ethereumjs / organization

A repo for discussions and other non-code organizing stuff
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Educational visualization suite & framework #30

Closed courajs closed 3 years ago

courajs commented 6 years ago

It would be awesome to have a scriptable visualization framework that could be used to explore properties of the network, or to create educational animations.

I'm pretty new to the crypto and ethereum space, and what would help a lot in my understanding is a set of animations of the execution of simple contract code, how a block is propagated and verified, and how the network rejects false blocks injected by a malicious actor would be AMAZING.

I'm imagining a bit of an in-browser emulater, where I could set up nodes, "deploy" contracts, step through the mining process, designate a node to find a block, essentially step through any part of the protocol on any node. Then, if this was scriptable, we could create a suite of explanatory animations for those looking for an accurate picture of how the network actually works.

holgerd77 commented 6 years ago

Sounds like a really nice idea, not sure, if there are the resources for something like this atm though.

holgerd77 commented 5 years ago

Will transfer this to organization (will delete ``ideas´´ since this never caught off and it is already challenging to maintain one organizational repo).

holgerd77 commented 3 years ago

Old issue and no follow-up (also not really a dedicated issue, rather an idea write-up). Will close here.