ethereumjs / ethereumjs-monorepo

Monorepo for the Ethereum VM TypeScript Implementation
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Client JSON-RPC Support #1114

Open ryanio opened 3 years ago

ryanio commented 3 years ago

This is a tracking issue for JSON-RPC support in the client.

Endpoint Status
eth_blockNumber :white_check_mark:
eth_call :white_check_mark:
eth_coinbase :white_check_mark:
eth_estimateGas :white_check_mark:
eth_gasPrice :white_check_mark:
eth_getBalance :white_check_mark:
eth_getBlockByHash :white_check_mark:
eth_getBlockByNumber :white_check_mark:
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash :white_check_mark:
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber :white_check_mark:
eth_getCode :white_check_mark:
eth_getLogs :white_check_mark:
eth_getStorageAt :white_check_mark:
eth_getTransactionByHash :white_check_mark:
eth_getTransactionCount :white_check_mark:
eth_getTransactionReceipt :white_check_mark:
eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber :white_check_mark:
eth_protocolVersion :white_check_mark:
eth_sendRawTransaction :white_check_mark:
eth_syncing :white_check_mark:
net_listening :white_check_mark:
net_peerCount :white_check_mark:
net_version :white_check_mark:
web3_clientVersion :white_check_mark:
web3_sha3 :white_check_mark:

Namespace: Real-time Events (Publish-Subscribe)

Endpoint Status

Namespace: Engine API

Endpoint Status
eth_newPayloadV1 :white_check_mark:
eth_forkchoiceUpdatedV1 :white_check_mark:
eth_getPayloadV1 :white_check_mark:
eth_exchangeTransitionConfiguration :white_check_mark:

Namespace: Admin

Endpoint Status
admin_addPeer :white_check_mark:
admin_nodeInfo :white_check_mark:
Click to expand...Additional Namespaces #### Namespace: [Debug]( | Endpoint | Status | | ----------- | ----------- | | debug_backtraceAt | | | debug_blockProfile | | | debug_cpuProfile | | | debug_dumpBlock | | | debug_getBlockRlp | | | debug_memStats | | | debug_seedHash | | | debug_setHead | | | debug_setBlockProfileRate | | | debug_stacks | | | debug_startCPUProfile | | | debug_stopCPUProfile | | | debug_traceBlock | | | debug_traceBlockByNumber | | | debug_traceBlockByHash | | | debug_traceBlockFromFile | | | debug_standardTraceBlockToFile | | | debug_standardTraceBadBlockToFile | | | debug_traceTransaction | :white_check_mark: | | debug_verbosity | | | debug_vmodule | | | debug_writeBlockProfile | | | debug_writeMemProfile | | #### Namespace: [LES]( | Endpoint | Status | | ----------- | ----------- | | les_serverInfo | | | les_clientInfo | | | les_priorityClientInfo | | | les_addBalance | | | les_setClientParams | | | les_setDefaultParams | | | les_latestCheckpoint | | | les_getCheckpoint | | #### Namespace: [Clique]( | Endpoint | Status | | ----------- | ----------- | | clique_getSnapshot | | | clique_getSnapshotAtHash | | | clique_getSigners | | | clique_proposals | | | clique_propose | | | clique_discard | | | clique_status | | #### Namespace: [Miner]( | Endpoint | Status | | ----------- | ----------- | | miner_getHashrate | | | miner_setExtra | | | miner_setGasPrice | | | miner_start | | | miner_stop | | | miner_setEtherbase | | #### Namespace: [Personal]( | Endpoint | Status | | ----------- | ----------- | | personal_importRawKey | | | personal_listAccounts | | | personal_lockAccount | | | personal_newAccount | | | personal_unlockAccount | | | personal_sendTransaction | | | personal_sign | | | personal_ecRecover | | #### Namespace: [TxPool]( | Endpoint | Status | | ----------- | ----------- | | txpool_content | :white_check_mark: | | txpool_inspect | | | txpool_status | |
holgerd77 commented 3 years ago

Just a reminder on this issue, it would be good if new RPC calls added would be checked here. Eventually we might also want to add the Merge RPC calls (//cc @gabrocheleau).

holgerd77 commented 2 years ago

Is this issue still helpful or should we rather close and let this continuously evolve from what we have now?

jochem-brouwer commented 2 years ago

I think this is a helpful tracking issue! 😄

ryanio commented 2 years ago

I've been trying to keep the list updated over time as we add endpoints :)

I am planning to open a PR next week to add a bunch of missing ones from the ETH namespace that are easy, for completeness sake.

