 years ago

@VoR0220 note that the 0 is the total amount of bits in the type. The drawback of using decimals is that you cannot force the value to be between 0 and 1 anymore (because that does not fit the decimal range).

VoR0220 commented 7 years ago

@chriseth so in other words it HAS to have an integer portion now...That's fine by me. The range and precisions seriously diminishes after 128 bits in fixed point either way.

VoR0220 commented 7 years ago

Actually...I think we can.

chriseth commented 7 years ago

This might be relevant:

VoR0220 commented 7 years ago

^Good find.

axic commented 7 years ago

Added a todo list above.

I think a good start could be making the below code compile:

contract C {
  fixed a = 3.14;
  function f(fixed b) {
     a = b;
  function g() returns (fixed) {
    return a;
randomnetcat commented 6 years ago

Is this still planned for completion?

axic commented 6 years ago

A good question raised by @meowingtwurtle: should an explicit typecast from fixed point to integer be a reinterpretation of the bits or an actual integer conversion?

Currently typecasting is a mix between the two, but mostly it is an actual conversion and not reinterpretation. One example is function type to address (the address of the external contract) and to bytes4 (the signature of the external function).

I think we should always do an actual conversion, e.g. fixed point to integer is the integer only part. Reinterpretation can always be done via assembly if needed.

In the future it may make sense introducing a notation to separate the two.

fulldecent commented 6 years ago

The test case in this issue could be much improved to illustrate all features that are required to be implemented.

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

As long as shifts are now available in EVM, probably binary fixed point types should be considered yet again. Also it would be great to have 128-bit binary fixed point, e.g. 64.64 or 96.32 bit, because they are cheaper to multiply and divide than wider fixed point types.

chriseth commented 5 years ago

I still think it might be dangerous to provide binary fixed point numbers since they are harder to understand. You are right that previously, there was no efficiency difference between the two, though...

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

Binary fixed point is not harder to understand (actually simpler), than binary floating point, and people usually don't have to understand internal mechanics to use them. I believe many C++ developers think, that by writing 2.99e8 they use decimal floating point, but does this misunderstanding lead to any harm? As long as one may write area = 3.141592 * radius * radius and get correct answer, it does not matter, whether it is binary or decimal, and whether it is fixed or floating point numbers under the hood.

chriseth commented 5 years ago

People are generally way more used to decimal fixed points - they use them all the time when e.g. using money. They know how rounding works and are aware about the precision limitations. Comparing binary fixed points to floating points does not gain anything, one complex beast is as complex as another one... ;)

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

People are using decimal fixed point for money in real life, but in computer programs best practice is to always use integer numbers for money and measure money amounts in the smallest units (Wei for Ether, Satoshi for Bitcoin, cent for USD etc). The number of decimals is only considered when converting money amount to/from string.

As long as string conversion is usually performed not in smart contract, but rather in client-side code of DApp, I would not at all consider money amounts as a use case for fixed point numbers in Solidity. What could help here is a "decimals" hint in ABI JSON, that will help Web3 API to properly convert Javascript big number with decimals into/from integer when passing them to/from smart contract.

The real use cases for fixed point numbers in Solidity are calculations of simple and compound interest rates, exchange rates, margin rates, fees, reserve amounts etc.

chriseth commented 5 years ago

I still don't see the point. Interest rates are usually given in percents, not "perbins". All the other things you give are usually displayed in decimal to the user and thus also having decimal fixed points for them in the smart contract would remove confusion.

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

All numbers are usually displayed in decimals, including numbers such as Pi, e, and √2. This does not make these numbers more decimal that binary. Actually, decimal/binary is just an encoding, not the property of the number. For percents I didn't get your point. For me, interest rate of 2.45% is neither decimal nor binary, but just fractional. In Ethereum smart contracts it is usually convenient to store 1-second interest rate, rather than annual. This allows calculating compound interest for arbitrary time interval just by raising 1-second interest rate to the power of number of seconds in the interval (in Ethereum all time intervals always contain integer number of seconds). Such 1-second rates are usually something like 0.000000094% (corresponds to 3% annual rate). For me, both, decimal and binary representation works equally well for such rates. Mainstream Javascript implementations use binary integers and binary floating point, so at least for Javascript community, binary numbers are more familiar than decimals, in terms of range, precision, and rounding.

chriseth commented 5 years ago

My point is: If you use two decimal places precision, you know that you can always store all integer percentage values without loss of precision. You need 9 decimal places to store 0.000000094% without loss of precision. How many binary places do you need? And is the number representable as a binary fraction at all?

