ethereum / wiki

The Ethereum Wiki
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Close down this wiki in favour of ethresearch/wiki #652

Open bmann opened 5 years ago

bmann commented 5 years ago

As far as I know, the contents of the Github Wiki here have been ported to by @virgil.

I've filed an issue in that space as well to track progress

Should this wiki be archived? I think it should Here are my suggestions:

jamesray1 commented 5 years ago

Last time I checked the wikiJS site didn't seem to be better. Details in

bmann commented 5 years ago

That’s an opinion. As is the opinion that wikiJS is better ;) It looks that thread has been deadlocked for month.

For WikiJS, I like the mix of front end editing by everyone, path based permissions and accounts, a simple to maintain hosting system, plus the full power of GitHub issues and PRs as well. It’s good for beginners who won’t use GitHub, and works for people that are comfortable in GitHub too. There are good upgrades coming in the next version of WikiJS.

It will also allow people to run alternate front ends too — since it’s just a native git repo for all the content.

I think we all agree that a plain GitHub wiki isn’t great, and locks us into the GitHub platform and URLs, with no power over redirects and limited moderation tools.

I mean, it’s up to whomever is in control of this repo. It’s time to make some clear decisions, clear out stale content, and just move forward.

I’ll be “signaling” by putting my time into the WikiJS wiki.

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

I came here to improve the NatSpec documentation today. But it has been vandalized/removed from this wiki. And there is no canonical source. So...

ChrisChinchilla commented 5 years ago

Personally I don't really mind what goes where, but I'd really like to have an EF maintained set of docs that takes people through what they need to know in an easy to find and easy to follow manner, forwarding them to appropriate sources for project docs when necessary. I am happy to be involved making this happen, but need to know if that's what people want to happen.

jamesray1 commented 5 years ago

@ChrisChinchilla, it seems to me like the EF isn't interested in dedicating enough resources to maintaining docs, but perhaps I am wrong.

@fulldecent, I see that you figured out yourself how to restore the NatSpec format.

@bmann Honestly I am not interested in continuing to dedicate my time for Ethereum pro-bono, after doing so since mid-2017. If you want to take the charge, you're welcome; and you can talk to someone who works in the Foundation about getting collaborator access to this repo, e.g. @Souptacular, although the changes you listed are simple to do. However, until wikiJS 2.0 hits, I'm not convinced that the wikiJS site is better from a UI perspective. I like being able to use the sidebar, and search on the site didn't work when I tried. If there was a fully functional search function like Wikipedia that has search results including content in articles, you could do without the sidebar, although it can still help. IIRC I pointed out other issues in the mentioned issue thread.

I added a section referring to the JS site.

ChrisChinchilla commented 5 years ago

@jamesray1 Not strictly true, I am here, but mostly on the Solidity team, and I am keen to help more, I just don't know if anyone wants me to :/ And they are funding some docs work to other projects with grants. Docs are hard, especially for a bunch of disparate, but kind of connected projects.

virgil commented 5 years ago

You all may be satisfied with . Currently running the beta of WikiJS v2.

bmann commented 5 years ago

@virgil looks like is down? If you’re going to change URL, please redirect links from the old domain.

ChrisChinchilla commented 5 years ago

OK, couple of questions / thoughts @virgil

Those things aside (and at least a couple of them are important), how do we make this become the wiki?

virgil commented 5 years ago

@virgil looks like is down? If you’re going to change URL, please redirect links from the old domain.

Already did it. That's a browser cache issue. It works if you use on a browser with a cleared cache.

How are people approved for writing / editing? I couldn't seem to edit anything, and the best balance may be anyone can edit, but changes have to be approved/discussed.

Anyone with a github account can edit.

feel like might be a better domain. First if it has history, second as it's more memorable.

I lean toward just because it's shorter. I was also recommended to me because some chinese users have difficulty spelling "ethereum".

I think we should also have some sort of domain forward from, etc


I couldn't figure out if whisper.js allows for translations, but we probably do want to allow for en., de. etc domains.

I'll make it once WikiJS supports translations.

There's some duplication between the external resources listed here and the external resources on the new site, I think we should either keep them in sync for consistency, or drop them from here. Or this becomes the "official" resources page instead, but yeah, that requires discussion.

I anticipate there will be some duplication of content. And I predict the content on will probably end up being a superset of the content on

ChrisChinchilla commented 5 years ago


Are you sure about the access? I get "Unauthorized" on every page.

bmann commented 5 years ago

@virgil it really is down

virgil commented 5 years ago

Oh I fixed this. Even for HTTPs.

faraggi commented 4 years ago

Any updates on this thread? How about we bring it up again?

The content on this wiki is so outdated, yet gets so many views, that it's becoming a problem. I'm sure other teams and persons have had the same experience.

IMO, just deleting this is better than letting it hang here.