I also want to implement websockets with eth_subscribe and eth_unsubscribe and have some starting code for it but haven't prioritized finishing it yet.

rodrigoherrerai commented 1 year ago

Hello ! I would love to work on this, is the list updated ?

acolytec3 commented 1 year ago

Hello ! I would love to work on this, is the list updated ?

Thanks for your interest. It certainly looks to be up to date. If you wanted to take some low hanging fruit, there are several RPC methods that I've done first draft implementations that are outlined in #2362 for our Shandong testnet that are probably good candidates to pull into master since the Shandong branch won't be merged in its current form.

holgerd77 commented 1 year ago

Hello ! I would love to work on this, is the list updated ?

Yeah, can second this, that's great to hear! 👍

Alternatively you can also just suggest 1-3 methods you would want to implement and then we can see if there are some caveats you are eventually not yet aware of (e.g. some internal implementation details or limitations) and give you some first-round guidance if needed.

rodrigoherrerai commented 1 year ago


I was thinking of implementing 'eth_gasPrice' but as I can see @acolytec3 already has it done ?

Another option could be to start with 'eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber'.

acolytec3 commented 1 year ago

I was thinking of implementing 'eth_gasPrice' but as I can see @acolytec3 already has it done ?

I don't think my implementation is "done". I just hacked something together so our client would support eth_gasPrice on the Shandong test net (since Metamask doesn't work at all otherwise). So, if you want to take what I did as purely a proof of concept and make it more robust, that would be a big win. But your other one sounds great too!

rodrigoherrerai commented 1 year ago

Great !

rodrigoherrerai commented 1 year ago

@acolytec3 One question, for eth_gasPrice, what should it return if the chain does not support 1559?

acolytec3 commented 1 year ago

@acolytec3 One question, for eth_gasPrice, what should it return if the chain does not support 1559?

I'd do something simple like just take the average gas price from transactions in the last block or 1, whatever is greater.

acolytec3 commented 1 year ago

Or alternatively, the average gas price of transactions in our txpool if there are any but that might be too complex for something that will be seldom used.

holgerd77 commented 1 year ago

Or alternatively, the average gas price of transactions in our txpool if there are any but that might be too complex for something that will be seldom used.

Or maybe at least iterate over a couple of blocks (something like 15-20), maybe with a breaking condition to stop once a certain number of txs is included in the calculation (for performance reason, to not overload on heavy-load networks like mainnet, so e.g. stop with 1000 txs or so)?

We (EthereumJS client) are often operating on low-usage testnets, and we would otherwise pretty often fall back to the 1 answer, e.g. now on Shandong as well sinc - mostly - the block before is just empty.

When looking at the Shandong blocks at, maybe 20 is even a bit low and we still can do something like 100 (open for any other suggestion) together with this 1000 txs cap? 🤔

I think it would be worth to optimize here a bit so that we can - in the majority of cases - provide at least a somewhat useful answer/estimate here.

holgerd77 commented 1 year ago

Update: ah, sorry, didn't take "chain with no 1559" too much into account. Then suggestion might be a bit over-engineered, not sure. On the other hand, this should also not be too laborious to add/implement, so might be a nice extra.

JowieXiang commented 1 year ago

Hello! I would like to work on this. I'm quite new to EVM and might take more time to finish a PR. Please suggest an Endpoint so I can get started :)

acolytec3 commented 1 year ago


If you are just starting into this, maybe eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex or eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash. These should both be relatively straightforward to implement, basically just pulling a block from the DB and either getting the transaction (simple array index lookup) or getting the length of the uncle header array and returning it.

JowieXiang commented 1 year ago


If you are just starting into this, maybe eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex or eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash. These should both be relatively straightforward to implement, basically just pulling a block from the DB and either getting the transaction (simple array index lookup) or getting the length of the uncle header array and returning it.

Hi @acolytec3 thanks! I'll look into them.

JowieXiang commented 1 year ago

@acolytec3 I've added eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex here #2443. Haven't added tests yet, will add them in a following commit in case there's still some issue with the implementation.

JowieXiang commented 1 year ago

@acolytec3 tests added. #2443