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

JSON uses, and its author champions, floating decimal.

I believe 10EE-18 is popular in Solidity implementations. Here is the implementation in Compound Finance

As long as source code is written with decimal literals then fixed point numbers should only be decimal based.

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

JSON uses, and its author champions, floating decimal.

I would not agree. For JSON, number format is implementation-dependent, but RFC 7159 explicitly says that:

This specification allows implementations to set limits on the range and precision of numbers accepted. Since software that implements IEEE 754-2008 binary64 (double precision) numbers [IEEE754] is generally available and widely used, good interoperability can be achieved by implementations that expect no more precision or range than these provide, in the sense that implementations will approximate JSON numbers within the expected precision. A JSON number such as 1E400 or 3.141592653589793238462643383279 may indicate potential interoperability problems, since it suggests that the software that created it expects receiving software to have greater capabilities for numeric magnitude and precision than is widely available.

Also, for this

As long as source code is written with decimal literals then fixed point numbers should only be decimal based.

I would not agree again. Solidity source code is usually written with both decimal and hexadecimal literals used equally often.

It seems that we are mixing three very different cases here:

  1. Numbers that are intrinsically integer but are rendered with certain fixed number of decimals. This includes money amounts such as Ether (stored in Wei but rendered in Ether with 18 decimals), Bitcoin (stored in Satoshi, but rendered in Bitcoin with 8 decimals), USD (stored in cents but rendered in USD with 2 decimals), etc. As long as these numbers are stored as integers, they do not need any fraction numbers support from compiler and platform. (Most common case)
  2. Real numbers with the more the better range and precision. In mainstream programming languages de-facto standard for such numbers is IEEE 754 double precision floating point numbers that have enough range and precision for most real-life applications. (Quite common case)
  3. Fractional numbers with particular decimal precision. Such numbers are often used to meet requirements of formal accounting rules, and usually accompanied with strict rounding rules such as round half to even rule. Mainstream languages usually do not support such numbers natively, but only via libraries. Though, specialized financial-oriented languages may provide core support for such numbers. (Quite rare case)
chriseth commented 5 years ago

Fixed point numbers are not essential, but they are nice to have. You can always use integers and keep a fractional divisor in your head and for that divisor, it is mostly irrelevant whether it is a power of 2 or of 10. IEEE 754 does not really apply here because it specifies floating-point numbers. If you store the exponent dynamically as in floating point numbers, using powers of two makes more sense, but we do not store it dynamically.

In general, I do not think that we should use arguments like "mainstream programming languages use X", but rather "mainstream programming languages use X because of the following advantages".

My impression is that most mainstream programming languages use binary exponents because of the above argument about floating point numbers and because floating point numbers are a feature of their target machine. Both of these issues are not relevant for Solidity.

@fulldecent if I remember correctly, you have been a strong opponent of adding fixed point number types to Solidity in general. Is that still your opinion?

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

No, one cannot just keep divisor in head, and use integers for fixed point, unless the numbers are intrinsically integers (see my previous comment). Fixed point numbers behave differently when multiplied and divided, for example 2.00 3.00 = 6.00, while 200 300 = 60000. And, most importantly, they have different overflow behavior. For example, if one uses signed 32-bit integers to represent fixed point numbers with 3 decimals, then 1000.000 2000.000 will return 2000000.000 (fits into signed 32-bit), while 1000000 2000000 will overflow. Thus one cannot just write something like x * y / 1000 to simulate fixed point multiplication via integers.

chriseth commented 5 years ago

@3sGgpQ8H of course you have to adapt some arithmetic operations, but the point I was making is that fixed point numbers do not need any drastically different ABI encoding or memory representation.

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

@chriseth My biggest argument is that the target machine supports only integers so we should support only integers.

My second biggest argument is that there is not widespread use of Exponent.sol or other userland approaches therefore it is wholly premature to add this feature to the language.

I'll change my mind when:

  1. Metamask actually uses contract ABIs when presenting transactions to the user;
  2. There is/are well-written userland fixed point implementation(s); and
  3. Projects that matter (deployed to production and having users) are using the implementation(s)
3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

There is demand for fractional math in Solidity, and non-widespread use of existing libraries as well as lack of high quality full featured libraries is mainly due to the lack of fractional numbers support in Solidity. While complicated functions, such as exponentiation or logarithm, and probably even basic arithmetic should be left for libraries to allow different implementations to coexist and compete, there are two essential things that only compiler can do:

  1. establish common format for fractional numbers, otherwise different libraries will not be able to interop, and
  2. support convenient fractional number literals, otherwise code dealing with fractions will be totally unreadable and unmaintainable.

