ethereumjs / ethereumjs-tx

Project is in active development and has been moved to the EthereumJS VM monorepo.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Contradiction in docs #106

Closed nolash closed 6 years ago

nolash commented 6 years ago

From this page:

For Object and Arrays each of the elements can either be a Buffer, a hex-prefixed (0x) String

Example below it has no 0x

var rawTx = {
  nonce: '00',
  gasPrice: '09184e72a000',
  gasLimit: '2710',
  to: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  value: '00',
  data: '7f7465737432000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600057',
  v: '1c',
  r: '5e1d3a76fbf824220eafc8c79ad578ad2b67d01b0c2425eb1f1347e8f50882ab',
  s: '5bd428537f05f9830e93792f90ea6a3e2d1ee84952dd96edbae9f658f831ab13'
var tx = new Transaction(rawTx);

which is correct?

holgerd77 commented 6 years ago

Explanation suggesting the 0x prepending is correct, have submitted and merged a PR with updated example code.