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v6 Breaking Changes #1416

Closed kclowes closed 1 year ago

kclowes commented 5 years ago

Now that v5 stable is out, it's time to start collecting a list of breaking changes that we might like to see in v6. I'll update this issue as they come up.

Outstanding breaking tasks:

shouldn't be breaking:

kclowes commented 4 years ago

All custom web3 exceptions should inherit from Web3Exception. See #1478

kclowes commented 4 years ago

The eth-utils and web3 apply_formatter_to_array functions are slightly different. We should standardize on one or the other (probably the eth-utils version). The apply_formatter_to_array function in web3 converts the return value to an array and the eth-utils version does not. See issue #1902

carver commented 4 years ago

Looks like the #1419 plan is to enable strict bytes length checking by default. At which point I think #1154 could be closed.

kclowes commented 4 years ago

Remove Infura auto provider logic from within web3 and make a template for new auto providers to use. See issue #1736

wolovim commented 4 years ago

~Whisper is officially out of Geth distros (latest release notes), so we probably ought to drop support too.~

Not necessary to wait for v6. Support removed in #1791.

wolovim commented 4 years ago

v6 is a probably a good time to reflect on some client namespace topics, given:

kclowes commented 3 years ago

The SolidityError that was introduced in #1585 should be more generic since more than one language has an assert/revert feature and we want to support more than just Solidity. See #1901

kclowes commented 2 years ago

Drop python 3.6 support. Python 3.6 will no longer be supported after 12/23/21. See:

kclowes commented 2 years ago

Remove camelCase methods in eth and geth modules. Consider making buildTransaction -> build_transaction, estimateGas -> estimate_gas

kclowes commented 2 years ago

Move websockets dependency to 10.0+ which means we can get rid of loop argument deprecation warnings. Dependent on dropping python 3.6

kclowes commented 2 years ago

Standardize default value for block_identifier in and Change made in #2335 already, just needs tests.

kclowes commented 2 years ago

Add black

wiseaidev commented 2 years ago

It would be great to integrate pre-commit within tox to make the dev process faster & easier in a way that developers are not required to manually fix linting issues. To do so, The following modifications would be introduced to tox.ini:

skip_install = true
deps = pre-commit
    pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure

instead of:

    flake8 {toxinidir}/web3 {toxinidir}/ens {toxinidir}/ethpm {toxinidir}/tests --exclude {toxinidir}/ethpm/ethpm-spec
    isort --recursive --check-only --diff {toxinidir}/web3/ {toxinidir}/ens/ {toxinidir}/ethpm/ {toxinidir}/tests/
    mypy -p web3 -p ethpm -p ens --config-file {toxinidir}/mypy.ini

And then add code formatters and fixers in the pre-commit config file(.pre-commit-config.yaml) as local hooks like:

  - repo: local
      - id: flake8
        name: Check flake8 syntax
        entry: flake8 web3 ens ethpm tests --exclude ethpm/ethpm-spec
        pass_filenames: false
        language: system
        types: [python]
      - id: isort
        name: Sort imports alphabetically
        entry: isort --recursive --check-only --diff web3 ens ethpm tests
        pass_filenames: false
        language: system
        types: [python]
      - id: mypy
        name: Check mypy static types match
        entry: mypy -p web3 -p ethpm -p ens --config-file mypy.ini
        pass_filenames: false
        language: system
        types: [python]

To add black as @kclowes did in PR:#2345, just add a new local hook in a similar fashion to the previous ones:

      - id: black
        name: Run black code formatter
        entry: black ethpm --exclude ethpm/ethpm-spec web3 ens tests --check
        pass_filenames: false
        language: system
        types: [python]

pre-commit is equipped with useful built-in fixers to automatically format files given certain properties such as:

  - repo:
    rev: v4.1.0
      - id: trailing-whitespace
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
      - id: check-yaml
      - id: check-json
      - id: pretty-format-json
        args: ['--autofix']
      - id: debug-statements
      - id: mixed-line-ending
        args: ['--fix=lf']
        description: Forces to replace line ending by the UNIX 'lf' character.
      - id: forbid-new-submodules

The good news is that these modifications are backward compatible with the current make and tox configurations, running $ make lint, however, would generate something similar to the following:

Screenshot from 2022-02-20 11-24-52

What do you think about adding pre-commit? If y'all agree, I will be more than happy to open a PR.

dbfreem commented 2 years ago

@kclowes I made the change for buildTransaction build_transaction and estimateGas -> estimate_gas in the asyncify contract branch. I did deprecate the camelCase version but maybe since this is a move to v6 they could just be removed??

Also, I can take a pass at removing all the deprecated camelCase methods from geth and eth.

kclowes commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much, @dbfreem!

I did deprecate the camelCase version but maybe since this is a move to v6 they could just be removed??

They can be removed in v6 (master), but we'll need to add a deprecation warning in the v5 branch for the camelCase version.

Also, I can take a pass at removing all the deprecated camelCase methods from geth and eth.

That would be great! I've been looking forward to getting that done!

dbfreem commented 2 years ago

Could ConciseContract and ImplicitContract be removed as part of v6?

kclowes commented 2 years ago

Yes! Thanks for the reminder!

kclowes commented 2 years ago

Explore raising a web3 specific error message rather than ValueError when method isn't available on the node:

dbfreem commented 2 years ago

Should parity be removed as part of v6? It doesn't have a DeprecationWarning saying that but the docs say that Parity will be removed in v6. If we remove it I am assuming like other things we would add the DeprecationWarning to v5 and remove in v6.


kclowes commented 1 year ago

Remove version module. All methods are implemented elsewhere.

kclowes commented 1 year ago

2629 - make ipfshttpclient opt-in

MartinThoma commented 1 year ago

I see all checkmarks here set 🎉🥳

MartinThoma commented 1 year ago

I see that this is closed and v7 is ~released~ in planning, but web3==6.0.0 is not yet on PyPI:

Do you know when it will be? How is the procedure to decide when this will be?

I'm very excited about it, as web3 is currently blocking one of my projects from moving to Python 3.11 :sweat_smile:

fselmo commented 1 year ago

Hey @MartinThoma, we are in a code merge freeze and late testing phase just to make sure we don't need to make minor adjustments. If there are no complications, v6.0.0 should be right around the corner 🙂.

To clarify, what do you mean by v7 is released? We've opened an issue to start capturing future breaking changes that will go into v7 but that is the only v7-related content at the moment.

menaitm commented 1 year ago

Hey @fselmo, please can you publish the code-frozen v6.0.0 to PyPI as a 6.0.0-beta.12 or rc? I'd like to test against the code most likely to be released in v6


kclowes commented 1 year ago

The code frozen version is up as v6.0.0-beta.11. Let us know if you see anything!