So I think you are mixing cause and effect here.

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

For interop, are you talking about updating the ABI specification? That would be an EIP.

If libraries are not in widespread use then what other workarounds are people using the solve the real world problems that exist?

When I’m in a park or forest sometimes I’ll see a worn out dirt path in the grass. This is a good sign that a lot of people want to walk from one place to another even if there is no official trail.

If programmers demand to have fixed point numbers then they are going to use /something/ today. I have one concrete example, Exponential.sol, used in Compound.Finance. If there are other concrete examples, maybe even one using binary fixed point then it would be helpful to mention them here.

chriseth commented 5 years ago

We have a certain kind of a chicken-and-egg problem here and I think you cannot measure the demand by how many people implement workaround. Quoting an analogy from bicycle lane advocates: You cannot measure the demand for a bridge by the number of people swimming across a river.

One of the advantages of fixed point types supported by the compiler you cannot get by any other means is using operators for arithmetics. BEcause of that, using libraries for fixed point arithmetics is both hard to read and expensive, and I would guess that for most people this weighs heavily against the convenience.

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

@fulldecent By library interop problem I mean situation when developer wants to use in one contract fractional math functions from several libraries, but cannot do this efficiently, because each library uses its own format for fractional numbers.

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

I do not see a chicken and egg problem here. If smart contract developers want to do something they will do it. They don't just swim across the river, they swim through rock. Nothing about this new feature enables additional programming techniques. Everything is already possible with x / 10**18. Additionally, nothing in this feature is end user-facing; all client software still needs to divide by 10**18 for presentation to the end user.

We have only reviewed one concrete examples in this discussion -- Compound Finance uses 18-zeros decimal fixed point numbers.

At current, there is no interop problem because we have not identified a second piece of software that requires fixed point integers. Presumably there is only one piece of software that cares about fixed point numbers, they solved the problem, case closed.

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

There is no lack of smart contracts that operate with fraction numbers using various workarounds. Fraction numbers are actually widespread in Ethereum world. What is not widespread, and you correctly mentioned it, is use of fractional math libraries. The fact that most of such contracts do not go further than y = x * 3 / 100 does not mean that they really want two decimals fixed point math and nothing else. They actually want to calculate 3% of x in the simplest possible way, and would write y = 0.03 * x if this would work correctly in Solidity. And if this will ever work, most of the people will not care whether there are fixed or floating point, binary or decimal numbers under the hood. As most people don't care about how double data type works internally, as long as it works well for their tasks.

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

We're getting closer here.

Can you please provide references for this unnamed cache of contracts (with actual users) which are operating on fractions and would benefit from these proposed new features?

3sGgpQ8H commented 5 years ago

@fulldecent Sure. As a professional smart contract auditor I see various workarounds for missing fraction numbers in virtually every contract I review, and repetitive issues in naive implementations of such workarounds. As a professional smart contracts developer, I have to implement different sorts of workaround in virtually every contract I develop. Though, my personal experience might be non representative, here are several examples of quite widely used contracts that implement fractional math themselves:

  1. EtherDelta 2 uses decimal fixed point for fees abd simple fractions for prices, both implemented in naive, overflow-prone way.
  2. ENS Registrar uses naive decimal fixed point for refund ratios.
  3. BancorConberter uses binary fixed point.
axic commented 4 years ago

Some relevant discussions:

nventuro commented 4 years ago

Given the discussions today on the Solidity Summit it might make sense to halt development of the library we had in mind for OpenZeppelin Contracts: the proposed native support greatly aligns with what we had in mind. I guess @MicahZoltu got what he wanted :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a rough estimate for when we might expect this feature to be released? I'm not sure how much extra work is required on the compiler, given that fixed point types are already supported to a quite large extent.

Also, would explicit casts to and from intM be allowed for fixedMxN?

axic commented 4 years ago

Also, would explicit casts to and from intM be allowed for fixedMxN?

That was the plan, see the top message.

alcueca commented 4 years ago

[...] here are several examples of quite widely used contracts that implement fractional math themselves [...]:

And here there are another two significant projects that used Fixidity.sol for fixed point math, and deserve something better:

Synthetix made their own fixed point library, which I personally like a lot. I use a very similar one in an under-the-wraps DeFi startup I'm working for now.

If the point is not proven, I'm sure I can dig through a bunch of DeFi projects and most of them will use so

alcueca commented 4 years ago

@3sGgpQ8H made some good points that I think deserve better explaining. He told me the same a while ago in the OpenZeppelin thread and I only understood it fully while working in a different project.

