ethereumjs / ethereumjs-tx

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TypeError: require('ethereumjs-tx') is not a constructor #176

Closed PHPJourney closed 4 years ago

PHPJourney commented 4 years ago

This packages version 2.1.1 const EthereumTx = require('ethereumjs-tx'); new EthereumTx(rawTx, {chain: "rinkeby", hardfork:"byzantium"});

I'm initialize this Object get this wrong. TypeError: EthereumTx is not a constructor

at the same time. I const EthereumTx from require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction.

call normal.

However, the signature result cannot be broadcasted to the chain normally, and the signature result can be broadcast directly, and the success prompt is returned.


My Signature fragment

const EthereumTx = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction; const web3 = require("web3"); var sha3 = web3.utils.sha3("transfer(address,uint256)"); const data =sha3.substr(0,10)+ web3.utils.padLeft(_to.substr(2), 64)+web3.utils.padLeft(_value.substr(2), 64); const rawTx = { nonce: '0x'+nonce,//parseInt(Math.random() 1000), gas: this._toHex(60000), gasLimit: this._toHex(1e8parseInt(, gasPrice: this._toHex(1e8*parseInt(gasPrice.average)), from: _from, to: _contract, value: _value, chainId:4, timestamp: new Date().getTime(), data: data }; const tx = new EthereumTx(rawTx, {chain:'rinkeby',hardfork:'byzantium'}); tx.sign(_privatekey); const serializedTx = tx.serialize(); console.log('0x'+ serializedTx.toString('hex'));

alcuadrado commented 4 years ago

Hi @PHPJourney,

Is your problem that you can't broadcast a tx or that you get a TypeError? The issue's title indicates the latter, but you seem to have already realized how to import this library.

If you are trying to get help about how to sign and broadcast a tx you should provide more info about what you are trying to do.

I suspect your problem is related to this anyway:

var sha3 = web3.utils.sha3("transfer(address,uint256)");
const data =sha3.substr(0,10)+ web3.utils.padLeft(_to.substr(2), 64)+web3.utils.padLeft(_value.substr(2), 64);
PHPJourney commented 4 years ago

hello @alcuadrado What I'm rather confused about TypeError is why many of the examples I've seen before use require ('ethereumjs-tx'). And I need to state the method name.

In addition, when signing broadcasting, I can normally get the signature result and broadcast, but after waiting for a period of time, the transaction ID record is lost.

Here's my actual signature process

const util = require('ethereumjs-util') const web3 = require('web3'); const EthereumTx = require('ethereumjs-tx').Transaction; function _gasPrice(){ return axios.get('/json/ethgasAPI.json').then((response) => { return response; }). catch((error)=> { console.log(error); }); }; function _getTransactionCount(address){ return axios.get(''+ address +'&tag=latest&apikey=YourApiKeyToken').then((response) => { return response; }). catch((error)=> { console.log(error); }); }; export default { _toWei: function(_value){ return web3.utils.toWei(_value, 'Ether'); }, _toHex: function(_value){; return web3.utils.toHex(_value); }, _sendTransaction(rawHash){ return axios.get(''+rawHash+'&apikey=YourApiKeyToken').then((res) => { return res; }).catch((err)=> {; }); }, _send: function (_from, _to, _privatekey, _value, _contract){ var rawTx; _privatekey = new Buffer(_privatekey, 'hex'); var gasPrice, predictTable,nonce; return _gasPrice().then((res)=> { gasPrice =; var sha3 = web3.utils.sha3("transfer(address,uint256)"); const data =sha3.substr(0,10)+ web3.utils.padLeft(_to.substr(2), 64)+ web3.utils.padLeft(_value.substr(2), 64);, "data"); return _getTransactionCount(_from).then((rest)=> { nonce = parseInt( + 1; if(_contract !== null){ _value = '0x00'; console.warn('nonce', nonce, _value); rawTx = { nonce: '0x'+nonce, gas: this._toHex(60000), gasLimit: this._toHex(1e8parseInt(, gasPrice: this._toHex(1e8parseInt(gasPrice.average)), from: _from, to: _contract, value: _value, chainId:4, timestamp: new Date().getTime(), data: data }; }else { rawTx = { nonce:'0x'+nonce, gas: this._toHex(60000), gasLimit: this._toHex(gasPrice.fast1e8), gasPrice: this._toHex(gasPrice.average1e8), from: _from, to: _to, value: _value, chainId:4, data: '' }; console.log("rawTx ", rawTx); } const tx = new EthereumTx(rawTx, {chain:'rinkeby',hardfork:'byzantium'}); tx.sign(_privatekey); const serializedTx = tx.serialize(); return this._sendTransaction('0x'+serializedTx.toString('hex')).then((req)=>{ return { hex:'0x'+serializedTx.toString('hex'), }; }); }); }); }, }


this._send(from, to, privatekey, this._toHex(this._toWei(value)), contract)

PHPJourney commented 4 years ago

my nonce is Wrong