When working with fixed point types the most common operation, by far, is this: uint modified_amount = uint amount * fixed rate

There is really no reason to keep currency amounts in fixed point numbers, except for the reason that I don't think we can have cross-type operations in solidity, so the above usually means: fixed modified_amount = fixed(uint amount) * fixed rate;

We shouldn't have currency amounts stored in fixed point types, but since we have to multiply them by a fixed point rate, that means you have to cast from uint amount to fixed amount, and then we have to be careful with precision losses due to representation.

My vote would be for a decimal representation, but I don't think it matters much. I'm pretty sure that a binary representation would work fine as well and if it is done right the smart contract developers would be none the wiser.

alcueca commented 4 years ago

Another comment is about using 18 decimals because that's the convention with ether. I pressed for this myself, @3sGgpQ8H told me I was wrong, and eventually I saw that taking a cue from the decimals used in ether is misleading, as I was told :man_shrugging:

Think about this, you have these two variables: uint money = 1 uint votes = 1

When you cast them into fixed point, you will want this result: fixed money = 1.0 uint votes = 1.0

But money is probably in wei, so to be consistent you would need: fixed money = 0.000000000000000001 fixed votes = 0.00000000000000001

So it doesn't matter how many decimals are in ether, a conversion from uint to fixed can't take them automatically into account.

However, there should be some option to cast from uint to fixed and automatically displace the result, something like this: fixed money = fixed_18(uint money)

The casting above would convert from uint money = 1 to fixed money = 0.000000000000000001

alcueca commented 4 years ago

How many decimals to use?

And I'm done! Thanks for listening! :nerd_face:

chriseth commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your input, @albertocuestacanada ! This actually leaves me much more worried than before...

Currently, all types and operators in Solidity (except for shifts and exp) work by either implicitly converting the left operand to the type of the right operand or vice-versa and then doing the operation in that type.

Furthermore, implicit conversions can only be done if there is no precision or data loss.

If we keep these concepts, then we can neither have fixed * int -> int nor fixed * int -> fixed. The only thing that can be done is something like fixed256x18 * int128 -> fixed256x18, i.e. the integer types has to fit inside the fixed point type.

What could make sense is - and this has been discussed another issue I currently cannot find - to make the result of the multiplication have a new type that fits both the value and the precision range of the result. I.e. unt64 * ufixed64x4 would have 4 digits precision and the number of bits required to represent the number (2**64-1) * (2**64-1 / 10**4). The benefit of this approach would be that we do not need overflow checks (because nothing ever overflows), but the downsides are that you need explicit type conversions afte almost each operation and the implementation would also be more complicated.

alcueca commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I thought that cross-type operations would be hard. If we can't have them for uint256 then there is probably no point, as we would have to cast all currency amounts anyway.

If we can't have fixed * int -> int nor fixed * int -> fixed, then we need to store currency amounts in fixed. That means that conversions between int and fixed can't have data loss. I might be wrong but that is probably harder to do with binary representation.

If we are going to store currency amounts in fixed because cross-type conversions are a no-go then I think we would need:

nventuro commented 4 years ago

Wouldn't such an application be better suited for functions in a library? Another related function is div(uint, uint) -> fixed - I'm not sure how such a function would be implemented in terms of operators.

chriseth commented 4 years ago

Do we really need so many integer digits? Wouldn't div(uint, uint) -> fixed be fine by converting the uint to fixed first?

About fixedA(1) == 1.0 and fixedB(1) == 0.00...001: The second could be realized by casting through a bytes32 I would say.

alcueca commented 4 years ago

Do we really need so many integer digits? Wouldn't div(uint, uint) -> fixed be fine by converting the uint to fixed first?

Yes, converting the uint to fixed would be fine, but as before being able to choose how to convert would be useful.

You would see the operation above when calculating the proportion than a certain token holds in a basket. For example if I have something like a balancer pool that should have a 40% of it's value in Dai, and the other 60% in WEth, you would do P = div(dai.balanceOf(address), weth.balanceOf(address)) to check if you have to rebalance.

If you can use a fixedB(1) == 0.00...001 conversion above, you wouldn't need to worry about overflows. You just do div(fixed(uint), fixed(uint)).

If you must use a fixedA(1) == 1.0 conversion above, you need to know that you convert currency amounts like this: fixed_a = fixed(uint_a) / fixed(10**decimals_a). You also need to require(a < MAX_UINT256 / 10**decimals_a);. A bit cumbersome, and slightly limiting (not much), but can be coded in a library. A lot of gas would be wasted, though.